M arch 17, 2010 **'* Portlanò (Obseruer Page 13 Arts m iid i i msHiM x in Miss Black Oregon USA Americana Music Brunch UO graduate shines light on achievement DADDY MOJO'S A U niversity of Oregon gradu­ ate student from the Portland sub­ urban comm unity o f Forest Grove has been nam ed M iss Black O r­ egon USA 2010. "I believe education is our greatest tool for advancem ent and im proving equity in this country," said Herinckx. "We m ust priori­ tize our youth to be active and celebration o f identity and com ­ m unity, and em phasizes that Miss Black Oregon is a service based, grassroots organization and not a b e a u ty p a g e a n t. M iss B lack U.S.A. Pageant celebrates scho­ lastic achievem ent and prom otes education and leadership by pro­ viding scholarships opportunities to young women o f color. "The Crowning Event" was Feb. 28 in Portland. Delegates com ­ peted in live categories: personal interview , health and fitness, tal­ ent, evening gown and a ques- tion/answ er segm ent. jg & | I NE Fremont Every Sunday 10AM-1PM ***• r SH* Steve Ulrich & Friends 10% Off Table with this ad Ad\ eiiisc with diversity in Portland Observer C?all 503-288-0033 ads@portlandob scrver.com » /O I» [rmiiiTBuM Kari Herinckx, a graduate student at the University o f Oregon, is crowned Miss Black Oregon. Kari Herinckx will represent the state at the national M iss Black USA S c h o la rsh ip P a g e an t in W ashington, D.C., this summer, com peting for a $ 10,000 scholar­ ship. Herinckx is a 2009 UO graduate of the Family and Human Services program . She also earned a Bach­ elor o f Arts degree in ethnic stud­ ies. She is currently a graduate student at the College o f E duca­ tion, studying teacher education with an em phasis on curriculum and instruction. Herinckx's platform for the com- petition addressed the academ ic achievem ent gap and the neces­ sity for schools and educators to prioritize teaching culturally rel­ evant m eaningful pedagogies to stu d en ts. conscious citizens, while instill­ ing the values and diligence of those who cam e before us." T hrough v ario u s p o sitio n s, Herinckx led a num ber of cam ­ paigns around issues of social justice at the University of O r­ egon and works for the Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity and the Service Learning Program. She held leadership positions at UO including vice president of the Black Student Union, co-di­ rector of the M ulticultural Center and m ulticultural advocate for the A ssociated Students of the U ni­ versity of Oregon. In the future, she hopes to teach social studies in a m iddle school or high school before continuing a career in edu­ cation policy. Herinckx describes the win as a 2511 NE MLK BhnL Corner of NE MLK Blvd and Russell Street INFANT AND TODDLER CARE WILL BE PROVIDED. DOORS OPEN AT 6PM FOR EVERY SERVICE For directions or more information call 503-488-5481 or log on to wwvtf.mfhinportlanil.com