March IO, 2010 itu' sportiani» (Dhscrucr Page Wall Street Outrage Continues Taxpayers should have a say by RECESS ÍÓH B oo /A times RECESSION RECOVERY... 's . « %>oo ,{ 22 2oo^- 2ook 2 oo 8 2olo I * G reg M athis Am ericans are outraged at Wall Street and the country’s big banks for several reasons, the least o f which is the latest report that bonuses for financial execs increased 25 percent in 2009. Millions o f Americans are out o f work, unemployment is at the highest it’s been in a decade and the country continues to suffer economically. Yet, an industry that had to be bailed out by tax­ payers can afford to reward its top officials. Americans have a right to be outraged. It w asn’t that long ago - just over a year - that the U. S. government offered up $700 bil­ lion o f taxpayer money to pre­ vent the financial industry from collapsing. Y ears o f unregulated financial dealings and the pur­ chase o f faulty credit assets by the banks led to that moment and, w ithout the bailout, our economy would have suffered tremendously. Now, it seems the financial industry has not only “recov­ ered,” it is benefiting from the loan. The dollars use to save the industry were utilized to gener­ ate historic profits for the big banks.. .they in turn gave them­ selves both cash and non-cash bonuses. To be fair, when a com pany does well it should rew ard its staff. But w hen a com pany is ju st com ing o ff o f one o f the biggest financial disasters in L aughing A IL THE WAY TO THE BAILED OUT BANK The dollars use to save the industry were utilized to generate historic profits for the big banks... they in turn gave themselves both cash and non-cash bonuses. -------------— __________ ■ Stop Transit Attacks Appearing before the Portland City Council lastmonth, activists from the Transit Riders Union protested TriMet’s proposed service cuts and a fare hike, comparing them to police attacks on citizens: unacceptable. Last year, transit activists col- lected 1,400 petition signatures op- posing cuts to Fareless Square. But tbe unelected TriMet board voted 6_to' 1 10 ignore those concerns and began charg’ng for buses in the formerly fareless zone, ending a com m unity resource that served residents for 35 years. The Transit Riders Union is now WOfking to stop a proposed third round ° I service cuts and a five cents a ride fare increase. These cuts are set to eliminate four routes and cut back on 60 other bus lines. TriMet has been cutting back on MAX frequency, even while build­ ing more light rail lines. As the treasurer o f Transit Rid­ ers Union, I have also asked the City Council to reform racist practices by the Portland Police Bureau, specifi­ cally protesting the unjustified shooting o f an unarmed black man, Aaron Campbell, and affirming Jesse Jackson's characterization o f the history, profits should be rein­ vested to ensure future finan­ cial stability. Reinvesting in the business and industry includes hiring more staff. Most economists think the huge profits are a result o f the banks laying o ff staff or termi­ nating jobs and giving more work to the employees that remained. Less staff and overhead equal bigger profits. We should all write legislators and advocate that the govern­ ment tie financial sector pay to long-term financial success. shooting as an "execution." The U.S. Justice Department civil rights investigation is a step in the right direction, but it may require the U.S. Justice Department 'taking over' the Portland Police Bureau, under the U.S. Attorney General, for real change to occur. In November, the Transit Riders Union picketed the downtown of­ fices o f the Portland Business Alli­ ance, the primary group which pushed both to gut Fareless Square, and to keep the sit-lie ordinance These short-term gains are great, but are not indicative o f the over­ all health o f the industry. C ritics argue that govern­ m ent should not intervene and has no place m andating how banks pay staff. I disagree. W hen the taxpayers are re­ sponsible for saving the sector from collapse then the govern­ m ent, as our representative, does and should have a say. Greg Mathis is a retired Michigan District Court judge and syndicated television show judge. against homeless people (the latter was overturned by a court in 2009). Currently, the TriMet board is appointed by Oregon's governor, not elected by the people. TriMet is a $2.5 billion government agency. Just as we need to fight killer cops, we also need to fight for democracy and to preserve "the commons" in terms o f public transit. Electing the TriMet board is a first step toward taking our transit back! Lew Church Southwest Portland