March 17. 2010 il" j.ìnrtlanò (Dbseruer TriMet Recruits Local Leaders B ids SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Pasco High School: Locker Room Expansion / Classroom Addition Pasco, Franklin County WA. Bid Date: Tuesday March 23, 2010 - 2PM An addition of approximately 4,200 SF adjacent to the existing High School building, including finishes, fire protection, mechanical & electrical work. Budget is $850,000 »* LYSS3 construction , inc . 11001 E. Montgomery, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Phone: (509) 534-0451- Fax: (509) 535-6622 WA LIC #LYDIGC*264JC We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub/supplier bids and pre-bid contact from all interested firms, including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans, and small business enterprises. SUB BIDS REQUESTED Oregon State Hospital - Salem Bid Package #10B Trans/Neuro, Medical Clinic & Downtown Pre-Bid Meeting: March 24th 10:00am* *(Optlonal PlanWell Instruction Begins at 9:00am) Bids Due: April 8th 2:00pm Bid Documents - Ford Graphics (503/227-3424) or - PlanWell - Public Projects Hoffman Construction Company of Oregon Phone: (503, 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503, 221-8888 805 SW Broadway, Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 97205 - CCB LIC# 28417 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet Sub-Bids Request Three Rivers School Remodel & Expansion Sunriver, OR Bid date: March 23, 2010 @ 2:00 PM Go to for bid documents fKfJBIN5 O N CONSTRUCTION CO. Fax (503) 645-5357 Page 17 21360 NWAmberwood Drive Hillsboro, Oregon 97124-9321 Phone (503) 645-8531 OR CCB#63147 WA#R0BINCC#125L5 Dr. T. A llen B ethel and H akeem M inisterial A lliance. O lanrew aju have been appointed to He earned a b ach elo r o f theology the T riM et B oard o f D irectors. degree from K ansas C ity C ollege Bethel, 57, is a resident of N orth- and B ible School, g rad u atin g cum east Portland and senior pastor o f laude w ith further study from the M aranatha C hurch o f G od, w here he N azarene T heological Sem inary, has served since July 1994. H e has O lanrew aju, 44, is a Happy Valley extensive experience with m ass transit and public involvem ent with organizations and busi­ nesses in the Portland region and plans to w ork to ensure .*, > B transit, project developm ent ♦ w and com m unity involvem ent are all closely aligned. A s part o f the “ B ig D ig’’ p ro je c t in B o sto n , B e th e l served as ch air o f a task force charged w ith m anaging the Hakeem Olanrewaju T. Allen Bethel relocation o f a light rail line, public m eetings and the design and resident and the c h ie f financial o f­ build out o f new stations. H e is also ficer, regional finance for Providence involved in m any civic activities H ealth and S ervices, w here he has including serving on the boards o f w orked since M arch 2007. H ebrings W arner Pacific C ollege, N orth Port- strong finance skills and a solid land B ible C ollege and the A lbina u n d erstan d in g o f the im portance o f I GRAND OPENING SPECIAL COUPON Call (503) 665-7000 For An Appointment T A X S o lu tio n s C en ter L/sZ o f services: P reparation S ervices for Individuals and Sm all B usinesses O ver 20 Years IRS Experience Free E- File w ith Tax Return Preparation • A uthorized E-File Provider Fast A ccurate R efunds • Low C om petitive Prices Specialize in Reporting Foreclosure, Bankruptcy and Cancelled Debt Income O pen All Year R ound to Serve You S ervice P rovided in English and Spanish 17988 N E G lisan St Portland, O regon 97230 (503)665-7000 • fax (503) 665-0717 Lorr& of the Portland Children’s Museum Ofiervia We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. OPAL PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL GRADES K-5 SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Oregon Department of Transportation Bundle 220 - Interstate 5: Willamette River Bridge Design Package 4 Bids Due: April 7,2010,2:00 p.m. Plans available March 12, 2010, at the Daily Journal of Commerce Plan Center, OAME Plan Center, Ford Graphics, Eugene Builders Exchange, MCIP and McGraw-Hill Plan Center Bid Packages available at Slayden Construction Group, Inc. Scope includes: Erosion Control Matting, Cold Plane Pavement Removal, Guardrail, Fencing, Temporary & Permanent Striping, Landscaping Topsoil, Single Slope Concrete Barrier, AC Paving, and Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement Contact: Kim Shelby at (503) 769-1969 or HAM ILTON PO Box 247, Stayton, OR 97383 PO Box 659, Springfield, OR 97477 We are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub-bids from disadvantaged, minority, women and emerging small business enterprises. OR CCB# 157045 OR CCB# 13877 A distinctive Portland Public Charter School of the Portland Children’s Museum An elementary public school that supports quality academics by introducing the arts and sciences as languages of communication and tools of the imagi­ nation. Approaches that inspire inquiry, creativity and the wonder of learning. For more information •Grades K-5 & lottery applications •Located at the Portland go to Children’s Museum across from Oregon Zoo in Or pick one up at the Children’s Museum or call (503) 471-9917. All applications must be received by 5 pm on Wed, March 31,2010. Demo Boys continued Ju st bring this coupon w ith you, and you w ill receive a discount o f 20% OFF y o u r tax return p rep aratio n fee, (v alid from 1/23/10-4/ 15/10) 17988 N E G lisan Street(just o ff 181 st.& G lisan) in R o d g er’s Square next to A lbertsons and D o tty ’s. Tax S olutions C en ter w w w OPAL SCHOOL good m obility for tran sit-d ependent populations and youth. H e earned a b ach elo r d eg ree in business ad m in istratio n from E ast­ ern W ashington U n iv ersity and a M B A from Seattle U niversity. “ 1 am pleased to w elco m e Dr. B ethel and H ak eem to o u r board,” said T riM et G eneral M anager Fred H ansen. “T heir collective know ledge and ex­ perience w ith co m m u nity in­ ' volvem ent, finance and the im ­ portant role tran sit serves in the region w ill m ake them in­ valuable assets to T riM et.” The sev en -m em b er T riM et board is appointed by the go v ­ e rn o r and sets policy for the agency as w ell as appoints the general m anager, im plem ents legis­ lation pertain in g to transit o p era­ tions and rev iew s and approves certain contracts. B oard m em bers are volunteers and can serve up to tw o fo u r-y ear term s. Washington Park. •Transport options include public transport, car pools and self-transport. Oregon Report Card Rating: Outstanding. from page 2 shooting night," Jefferson coach Pat Strickland said ." I tip m y hat to M oun­ tain V iew because they put up a great fight. They had us slum ping until our seniors stepped up." Jones, w ho had 11 points in the first half, didn't sco re until the sec­ ond h a lf until his th ree-p o in t play w ith 2:26 rem aining in the gam e. Jones, a 6-foot-9 senior, becam e the sixth p lay er in O reg o n h istory to score o v er 800 p oints in a season. He finished w ith 810 points. Jones is being recruited by U CLA , W a sh in g to n , O re g o n , K e n tu ck y and O klahom a. U C L A coach Ben H ow land sat in the second row dur­ ing Saturday's gam e. -Associated Press Demo Girls continued from page 2 W ilsonville receiv ed eight points each from ju n io rs K ellie K rueger and E m ily D ungey. S en io r A shley W alters, w ho w ill play at Idaho next year, had a g am e-h ig h 13 rebounds for the W ildcats. "Jefferso n is re a lly talen ted ," W alters said. "W e felt like w e w ere ready, but they w ere big, long and quick. Som e o f o u r p asses w ere a little off." A riel R eynolds, the Portland In­ terscholastic L eague p lay er o f the year, w ishes she had an o th er gam e to play w ith h er y o u n g er sister J o r­ dan. Jordan R eynolds had eight o f Jefferson's 17 steals and three o f its seven assists. "She's going to be so good next year," Ariel R eynolds said. "B ut I'm glad w e had this chance to play to­ gether. It’s going to be the m ost m em o­ rable betw een and m y sister, ever." -Associated Press