Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 10, 2010, Page 3, Image 3

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    March IO, 2010
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Page 3
Kenton Gets its Own Library
O pinion
page 6-7
L aw
J ustice
page 8-9
page 10-13
PIL A llsta rs
C lassifieds
A uto R eview
H ealth
M atters
page 18-19
F o o d
page 20
page 14
page 15-16
page 17
Branch designed
as community hub
by J ake
T homas
T he P ortland O bserver
A fter countless co n v ersa­
tions, a petition circulated by
neighbors, and a bond levy,
north Portland residents are
b ein g serv ed by a new
M ultnom ah C ounty L ibrary
branch in the Kenton Neighbor­
This part o f town hasn’t had
a nearby library since 1975,
when budget cuts caused branch
closures at nearby University
Park and Vernon in northeast
Portland. In recent years, north
Portland residents began lobby­
ing the Library Advisory Board
to reopen a local branch.
In 2006, voters passed a five-
year operating levy that included
specific language for new li­
braries in North Portland and
East County.
Multnomah County Commis­
sioner Jeff Cogen, who repre­
sents north and northeast Port­
land, said getting the new li­
brary up and running was a
priority. But when he met with
residents, w ho’ve become ac­
customed to nearly every gov­
ernment service being slashed,
he admits they were skeptical.
Cogen said that the library,
located in retail space at 8226
N. Denver Ave., was intention­
ally sited in the heart of Kenton’s
burgeoning business district,
photo by J ake T homas /T he P ortland O bservi
with the intent that library pa­ Visitors check out the Kenton library, the newest branch o f the
trons will stop by local busi­ Multnomah County Library system.
“It’s so wonderful to think
p opular new title that the
that this wonderful resource will
w on’t have to wait weeks fo
be at our fingertips,” said An­
Miles also said that he aims 1
gela M oos, the chair o f the
have a pro-active staff that at
Kenton Neighborhood Associa­
tively helps patrons.
“ L ib raries are m ore tha
In true Portland style, the
books,” added Cogen. “They’r
nearly $1.8 million and 20,000
21 century community hubs.’
book facility is environmentally-
The new branch also has
friendly. The walls are com­
community meeting space tha
posed o f wood from back when
features the art o f local artis
it was Cyril S. Kenyon Hard­
Marlene Bauer on the glass pan
ware store. The carpets are
els th a t has d e p ic tio n s o
made from recycled materials,
Portland’s landscape.
and a deliberate effort was made
It also includes more than 21
to prevent using any volatile
computer terminals for publii
Kenton Library Administrator
chemicals during construction. David Miles
David Miles, the administra­
An official grand opening wil
tor at the Kenton branch, said cated to movies and music, and take place on Saturday, Marc!
that the library will include many will have a focus on popular 13 beginning at 10 a.m. wit!
o f the same features at other titles. It’ll also have a “lucky live jazz music, a dedicatior
libraries and a couple new ones day” shelf that will feature best­ cerem ony, free treats, a Dr
as well.
sellers that can’t be put on re­ Seuss celebration, and othei
An entire wall will be dedi- serve, so patrons might find a events.