Page 20________________________ ri,v $Jortlanit (Observer HriLc'M Pjt « is 15*4 ,//' 1 _ March io. 2010 SAFEWAY O St Pattnck Day Recipes Recipes by: Ingredients for life Green Grog Ingredients • 2(12 fluid ounce) cans frozen limeade concentrate • 2(12 fluid ounce) cans frozen lemonade concentrate • 2 ( 2 liter) bottles lemon-lime fla- vored carbonated beverage 1 (750 milliliter) bottle rum • 2 quarts lime sherbet ,’t to r««’ tto P P " " » ’ -j Directions Ina large pot, combine limeade, lemonade and lemon-lime soda Stir in rum (add more to taste if desired.) Mix in the lime sherbet Breyers Ice Cream Slow Com beef for Sandwiches Pork Shoulder Blade Whole Ingredients | f * i I # » .< ) ! H Séecieti rareties C iò Pncí 52 50 « ì SAVE up io $4 93 on 2 C lu b P r ic e Sold whole in the bag. Or Blade Roast. $1.29 lb SAVE up to $1.00 lb. • 2 (3 pound) corned beef briskets with spice packets Club Price RANCHER 3 1. Place the corned beef briskets into a large pot. Sprinkle in one of the spice packets, and discard the other one or save for other uses. Pour in the beer, and fill the pot with enough water to cover the briskets by 1 inch. Add the bay leaves, peppercorns and garlic cloves. Cover, and bring to a boil. 2. Once the liquid comes to a boil, reduce the heat to medium- low, and simmer for 4 to 5 hours, checking hourly, and adding more water if necessary to keep the meat covered. 3. Carefully remove the meat from the pot, as it will be extremely tender. Set on a cutting board, and allow it to rest until it firms up a bit, about 10 minutes. Slice or shred to serve. I discard the cooking liquid, but it can be used to cook cabbage and other vegetables if desired. Irish Potatoes, No bake cookies Safeway Corned Beef Points. While Supplies Last. SAVE up to $1.00 lb. Club Price Rancher's Reserve® Boneless 8eef London Broil Hl Club Price HI 1 cup confectioners' sugar 1 cup shredded coconut 11/2 tablespoons cream 2 tablespoons ground cinnamon . Ï I I I H IH CluO Pnce: S tic ea SAVE up to 9 8c on 2 O ' T<® R!)un(l Roast SAVf up to S 2 5 0 IP , . _ Northern Bath Tissue. Bounty or Viva Towels . - HI C lu b P r i c e 24 Rod Stith Tissue. * IZ-Bigor 13-RiiD towsis save ,p it» $2 oo Crisp Green Cabbage EATING SAVE up to 20» ID C lu b P r i c e HI Ingredients • • • • Imported Hass Avocados tu tre m e Value hvr.k Eating Right * Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts or Thighs Sweet Blueberries 6 0Z crintolllfr imporlec SAVE » t o S 3 .» ori 2 EQUAL OB LESSER VALUE Or Tenders or TiM) S*C«d 52 49 IP SAVE op to SI 00 IP C lu b P r i c e H I Clos Du Bois, Willamette Valley Vineyards & *** 4 _ ■ r >r W K * C lu b P r i c e 750-mi. Selected varietals SAVE» to M 0 0 Arrowhead Water ’ HI 24-pack. 169 ta. CtooPnre S3 50ea Plus depose in ftpgon SB WE Directions 1. Sprinkle the sugar on the coconut. Add the cream and mix gently. 2. Take approximately 1/2 tablespoon ofdough and roll into balls. Place cinnamon in a plastic bag and shake cookies a few at a time until coated. Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon Fillets C lu b P r i c e H I Whole Small packages. S /.9 9 IP. ►roren/ttiawed. SAVE up Io $ 4 0 0 lb Sweet O'Anjou Pears SAVE up 10 $1 21 IP Minute Maiu C lu b P r ic e H I O R IG |M * L GUINNESS Sweet Potato Orange 8-P ack Guinness, 12-Pack Blue Moon or MacTarnahan’s Ingredients • 6 oranges • 1 cup white sugar • 1/4 cup orange juice • • • • • • • • U.6 QfÇ n# a/a-laWf 50 ijMferS O’ wTc-ie&Kys I* Prices n ton ad good Enough M ardi ( M l ALL LIMITS ARE .^ C d (V 'fCdfCß N W » * * * *mr«t > »> Ouafflv n js («erven Í0W KM RTSNG HEMS MA* «T 3t AWI AH £ Ai J > ,w: «et " m m * 3uy One. to t o t o f S W O H M rast guntose «rs? tae m «cm m sews (V 5? gatos. Ne « w «es « r m jw 2 * * ”* ****“ a s a »snsed Salem» s w tri» C 20i 9 Saw 91 * ‘v3 *'- n * * * 3 k *** Avawry d u «m No may vary by sws Oroweat Rye Breads IÍ-W Select« veneto S M u e to tIH