March 17, 2010 íl!C jJartlanb (fMiseruer Classroom Controversy continued ¿ ^ f r o m Front signing up. She also points to a passage in the A rm y ’s recruiting handbook that stresses that kids need to see jo in in g up as a positive choice as soon as they “ begin to think about the future.” A ccording to p ro g ram ’s w ebsite, in 2008 there w ere 60 Starbase acad ­ em ies across in 34 states, the D is­ trict o f C olum bia, and Puerto Rico. It reached m ore than 54,000 students in 200 school districts. T he w ebsite also points out that the jo b m arket will increasingly need people skilled in m ath and science, and this p ro ­ gram gives kids a leg up. L ast w eek, the Portland Public S chools board voted to renew the Starbase program , and the $320,000 to fund it, o v e r the objections o f protestors w ho gathered outside. B obbie R egan, a school board m em ber w ho has opposed recru it­ ing in the past visited the program h e rself before the vote. “ W hat I saw w ere kids w orking o n s c ie n c e a n d s c ie n c e - b a s e d projects,’’ said R egan, w ho voted for the program . She argues that S tarbase is m eant to help kids develop technical skills that w ill be highly needed in the global econom y. R egan also points out that P P S ' M andarin and R us­ sian im m ersion program s are also funded by-the D epartm ent o f D e­ fense, and speakers o f these lan­ guages w ill be highly sought after. M arilyn Sholian, the d irecto r o f P o rtlan d ’s Starbase, rejects the n o ­ tion that the program is a recru it­ m ent tool, and points out that six people w ho staff the program , h alf o f w hich have teaching credentials, a re n ’t even em p lo y ed by the D e­ partm ent o f D efense. T ypically, the program sees 45 classes a year, according to Sholian, w ho com e from across the city and neighboring school districts. Kids engage in a variety o f hands- on activities- m any o f w hich you w o u ld n ’t find in a classroom . T hey use co m p u ter program s to design hypoth etical sn eak ers, airplan es, and parts o f space stations. The facility also has a 3-D im age printer, a m achine that cuts o b jects d e ­ signed on a co m p u ter out o f plastic. T hey also do other exercises, like lifting a teacher seated on a table w ith a balloon, and designing a p ro ­ tectiv e la y e r fo r an egg that is launched into a wall. “T he kids kind o f go, ‘I get it,” ’ said Sholian, w ho sports a p in k vest w ith an em b ro id ered S tarbase logo. She adds that few schools have these resources, let alone the space o rtim e. But the kids do get a tour o f the A ir N ational G u ard Base, w here uniform ed personnel show them F- 15 je st, arm ored vehicles, and a ro ­ bot used to detonate bom bs. “ Yes, they are in u niform ,” said Sholian. H ow ever, w ho stresses that no one ev er goads the kids into jo in in g up. Instead, the kids are told that m ath and science can lead to a broad range o f careers, said Sholian, w ho adds that the program is so full that there w o u ld n ' t be tim e for recruiting an y w ay s. BUSINESS uble J Tires New & Used Tires Overstock & Used Tires $ 1 5 & u p PRICED TO SELL All tires mounted & blanched on the car, out the door - no additives. Page 19 EMMANUEL Church of God in Christ United 4800 NE 30th Ave. Port­ land OR 97211 503-335-8772 . You are cordially invited to worship with us in these services: Sunday Service Sunday School 10:00 A.M Y.P.C.E. 6:30 P.M Pastor & Wife - Bishop & Mrs. A.L. Wright W orship Service 12:00 N oon Evangelistic Service 7:00 P.M. W eekday Service T uesday N ight: B ible Study 7:00 P.M. Friday N ight: R egular Service 7:30 P.M. Prayer M eeting & Sem inar: M onday - F riday 12:00 You are cordially invited to the State Farm* Providing Insurance and Financial Services Harvest Time Miracle Crusade Home Office. Bloomington. Illinois 61710 Michael E Harper Free stock wheels w / purchase of Agent any new or used tire- limited to stock on hand 30 iM fU B A M C I years in business 2 locations to Serve You 6841 NE MLK, Portland 503-283-9437 4510 SE 5 2 nd & Holgate 503-771-1834 State Farm * Providing insurance arid Financial Services Home Office, Bloomington. Illinois 617,0 o u r new location: 9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 I nterstate D ental C linic 5835 N Interstate Ave, P o rtlan d , O R 97217 Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent 4S46 N Vancouver Avenue. Portland. OR 97217 503 286 1,03 fax 503 286 1,46 ernie.hili.hSmb^statefarm com Pastor Roy E. Clay Sr. & Co-Pastor Lottie M. Clay W e m oved to watch video at http:// 2668891/lnterstate-Dental-Cllnlc From Tacoma Washington: Pastor Paul and Juanita Easley Thursday March 18, 7pm - Friday March 19, 10am-7pm Philadelphia Community Missionary Baptist Church 238 NE Mason, Portland, OR 97211 Pastor Roy E Clay Sr. RSVP 503-281-6017 M U te Fot W s l Ministries "4 CoimiiMily Ctiw 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® (503)946-6273 edw arw ard2 website: Default.htm Horace S. Simpson Barber ABEL £ Textured HairSpecialist/Designer Beautyfirst & Salon C lackam as Prom enade 8946 SE Sunnyside Road Clackamas, OR 97015-7778 503.654.4656 or 503.654.5357 Relaxer • Cut-Style • C olor F o r an appointm ent, call: (503)734-5312 222 N. K illingsw orth Ave. Portland, O r 97211 u p scale b arb ersp a @ y a h o o .c o m Availability: Thurs. 9-3 (after 3 by Appt.) Saturday 9-3 Stop by or call for Appointment Mizani Professional Hair care products used and sold at this salon cR Pastor <& Elect Lady Bishop H. L. & Eariean P. Hodge Pastor/T eachcr/Revfvallst Worship Service: Sundays—8:00 A.M. Seminars: Bible Themes—Wednesdays—6:00 P.M. “God The Father”; “God The Son”; and “God The Holy Spirit” Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite you to join us at our appointment with Jesus We Reach, Teach, & Preach in Jesus’ name!!! Location: 4800 NE 30th Ave. Portland, OR. 97211 To inquire about our Church please call: (503) 863-6545 or email hodgehspks@msn com www nwvoiceforchnst com