Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 10, 2010, Page 8, Image 8

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Paße 8
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March IO. 2010
Thieves use Card Skimmers
The Vancouver Police Department is working
with local gas station operators to inform them o f
a growing fraud and identity theft crime, the use
o f skimmers on their gas pumps.
Over the past several months Vancouver Po­
lice have received numerous calls reporting un­
authorized charges on debit and credit cards after
the person purchased gas using a pay-at-the-
pump debit and credit card reader.
Vancouver Police are distributing informa­
tional flyers and working with local gas stations
advising them to consider pump lock changes and
encouraging them to conduct regular inspections
o f pumps to look for possible skimming devices.
Citizens are encouraged to pay with cash, debit
or credit inside the store and not to use the pay at
the pump option if possible.
A nyone w ho believe that they have been the
victim o f identity theft should im m ediately
contact the bank that their credit and debit
card is issued through and then com plete a
police report.
Dr. Billy R. Flowers
A photo from the Vancouver Police Department shows a skimmer
device wired into the back o f a gas pump by credit card thieves.
The device didn't affect transactions, so customers were able to
pump gas while the skimmer quietly collected their credit-card
An ongoing series of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession
Part 27. Chiropractic VS Migraines: Saying
goodbye to the most menacing of headaches
: Can anything be done years for this!” T hat’s one com­ dition. We are all here for only a
for migraines? I’ve had them ment I’ll never forget! The story while. Why waste one precious
for the last 20 years and I sincerely had a happy, but isn’t it sad that it moment, let alone years suffering
can’t take it much longer.
had such an unfortunate begin­ needlessly? Find your freedom
: I had a patient once ask ning. So many suffer for so long through good health N O W ...
the same question. Her con­ with their pain. They literally waste naturally. Find your freedom
cern, however, was that Chiro­ years o f their lives, waiting, think­ through Chiropractic.. .and make
practic might hurt. After becom­ ing that it is just a temporary con­ each day count. Isn’t it time you
ing a patient, she began to make dition. Life itself is a temporary con- stepped up to safe, effective Chi-
progress. Slowly but surely the
nauseating effects o f the migraine
were leaving her. One day, relaxed
2124 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon97212
and without pain, she said to me
“1 can’t believe that 1 waited 20
P hone: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 *5 5 0 4
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
T erry F amily
F u n era l
H om e
2337 N. Williams Ave.
Portland, Or 97227
We make the service personal,
You make the tribute personal.
Every tim e w e a r r a n g e a p e rso n a liz e d fu n e ra l service, w e ta k e special p rid e g o in g
the e x tra m ile. W ith o u r o n lin e M e m o rial O b itu a ry , n o w w e ca n d o even m ore.
Friends a n d fam ily c a n fin d o u t serv ice in fo rm atio n , v iew p hotos, re a d o b itu a ry ,
o rd er flo w ers a n d leave p e rso n a l m essag es o f c o n d o le n c e s fro m a n y w h e re , an y tim e.
Sim ply go to o u r w ebsite.
"Dedicated to providing excellent service
and superior care o f your loved one ”
D w ight A. T erry
Oregon License CO-3644
A m y S. T erry
Oregon License FS-0395
Heroin Overdoses
Bring Charges
A federal grand ju ry has in­
dicted two men on charges they
sold heroin that resulted in the
overdose deaths o f two Port­
land men.
F e d e ra l and M u ltn o m a h
County prosecutors say that
Jose Luis T orres Rojas and
Jose H ernandez Flores w ere
arrested last w eek accused o f
two counts o f distribution o f
heroin resulting in death and
one count o f distributing heroin.
The case involves the deaths
last year o f 38-year-old Patrick
M c G in n is and 2 8 -y e a r-o ld
Joshua Reeves.
A lso arrested was 18-year-
old Jose Ism ael Torres Rojas,
who is charged with distribut­
ing heroin. All three men are
M exican citizens. A federal
court trial is scheduled for
M ay 4.
Pastor Guilty in Tax Case
A form er pastor o f a north­
east Portland church has been
ordered to serve five m onths in
prison for aiding the prepara­
tion o f a false tax return.
M a x im o G a rz a , 4 7 , o f
V ancouver, adm itted that he
provided false expense invoices
which purported to reflect pub­
lic relations and other services
provided by V ictory O utreach
Church, to W illiam Thompson,
who was then operating a mail
order divorce service business
using the nam e H allw ood, Inc.
Thom pson used the false in­
voices to take expense deduc­
tions on tax returns filed by
H allw ood, Inc. in o rd er to
fraudulently reduce his tax li­
G arza w as the pastor for
V ictory O utreach C hurch, a
n o n -d e n o m in a tio n a l church
w hich has operated in Port­
land for over 15 years.
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