Page 12 u1,1 flo rtlan b (Dbseruer March 17, 2010 Arts • ÏNIÏDTAINMÏNI M ill Be Sure to Make Spring Break Memorable At home or away, it’s time for fun ► *». » * ■ F a S hun N. S tyles T he P or i land O bserver by For high school students spring break is a tim e to have fun. No m atter how you and y o u r fam ily spend it, spend it w isely by using y o u r com m on sense and finan­ cial cents. A nd no m atter w hat clim ate your spring break is in; hot o r cold, stay safe. E ven if y o u r spring break is g ro u n ded to y o u r hom e base, d o n ’t w orry about w hat other people are going, don't m ope - you can still have a fun and create a m em orable spring break Spring break is a time for high school students to put away the books and have some fun. o f y o u r ow n. Musicians Support JumpTown With rekindling of cultural history The Oregon Music Hall ofFame and the Portland Jazz Festival, guardians o f the city's vast musical heritage, have endorsed a proposal to retrofit the Memorial Coliseum and Rose Quarter area with “JumpTown,” an entertainment and sports district. The two groups say the development would rekindle the eastside neighborhood's reputation as the city's premier gathering place ofmusic, culture and community. The venue would advance Portland's music scene with about 150 free shows a year under a covered outdoor stage in the Rose Quarter plaza, according to proponents. The neighborhood's indelible cultural history, chronicled in Robert Dietsche's book "JumpTown: The Golden Years o f Portland Jazz, 1942-1957", served as inspiration for the project's working title. Some o f the most talented jazz artists who've ever played - including Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong and Thelonious Monk - showcased their talents at clubs on or near Williams Avenue. "JumpTown brings a deliberate tie to an important part o f Oregon's musical history," Marc Baker o f the Oregon Music Hall ofFam e said. "But the district is very forward-thinking and inclusive, which is the Portland way. We see a revitalized Rose Quarter as a way o f sharing the neighborhood's history with students to get them excited about new musical talent to inspire the hall o f fame inductees o f tomorrow." C urrently, the Trail Blazers and Portland Winterhawks are partnering on the JumpTown plans with Memorial Coliseum designed to improve and enhance the building, while adding new ameni­ ties to draw daily community activity. HDTTUBBI INDOOR/OUTDOOR HOT TUBS PRIVATE ROOMS Check out our new private nightclub suite. 8028 SI Stark St. Portland. Oregon » 503.261.1180 ■A S pring break is a great tim e to surround y o u rse lf in stunning a d ­ ventures and p articip ate in a c ­ tivities that y o u ’ve n ev er d o n e before. T rav elin g in v o lv es g a in ­ ing real life skills that ch allen g e students as they grow into adults. Y ou m ay w ant to take a photo trip and see som e o f the in cred ­ ible regions and div erse cu ltu res o f the Pacific N o rth w est, n e ig h ­ boring states o r the nation. T alk w ith y o u r parent, g u ard ian for p erm ission and com prom ise. M any students opt out o f the traditional or perhaps stereo ty p i­ cal trips to faraw ay places and settle for an altern ativ e spring break. T he ch o ices can ev en include helping out at ch aritab le o rganizations and local c o m m u ­ nity program s. H abitat for H um anity is an o rg an izatio n that bu ild s hom es for fam ilies. A sk th em about how you can get involved. Som e o th er things y o u co u ld do w ould be to tu to r ch ild ren in y o u r co m ­ m unity. R esearch and co n tact local c h ild re n ’s o rg an iz atio n s w here you th in k y o u r talen ts can be o f use. A lso rem em b er that p ro g ram s that help the eld erly an d th o se th at h a v e m ed ica l needs is a g reat w ay to do so m e ­ thing m eaningful. T here are still m any groups o f people that w ho need assistance in their everyday lives. T ake a m om ent in your life to change theirs. M ake an im pact and posi­ tively help to change com m unities close to hom e and focus on ser­ vice. Y ou can gain know ledge, m otivation, and skills necessary to m ake a difference in the world. National Comic Headed to Oregon (AP) -W ithout a TV show to do every night, Conan O'Brien is taking his act on the road. The former host o f "The Tonight Show" has announced a 30-city theater tour, beginning in Eugene on April 12. Sidekick Andy Richter and the former "Tonight Show" band will join O'Brien for what he promises to be "a night o f music, comedy, hug­ ging and the occasional awkward silence." The "Legally Prohibited from Conan O'Brien Being Funny on Television Tour" will visit theaters in at least 20 states and two Canadian provinces. Addi­ tional dates may be added. O'Brien quipped: "It was either a massive 30-city tour or start helping out around the house." O'Brien quit "The Tonight Show" in January instead o f taking NBC's offer to move his start time back by a half-hour to make room for "To­ night Show" veteran Jay Leno's re­ turn to late night from a failed prime­ time show.