March 17. 2010 Il!' Jlortbniì» Qftbseruer Page 3 IN S ID E W o m en in H istory H ealth M atters page 8-9 photo by J ake T homas /T he P ortland O bserver Longstanding issues with the Portland Police Bureau got an airing Sunday before the Citizen Review Committee. Police Reforms Gain Steam New calls for independent oversight by J ake T homas T he P ortland O bserver tNTEDTAINMENT page 10-13 HERE AT THE OSCARS O pinion page 14-15 WE APPRECIATE A N Y FILM THAT DEPICTS blacks as isnorant PRIMITIVE. ILLITERATE poor , dirty , lazy , CRIMINAL ABUSIVE UNHEALTHY and last BUT NOT LEAST VIOLENT C lassifieds EL O bservador F o o d page 20 page 16-17 Portlanders concerned about police accountability gave up their Sunday afternoon to gather at a forum at Portland State University organized by the Citizen Review Committee, a board that reviews complaints regarding police offic­ ers. The event was initially intended to address the 2006 death o f James Chasse, a mentally-ill man who was beaten to death during an arrest confrontation, but the forum took on a broader range o f issues due to recent events surrounding the po­ lice force. In January, Aaron Campbell, a distraught and unarmed man was killed in another police confronta­ tion. His death has deepened re­ sentment and mistrust o f the police among broad swaths o f the commu­ nity. The meeting was also held just as the city is gearing up for tense nego­ tiation with the police union, which could address a host o f issues, in­ cluding officer accountability. Com­ missioner Randy Leonard and Au­ ditor La Vonne Griffin-Valade have introduced an ordinance to be con­ sidered by City Council this week that will strengthen independent oversight o f the police. The chair o f the nine-person committee, Michael Bigham, opened the meeting by acknowledging that a short period o f time, but when an a considerable amount o f grief, fear, officer is charged with misconduct confusion, and anger has welled up the process is much more drug out. in the community following the “There is no prompt accountabil­ death o f Campbell. ity for any police bureau officer,” he “Right now is a very difficult time said. in our community,’’ he said. O ’Connor also brought up the Bingham noted that the CRC has point that many police officers don’t limited powers, but said that the live in Portland, weakening their committee would listen carefully to connection to the community they peoples’ thoughts and do the abso­ serve. lute most it could with what it had. “It’s not just a question if people “Remember we are here to listen feel that they’re members o f the to you,’’ he said. com m unity; th e y ’re not,” said Joe Walsh began the citizen com­ O ’Connor. ment period by faulting the bureau He said that because so many for quickly returning the officer who don’t live in Portland, they become shot Campbell, Ronald Frashour, to more like an “occupying army.” work while the outrage o f the inci­ David Cox, a resident o f north­ dent remained at a fever pitch. He east Portland, said that his interac­ said that the bureau should have tions with police have been largely suspended him with pay. positive. “That would have been a won­ “However, obviously, I am a derful message to send to the citi­ white middle-class, middle-aged zens o f this city,” he said. person. I was treated with respect,” He also pointed out that the dis­ he said. patch tapes o f the Campbell inci­ Dan Handelm an, o f Portland dent, which were released to the Copwatch, pointed out that the In­ public, reveal that Campbell was dependent Police Review division, shot with a beanbag gun, had a dog o f which the committee was a part, released on him, and was ultimately is served by the city attorney, which shot by the police. also works for the Police Bureau. He “Now when people listen to that said that this constitutes a conflict and they read that in the newspaper o f interest. they do not believe they own the “You need your own attorney,” police department. They are in fear Handelman told the committee. o f the police department. That is a Speaking on a number o f sub­ disaster,” he said. jects, Handelman suggested that Chris O ’Connor, a public defender the Police Bureau become the re­ who often handles cases with the sponsibility o f all o f City Council, police, pointed out that the police not just one commissioner as it is can quickly conduct an investiga­ currently. He also said that medical tion when a crime has been commit­ continued on page 17 ted, and defendants can get a trial in