Page 14 " 1,1 )Jnrthnib (Dhsemer March 17, 2010 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. 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C all m e a hater. 1 d o n ’t care! I ’m th rilled that d ire c to r Lee D aniel ’ s b lo ck b u ster hit did not win big at the O scars. T hough the gritty film w as n o m i­ nated in six categories, it earned two O sc a rs - o n e fo r b e st a d a p te d screenplay, and M o ’N iq u e took the prize for best supporting actress. I give big props to M o ’N ique and G ab o u rey Sidibe for their courage and skill playing such harrow ing roles. A s one o f m y w riter friends pointed out, w hen you are a black artist navigating H ollyw ood, so m e­ tim es you enter the door th a t’s open. But w hile a p arade o f critics have heralded Precious fo r its trium ph o f social realism , it also cram m ed all the w orst path o lo g ies and stereotypes o f urban p o o r black people into one film S cenes like the m o rb id ly obese, tw ice-pregnant, illiterate teen ru n ­ ning through the streets o f H arlem w hile stuffing h e rse lf w ith a bucket o f stolen fried chicken w as a th ro w ­ back to racist depictions from the an tebellum South. D aniels’ film also depicted blacks as stupid, hypersexual, prim itive, filthy, unhealthy, crim inal, abusive, lazy, and violent. N eed I say m ore ab o u t th is p erp etu atio n o f toxic th em es? A s I w atched the glitzy and g lam ­ orous aw ards cerem o n y I cringed w hen M o ’N ique w on. It’s not that I d o n ’t think she d eserv ed h er aw ard. I d id n ’t w ant the c ontent o f the film to be celebrated. In h e r a c c e p ta n c e s p e e c h M o ’Nique said: “ I would like to thank w ith glim pses inside w orlds som e o f us never en co u n ter o r d o n ’t w ant. the A cad em y for show ing role as L eticia M usgrove, y et an ­ Films like Precious might provoke that it can be about the other Lee D aniels’ film w here a black moral outrage and get people talking perform ance and not the m other at tim es abuses her m orbidly about im portant issues like child p o litics.” obese black child w ho ends up d y ­ abuse and rape. But do they really But M o ’N ique forgets ing. help us understand that kind o f suf­ that w hen it com es to film s The black fathers in both film s are fering as well as the social context and portraying black folks, the good-for-nothings and are killed off. strictures that breed such violations w h ite -d o m in a te d H o lly ­ B erry’s graphic sex scene w ith the o f vulnerable people? w ood industry has co n ­ racist character played by Billy Bob O r do they sim ply rep ro d u ce ste­ sistently p roven itse lf to Thornton stirred a great deal o f dis- reotypes and cast blacks, the poor, by be an anachronism , n ev er sep arat­ ing p o litics, race and stereotypes from o u r stories. M o ’ N ique w on for play ing a lazy, heartless w elfare m o th er w ho sexu­ ally and p h y sically abuses h er ow n child. Sidibe, the film ’s m ain p ro tag o ­ nist, becam e the first black w om an to be nom inated for best actress since H alle B erry w on in 2001 for her ^ ‘Portiani» (¡Obstruer Established 1970 USPS 959-680 _________ _______________________ 47 47 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 E ditor - in -C hief , P ublisher : Charles H. Washington E ditor : M ich a el L eig h to n D istribution M anager : M ark W ashington C reative D irector : P a u l N e u feld t W eb E ditor : Jake Thomas P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer, PO Box3 1 3 7 , Portland, OR9 7 2 0 8 cussion am ong A frican A m ericans. and o th er p eople p u sh ed to the m ar­ The p o in t is that even though gins as hapless victim s w ith no fu­ m ore black actors and actresses are tu re? being n om inated and w inning at the Stacey Patton is senior editor o f A cadem y A w ards, the kinds o f roles The Defenders Online and writer they are cast fo r d o n ’t seem to be fo r The NAACP Legal Defense and evolving. A udiences are still b o m ­ Educational Fund. Cartoonist barded by distressing im ages that Kevin Eason lives in New Jersey som e have praised for th eir inspira­ where he covers news events in tional m essages, redem ptive q u ali­ politics, entertainment, sports and ties, and for p roviding A m ericans more. 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