Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 10, 2010, Page 15, Image 15

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    M arch 10, 2010
'riu jJortlanò (¡Observer
Dear Deanna!
M y n eighbor broke h er leg and I ’ve
been going back and forth helping
her out and running daily errands.
Since I’ve been around her so m uch,
1 developed interest in her. She has
a boyfriend that d o e sn ’t treat her
w ell and h a sn ’t been there for her
during this tim e. I ’ve stayed w ith
her a few nights and done things like
brush her hair, run her bath w ater
and serve her food. H ow do I let her
know m y feelings and let her know
that I ’ve fallen in love and w ant to
date her? —Anthony; Lawton, Okla.
Dear Anthony:
T he first thing you need to address
is the situation w ith her boyfriend.
Inquire and find out about this rela­
tionship, w here they stand and how
serious they are. O nce yo u have
those answ ers and if th e y ’re in y o u r
favor, share y our feelings and m ake
your intentions know n. Y ou m ust
be careful because y our neigh b o r
m ay be sensitive and you d o n ’t
w ant to appear as if y o u ’re taking
advantage o f her. A gain, get a n ­
sw ers, share your feelings and keep
it m oving.
h er rent. W hat oth er options do w e
have to deal w ith this headache? -
-Annoyed; On-Line Reader
Dear Annoyed:
Real People, Real
A n advice colum n known fo r
its fearless approach to reality
based subjects!
Dear Deanna!
I have an issue w ith m y loud neig h ­
bor. She is so rude and disrespectful
and has no regards for the rest o f us
in the ap artm en t com plex. W e ’re
forced to listen to her loud m usic,
she has co m p an y com ing in and out
and h er place is alw ays one big
party. Several o f us have jo in e d
to g eth er asked h er to tone it dow n
but she laughs and says she can do
as she pleases as long as she pays
Y ou can file a com plaint and the first
stop should be the on-site m an ag er’s
office. If this resource isn ’t helpful
then you should contact the m an­
agem ent com pany. Y es, your neigh­
bor pays rent but you pay as well
and are entitled to a d ecent am ount
o f peace and quiet. O nce this is
done, boundaries should be estab­
lished. O n an o th er note, if she vio­
lates the noise ordinance after hours,
you can call the police as a g uaran­
tee for a good nights sleep.
Dear Deanna!
I ’m a single m om w ith five kids and
I ’ve reunited w ith m y boyfriend o f
tw o years. I adm it w e've had prob­
lem s on both sides but during this
recent m ake up he expressed his
love, he said that he m issed us and
he w ants to pick up w here w e left off.
H e w ent to w ork one day and I didn ’ t
h ear from him until tw o w eeks later.
H e left m e a voice m ail saying that
his jo b had offered him a training
Page 15
position in an o th er tow n and he
w ould be back on the w eekend. I
didn ’ t hear anything for three days
and decided that I love m y se lf
and I ’m tired o f gam es. W hat
should I do about this m an? --
C onfused; Seattle
Dear Confused:
I f a m an loves you so m uch, he
w ill not disappear for tw o w eeks
and not contact you. T hese are
signs that h e ’s im m ature, selfish
and not very responsible. Y our
relationship ended for a reason
and you should m ove forw ard
instead o f tw o steps back. Y ou
have enough kids already and
d o n ’t need to add an overgrow n
m an to the bunch. Set an exam ple
for y o u r kids by taking care o f
them , loving y o u rse lf and w ait­
ing for a m an that w ill treat you
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! at the email
askdeannal@yahoo.com or 264
S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283
Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website:
vncH’. askdeanna, com
In Loving Memory
V elm a M a y s -D a v is
V elm a M arie M ays-D avis w as
b o m Jan. 1 6 ,1 9 5 4 and p assed aw ay
at hom e on Friday, M arch 5, 2010
after a long b attle w ith cancer. A
H om e G oing celebration w ill be held
in her ho n o r on S aturday, M arch 13
at 1 p.m. at C aldw ell’s Funeral Home.
V e lm a is
su rv iv e d by
h er husband
M arty D avis;
a d a u g h te r
L a ’S haw nna
G u itry ; son
L a ’S haw n
Barr; g randchildren S h a ’N ae M ejia
and M arlon M ejia Jr.; sisters W illola
Jones, L ucille B ridgew ater, A lice
M ontgom ery and N azarene Savage;
a n d b r o th e r s G e o r g e M a y s ,
N athaniel M ays, Ivery M ays Sr.,
John M ays Sr., S tanley M ays and
A lb ert S avage Jr.
S he w as p re c e d e d in d e a th by
h e r m o th e r G e o rg ia M ay s, fa th e r
L o n n ie P o w e ll an d b ro th e r H o sie
M a y s.
C lassifieds
w o rk
s y
s t e
W o rk s yste m s, In c is a nonprofit organization serving Multnomah
and Washington Counties and the City of Portland whose purpose
is to build and invest in a comprehensive workforce development
system th a t su p p o rts in d iv id u a l p ro s p e rity and b u sin e ss
W orksystem s, Inc. is currently recruiting for a dynam ic and
enthusiastic person with excellent communication, facilitation and
leadership skills to coordinate workforce projects as a member of
the Community Investments team.
Senior Project Manager:
The Senior Project Manager will be responsible for the following
Implement, manage, and evaluate community contracts program
and performance compliance
Work proactively and cooperatively with a diverse coalition of
e d u ca tio n , w o rk fo rce , e co n o m ic and co m m u n ity-b a se d
organizations and service providers
Provide training and technical assistance related to program and
performance requirements
This is a limited duration full-time position that will expire in February
2012. Support for this position beyond February 2012 will be
contingent on the availability of funding.
Candidates must have:
New Song Community Center
2511NE MLK Blvd.
Corner of NE MIK Blvd and Russell Street
For directions or more information,
call 503-488-5481 or log on to
Bachelors degree in related field preferred, will consider
substantial work experience in lieu of degree
Five years experience managing contracts for delivery of education,
training economic development or social services and activities
Understanding of the principles and practices of federally funded
programs and/or workforce development systems
Experience working collaboratively with com m unity-based,
culturally specific organizations
Work productively in a fast-paced and ever changing environment
Detail oriented - attention to detail, processes and policies
Worksystems, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer and offers a
competitive salary and benefits package.
Please visit our website: www.worksystems.org for instructions on
how to apply for this exceptional job opportunity.