Page 2 flo rth n ib (Dhserupr TV Producer Guilty in Letterman Extortion A television p ro d u c e r pleadedguilty T u esd ay to try in g to shake dow n D a v i d Letterman in an extortion attempt. Rob­ ert “Joe" Halderman, 52, was ac­ cused of demanding $2 million to keep quiet about the late-night comic's workplace love life. Cop Slows Runaway Prius A California Highway Patrol officer helped slow a runaway Toyota Prius from 94 miles per hour to a safe stop on Monday after the car's accelera­ tor became stuck on a San Diego County freeway, a highway patrol spokesperson said. Week m The Review Wheeler Fills Post State Treasurer Dies O regon S tate T re a su re r Ben Weslund died Sunday after a long battle with Can- BPg» cer. Weslund, 60, was sworn into statewide office a little more than a year ago after serving 12 years in the L egisla­ ture from Bend, first as a Republi­ can, then an independent and fi­ nally as a Dem ocrat. March IO, 2010 County Commissioner Jeff Cogen School Board Votes for High School Redesign By a 5-2 vote, the Portland School b o ard voted Monday on a resolution paving the way for a plan that would redesign the district’s high schools w ith n e ig h b o rh o o d - based community high schools and district wide focus schools. west, seismological measurements indicate. The fifth most powerful quake ever measured shifted other parts of South America as well. Palin Crossed Border for Canada’s Healthcare Multnomah County C h airm an Ted Wheeler accepted an F o rm er A laska offer to fill the state Gov. Sarah Palin-- T reasu rer position who has gone to left vacant by the late great lengths to Ben Weslund, Gov. hype the supposed Ted K u lo n g o sk i’s dangers o f a big o ffice an n o u n ced Quake Moves government take­ Tuesday. Among those lining up to Chile City 10 Feet run for W heeler’s county chair post The massive 8.8 magnitude earth­ over of American health care - ad­ are former State Sen. Margaret quake that struck Chile more than a mitted over the weekend that she Carter, former U.S. Senate candi­ w eek ago m oved the city o f used to get her treatment by cross­ date Steve Novick and Multnomah Concepción at least 10 feet to the ing the border into Canada's single­ payer system. ÜHtMiR Water Shut Offs Targeted 2010 special edition Portland has become a very popular place to live, attracting buyers/renters from within the Portland region and from other parts of the country. It is one ol the most beautiful cities in America, the rivers, mountains, and it resources are one of the countries finest. I he Portland Observer believes that an adequate supply of affordable housing is the foundation of healthy communities. Living in decent housing provides a safe environment and an opportunity for people to hold jobs, succeed in school and contribute to their communities. It is an on-going effort to respond to housing needs, the Portland Observer has developed a Housing Special Edition full ol information available affordable rental agencies and homeownership programs throughout the state. Depending on your income, you could be eligible for home repair, down payment assistance, rental housing assistance and other affordable housing assistance. This year Housing Special Edition will be published March 31 st and April 7th with the ad deadline of March 24th and Apiil 1st. Join in our annual special showcasing your organization. Full Page Contact us Today for the best ad rates T hree C o lu m n H a lf Page I 1 1/3 Page L 1 111 11111 11 11 I f you have any question, please contact our Publisher, Charles Washington phone 503-288-1897 or fa x 503-288-0015 or email Çortfanb (Obsertier p o . box 3137 Port land. o reg on 97208 The Portland Water Bureau announced Monday that it will begin authorizing water shut­ offs on delinquent multi-family account owners. For many years, the bureau maintained a policy that ex­ empted multi-family accounts from shut-off due to the im­ pact on unknowing tenants. Unfortunately, a number of landlords have capitalized on this policy by charging their tenants for water and keeping the proceeds for themselves rather than paying their water bills, officials said. As a result, the Water Bureau will be tak­ ing action to make certain this trend does not continue. The bureau will institute a notification system to ensure that tenants and landlords are made aware of any pending shut off, giving both parties a chance to take action. "E veryone who uses Portland's water infrastructure is responsible to pay their fair share, and this initiative will help ensure that multi-family landlords are no exception," said Water Bureau Administrator David Shaff. Advertise with diversity ,n 0 ' RrtfendOhseiver Call 503-288-0033 ads <4 p o rtlan d o b serv m