Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 10, 2010, Page 12, Image 12

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11,1 ^Jortianì» (Observer
M arch 10, 2010
A m ericana M usic Brunch
1501 NE Fremont
Every Sunday
Steve Ulrich
& Friends
Jamaican Roots Reggae
Jam aican roots reggae artist Lutan Fyah, backed by
Q uinto Sol, a band from the barrios o f E ast Los A ngeles,
p erform F riday, M arch 12 starting at 8 pm . at the Mt. T abor
10% Off Table with this ad
T heater, 4811 S.E. H aw thorne.
T ickets are $ 15 in advance and $ 15 at the door.
M uch m ore than a deejay, a sin g er and m ore than a
ch an ter too, Fyah also plays guitar, keyboards and the kette
drum . H e holds strong beliefs in originality w ith his very
ow n idiosyncratic and unique vocal styling.
Double J Tires
N ew & Used Tires
Overstock & Used Tires
$ 1 5 & u p PR ICED TO SELL
All tires mounted & blanched on
the car, out the door - no additives.
Free stock wheels w / purchase of
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2 locations to Serve You
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r State Farm *
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o u r new location:
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P ortland, O R 97217
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Horace S. Simpson
Textured Hair Specialist/Designer
Beautyfirst & Salon
C lackam as Prom enade
8946 SE Sunnyside Road
Clackamas, O R 97015-7778
o r 503.654.5357
Relaxer • Cut-Style • Color
F o r an appointm ent, call:
222 N. K illingsw orth A ve.
Portland, O r 97211
u p sca le b arb ersp a @ y a h o o .c o m
sing and to deejay. P reaching to the con v erted can prove
to be a fairly easy task but to take the sam e m essage all
Lutan Fyah
f a a
K ells Iris h F e stiv a l -- K ells
Irish R estaurant and Pub, 112
S.W . Second A ve., expands w ith a
huge o u td o o r tent to host one o f the
largest St. P a trick ’s celebrations in the N orthw est,
Friday, M arch 12 through W ednesday, M arch 17.
H ighlights include singing sensation and G ram m y
p erfo rm er Im elda M ay, and local favorites C urtis
S algado and the C razy 8s.
years in business
and an y th in g can inspire him to w rite, to play, to chant, to
6841 NE MLK, Portland
w ith w ork to d o ” he ranges o v er all subjects and everything
around the w orld is a totally d ifferen t ball gam e.
any new or used tire-
limited to stock on hand
H e em b raced the R astafarian religion at the age o f 16 but
his songs are not alw ays strictly R asta. A s a “ living m an
Thurs. 9-3 (after 3 b y A ppt.)
Saturday 9-3
Stop by or call for Appointment
Mizani Professional
Hair care products used
and sold at this salon
I he W iz a rd o f O z —R oosevelt ’ s O pen ing A ct Theatre
Co. presents “ T he W izard o f O z,” at the R oosevelt
H igh School auditorium , 6941 N. C entral St., at 7 p.m.
on M arch 11,12 and 13 along w ith a 2 p.m . m atinee on
M arch 13.
H a w a ii C lu b L u a u — Students from H aw aii w ill share
their P olynesian culture w ith live m usic, hula and
traditional dancing at the U niversity o f Portland H a­
w aii C lub Luau, Saturday, M arch 20 at 6 p.m . in the
C hiles C enter. T ickets are $20 for the general public
and $15 for seniors.
N ig h tm a re at the O f­
fice -- T he office can
be a n ightm are in the
P ortland C en ter Stage
p ro d u c tio n o f “ T h e
R eceptionist,” a com ic
exploration o f the h or­
rors b en eath the surface o f the m ost b o ring office
routines. N ow p lay in g through M arch 21.
Theater! Theatre! 3430 S.E.
B elm ont St.
Z oo S p rin g B re a k P a rty - The O regon
Z oo offers adventures on a budget during its
S pring B reak Party, M arch 22 through A pril 2. A nim al
enrichm ent events w ith special treats and activities to
keep the anim als m entally and p hysically stim ulated
w ill o ccu r from 9 a.m . to 3 p.m . daily.
A rt & C ulture N igh t — E very last Friday, P o rtlan d ’s
various cultures and com m unities m eet to tell stories,
dance, sing and read poetry. This m o n th ’s C olored
Pencils event w ill take place Friday, M arch 26 in Room
101 at P ortland State U n iv ersity ’s Sm ith M em orial
S tudent U nion. D oors open w ith an art reception at
5:30 p.m . A n open m ic begins at 6 p.m . T o learn m ore,
visit co lo red p en cilsart.co m .
N orm an S ylvester B and -
S ylvester and his band p er­
form Saturday, M arch 13 at
C lydes; Sunday, M arch 14
at the M & M in G resham ;
W ednesday, M arch 17 at
the L otus C ard R oom ; and
F r id a y , M a r c h 19 a t
D o m en ic’s in M ilw aukie.
B oogie C at N orm an
M el B row n L ive — P ortland ja z z giant M el B row n
p erfo rm s at S a lty ’s on the C olum bia ev ery F riday and
S aturday night. K now n as the “ G entlem an o f Jazz,”
B row n has a career spanning o v er 40 years.
S am son the T . R ex — A
m agnificent-foot-long T yr­
a n n o sa u ru s rex sk eleto n ,
one o f the m ost fearsom e
carnivores e v er to w alk the face o f the earth is on
display at O M SI. T he 66-m illion-year-old fossil know n
as S am son is one o f the m ost com plete T yrannosaurus
rex specim ens in existence.
L ive Ja zz - E very F riday and S aturday from 8 p.m . to
11 p.m ., the T hird D egrees L ounge at the R iv er Place
H otel, 1510 S.W . H arbor W ay. N o co v er o r m inim um
purchase. For m ore inform ation, v isitp d x jazz.co m .
M usic M illenniu m Free S h ow s - T he M usic M illen­
nium , 3158 E. B urnside, hosts in-house live p erfo r­
m ances. E njoy free m usic and the opportunity to m eet
artists. C all 503-231 -8926 for a schedule.
Spy vs. Spy In trigu e—A dream w orld
o f m istak en identities and d an g er
a r o u n d e v e r tu r n m a rk A lf r e d
H itch co ck ’s “The 39 Steps,” now play­
ing at the G erding T h eater at the A r­
m ory through M arch 21.
S h ak esp eare M eets H ip H op - P o rtlan d ’s Fuse T he­
atre E nsem ble presents Slap that Bitch! a hip hop
telling o f T am ing o f the Shrew , through M arch 20 at
O M SI A fte r D a r k - O M S I A fter D ark is
a night at the m useum for the 21 and over
crow d filled w ith food, drink and science
fun; $10 fee. For m ore inform ation, call
503-797-4000 o r visit om si.edu.
Food and E n tertain m en t — Sliders G rill,
3011 N. L om bard, features an eclectic assortm ent o f
perform ers on the m ain stage, accom panied by d e li­
cious food. C all 5459-4488 for m ore inform ation.