Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 17, 2010, Page 2, Image 2

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jpnrtkmò (DbserUér
March 17. 2010
Double Coronation!
for Jeff boys
Terrence Jones knew he couldn't
do it alone.
W ith his back hurting, Jo n es
d idn’t m ind playing decoy for m uch
o f the gam e and letting team m ate
S tephen M adison be Jefferso n 's
Terrence Jones
leading scorer.
M adison finished w ith 20 points w ith 7:30 left in the fourth quarter.
and nine rebounds and Jones added But M adison responded w ith five
18 points and nine rebounds as No. consecutive points to start a 13-2
1 Jefferson beat N o. 3 M ountain
View 57-48 on Saturday in the OS A A
C la s s 5A b o y s title g a m e at
M cA rthur C ourt in Eugene.
"I know I bring a lot o f attention,"
Jefferson's defense set the tone
said Jones, the state's top rated high
early and sisters A riel and Jordan
school basketball recruit. "I'd rather
R eynolds carried the D em ocrats
w in than score points any day."
on offense to their second title in
Jefferson (26-3) becam e the first
three years.
boys team currently in C lass 5A or
Senior A riel R eynolds scored
6A to w in three state ch am p io n ­
19 points and had nine rebounds
ships in a row. The D em ocrats, play­
and freshm an Jordan R eynolds
ing in their 1 Oth title gam e, w on their
added 13 points as No. 1 Jefferson
sixth cham pionship.
beat Nd. 2 W ilsonville 50-40 on
"The class I cam e in w ith, w e all
Saturday in the C lass 5 A girls b as­
m ade that our goal, w e w anted to
ketball title g am e at M cA rthur
w in three," Jones said. "T here's no
w ay w e w anted to end the season
The D em ocrats, w ho w on the
title in 2008, p laced third last sea­
M ountain V iew (26-2) took a 41 -
39 lead on Isaiah M itchell's 3-pointer
Stephen Madison
D em ocrats run that m ade it 52-43
w ith 1:281eft.
M adison, w ho played at Prairie
H igh School in V ancouver, W ash., q uarter and 38-36 after the third
last season, scored 13 points in the quarter.
second half.
"W e had them on the ropes,"
"I ju st put m y head dow n and C ougars coach C raig Reid said. "W e
drove to the hoop, tried to give us a ju s t got tired. W e played eight kids
spark," M adison said. "This is spec­ for three days straight."
tacular. It feels so good."
Jefferson struggled to find an
Sophom ore Jam es R eid scored offensive rhythm against M ountain
11 points to lead M ountain V iew , V iew 's zone defense. The D em o­
w hich w as playing in its first title crats m ade 2 o f 15 3-pointers in the
gam e. The C ougars also received 10 first h a lf and ended the gam e shoot­
points each from seniors M ark C laar ing 39.2 percent from the field (20 o f
and R yan Fisher, w ho had a team - 51).
high seven rebounds.
"They caught us on a bad outside
M ountain V iew led 6-4 after the
on page 17
first quarter, 23-22 after the second
Lady Demos Again Claim Title
"I'm speechless right now ," A riel
R eynolds said. "It feels am azing. A
lot o f people thought w e w eren't
even going to m ake it this far. B ut we
did it."
W ilsonville closed w ithin 45-38
on E m ily D ungey's 3 -p o in ter w ith
tw o m inutes left. But A riel R eynolds
responded w ith a layup to start a 5-
2 Jefferson run to end the gam e and
clinch the title.
"The reason w e are w here w e are
is because they believed in m y sy s­
tem ," said first-y e a r D e m o crats
c o a c h Ik e y a N e w to n , a 1996
Jefferson graduate. "W e becam e a
fam ily. I had to build trust in them
and they had to build trust in m e."
S enior M egan A m o ld y scored
13 points to lead the W ildcats, w hich
had w on 19 g am es in a row and w as
playing in its first title g am e since
2002. B oth Jefferso n (2 3 -3 ) and
W ils o n v ille
(2 3 -5 )
e n te r e d
Saturday's gam e u ndefeated against
C lass 5A team s.
The D em ocrats took control o f
th e g am e in the second quarter,
w hen A riel and Jordan R eynolds
scored 10 o f Jefferson's 16 points.
T he D em ocrats clo sed the second
q u arter on a 13-3 run to take a 30-14
, Week
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Woods to Return
to Golf
T iger W oods said T uesday
he w ill return to g o lf next
m onth at the M asters, en d ­
in g a fo u r-m o n th h ia tu s
brought on by a sex scandal
th a t s h a tte re d h is im ag e.
“ A fter a long and necessary
tim e aw ay from the gam e, I feel like
I'm ready to start m y season at A u ­
gusta," W oods said.
Kent Era Ends at Oregon
T he U niversity o f O regon m ade it
official Tuesday: A fter 13 seasons,
E rnie K ent, the lo n g est serv in g
m en's basketball coach in the Pac-
10 and the m en's coach w ith the
m ost w ins in school history, has
been fired.
PSU Women in NCAAs
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T he Portland State U niversity
w om en ’ s basketbal 1 team drew
aN o. 15seedforthe2010N C A A
T ournam ent and w ill open up
p la y S a tu r d a y , M a r c h 2 0
against No. 2 seed T exas A & M
in Seattle.
of Oregon
Jackson Estate Lands Deal
T he estate o f M ichael Jackson has
halftim e lead.
Jefferson forced 25 W ilsonville
turnovers, including 15 in the first
half. T he D em ocrats o pened the
gam e w ith a 10-0 lead as the W ild­
cats tu rn ed the ball o v er on their
first seven possessions.
" D e f e n s e w in s c h a m p io n ­
ships," A riel R eynolds said. "It
w as all ab o u t defense. D efense
w on this gam e."
Jefferson also received eight
points each from senior A rquaezia
Jackson andjunior D enaya Brazzle.
on page 17
landed the late K ing o f Pop the
biggest reco rd in g deal in history: a
$200 m illion guaranteed contract
w ith Sony M usic for future projects
that m ay include a
video gam e, a D V D
com pilation o f vid­
eos and a re-release
o f J a c k s o n ’s 1979
“O ff the W all” album.
Recall for
Honda Brakes
i H o n d a M o to r Co.
w ill recall m ore than 410,000 O dys­
sey m inivans and E lem ent sm all
trucks because o f b raking system
problem s that could m ake it tougher
to stop the vehicle if not repaired.
H onda said that over tim e, the brake
pedals can feel "soft" and m ust be
pressed clo ser to the floor to stop
the vehicles.
Stevens May Retire
Ju stic e Jo h n Paul
Stevens, at 89 the
S u p re m e C o u rt's
o ld e s t m e m b e r,
says he w ill decide
in the next m onth or
so w hether this term
w ill be his last. His
com m ents suggest that President
B arack O bam a, w hom S tevens says
he adm ires, w ill likely nom inate his
su cc e sso r.