M arch 17. 2010 Æl?f Fortiani» (Observer Page 15 Disturbing Tide of Intolerance Poisoned thoughts wreak havoc by J udge G reg M athis Since the election o f President Obama, w e’ve seen a resurgence o f rac­ ism in every sector o f so­ c ie ty . F rom g ro w in g websites that allow users to spew anonymously to on-air personalities sharing their prejudiced views with others, the displays have been, to say the least, disturbing. Many people believe these types o f acts are carried out by lower class, uneducated people, not yet aligned with m odem views o f tolerance. The most recent incident, which took place on a co lleg e cam p u s, m ay change all o f our views on that. Last month, stu­ dents at the Uni­ versity o f Califor­ nia at San Diego held an off-campus party where guests w ere encouraged to wear gold teeth, mocking rappers and to dress in baggy clothing style that is popu­ lar among today’s urban youth and wannabes. A dding insult to injury, the p a r t y ’s h o s ts s e rv e d up w aterm elon... repeating an age old - and overdone - slam on A frican A m ericans. To com ­ pound the situation, a cam pus television show highlighted the party on air and used a racial — Saturday Mail Essential Postmaster General John Potter's proposal to eliminate Satur­ day delivery would be the most radical change to postal opera­ tions in the 230-year history o f the U.S. Mail. Eliminating six-day delivery would cut thousands o f postal jobs at a time when the U.S. is experiencing near-record unem ploy­ ment, and there are no comprehensive studies showing that doing so would solve the economic crisis facing the USPS. One o f the defining characteristics o f the U.S. Postal Service is its policy — mandated by the U.S. Constitution — o f nation­ wide uniform affordable pricing with six-day delivery. Com peti­ tors either don’t deliver on Saturday or, if they do, charge a higher price. Small and large businesses rely on the delivery o f the mail six days per week. Saturday delivery is especially important to growing companies like eBay, Netflix and Caremark. Billions o f prescriptions are delivered through the mail each year— a two-day delay in their delivery could seriously inconve­ nience senior citizens and others. Americans living in rural areas where the Postal Service’s competitors do not deliver rely especially on six-day USPS delivery and would be adversely affected by any service cuts. Farmers rely on the delivery o f seeds and other products through the mail, while citizens who live far from retail outlets need the USPS for mail-order delivery. If the public postal service disappears, private delivery com pa­ nies, based on profit motive, will not fill the void o f the universal delivery service mandated by the constitution. The U.S. Postal Service is vital even in the Internet age. As letter carriers, we are concerned about not only job security, but the importance o f preserving our centuries-proven public postal service. James Cook Local president, National Association o f Letter Carriers * slur to refer to black students. As if things c o u ld n ’t get w orse, a student hung a noose from a bookcase in the cam ­ pus library. O utraged students thought the adm inistration was slow to react and kept too low a profile as the events unfolded. They responded to the p er­ ceived inaction by holding a s it- in th e u n iv e r s ity C h an cello r’s office. D iversity is key in all as­ pects o f life, especially in higher education settings. I f students from hom ogenous com m uni­ ties are not exposed to a vari­ ety o f cultures they m ay not be able to adjust and dispel the stereotypical im ages they may bring to the table. A dditionally, interacting w ith and, possibly, befriending som eone from a different culture m ay lead a student to think tw ice before saying or participating in som e­ thing that is racially or cultur­ ally offensive. U n fo rtu n a te ly , th e re has been a lack o f diversity in C ali­ fornia colleges and universi­ ties since affirm ative action was struck down in the state. C urrently, black students are d is p ro p o rtio n a te ly underrepresented in the sta te ’s universities. Those who do enroll are truly m inorities w ithin the school; they should not subject to rac­ ist acts or im ages. The U niver­ sity o f C alifornia at San Diego - and universities and colleges nationw ide - should begin to offer mandatory diversity train­ ing for first year students. F ur­ therm ore, racist and offensive behavior should carry w ith it a stiff penalty, not necessarily expulsion but perhaps exten­ sive com m unity service in an urban area. C o lleg es can and sho u ld work to shift and ultim ately change p rejudiced b eh av io r am ong students. If it is not nipped in the bud on the cam ­ pus level, the racist ideals could grow and these young people, with their poisoned thoughts, could go on to w reak m ore havoc in society. Greg Mathis is a retired Michigan Court judge and syndicated television show judge. te the GLditer I Home Grown Support tors. Also, to Farrell Realty and to the St. Johns Boosters for using one o f their Gateway reader boards to promote Roosevelt and our youth. Thanks to St. Johns Theatre for the promotion slides prior to the beginning o f the movies and to several o f our churches who have eagerly sup­ ported our neighborhood high school. L et’s spend our money where people care about our kids and the community that supports them financially. If ever there was a reminder that we all ought to buy locally from our community owned small businesses, I will share with you a most recent encounter with the two different business ap­ proaches to local consumers. A week or so before the opening o f Roosevelt’s “Wizard o f O z” production, I visited each o f the businesses along Lombard with reader board signs and asked each if they would be willing to support Mike Verbout the youth o f our community in promoting their play. North Portland Each local small business mer­ chant was eager to be helpful and supportive. Each Corporate business would not participate, citing corporate policies, etc. In contacting the corporate offices they had absolutely no interest in allowing any flexibility to allow for very limited usage o f their reader boards to send a m es­ sage o f support to the students or their families or their neigh­ Dr. Marcelitte borhood. Failla Nearly all o f the corporate Chiropractic businesses are near Roosevelt Physician and are heavily patronized by the students. Our com munity m em bers spend hard earned We are located at money at these corporate busi­ 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. nesses and they are eager to Portland, OR 97213 accept our money. But they find (Between Broadway and Sandy' Blvd.) all kinds o f reasons why they are unable to support our youth in • Automobile accident injuries such a simple way. • C hronic headache and jo in t pain A special thanks to the Shell • Workers Compensation injuries s ta tio n a t P o rtsm o u th and Call for an appointment! (503)228-6140 Lombard and to Don Lee Mo- Your Care Our First Priority