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Today, as we pause to rem em ­ ber Teddy once more, I am espe­ cially struck by the void his pass­ ing has left in a Congress that too often fails to act on behalf o f the most vulnerable and disadvan­ taged in our society. Services) Teddy's big dreams: healthcare for all, full employment, a hand up for the poor and people with dis­ abilities, are still being debated, but like a sports team that has lost its franchise player, there is a big hole in our game. If T eddy w ere here, he w ould not accept the loss o f one player, no m atter how pivotal, as an excuse for failure. He w ould tell us that creatin g a better, stronger A m erica is a team sport requiring all o f us to step up to the plate. He w ould tell the S enators re tu rn ­ ing from th eir P resid en t's Day recess that it's tim e to put p a rti­ sanship aside. We m ust pass a jo b s bill w orthy o f the m illions o f men and wom en in this c o u n ­ try who are stru g g lin g to m ake ends m eet and provide for th eir children in the m idst of the worst eco n o m ic dow nturn since the Great Depression. He would say to those of us fighting for real, com prehensive health reform, the same thing he said in his 1980 Democratic Na­ tional Convention speech: "We must not surrender...L et us re­ solve that the state of a fam ily's health shall never depend on the size o f a fam ily's wealth." T eddy's final gift to us, his m em o ir, "T rue C o m p ass," is a co m pelling read. It d escrib es in honest detail the life o f a re ­ m arkable public servant w hose ow n p erso n al ch alle n g es and s e tb a c k s o n ly s e e m e d to stren g th en his reso lv e to m ake life b etter for others. In talking about his d iag n o sis and dem ise, T eddy's m ain concerns w ere for his wife and fam ily, and the u n ­ fin ish e d w ork th at m eant so m uch to him. Before going into surgery, he called a few of his most trusted Senate colleagues, to ask them to shepherd important pieces o f leg­ islation just in case he didn't make it through. He survived the sur- gery, and was even able to speak at the 2008 Dem ocratic National Convention, where he gave a brief, but passionate speech in support of Barack Obama and the cause of his life — "affordable health care as a fundam ental right." I leave you with these words: "There is a new wave o f change all around us, and if we set our com pass true, we will reach our destination - not m erely victory for our party, but renewal for our n a tio n ...A n d so, w ith B arack Obama — for you and for me, for our country and for our cause - the work begins anew, the hope rises again, and the dream lives o n .” Teddy K ennedy's voice and leadership are sorely missed. May we all draw strength from his pow­ erful legacy as we continue his fight for jobs, health care and opportunity for all. Marc H. Morial is president and chief executive officer o f the National Urban League. m m m h h Heavily Soiled Area: Additional $10.00 ADDITIONAL SERVICES • Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning • Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning • Deodorizing & Pet Odor Treatment • Spot & Stain Removal Service • Scotchguard Protection UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Sofa $79.00 Loveseat $59.00 Sectional $109-$139 Spy Chair or Recliner T $35 - $49 Throw Pillows $5.00 (With Other Services) % R See Flyers for Additional Prices Call For Appointment (503) 281-3949 Rallying ‘Rainbow Warriors’ Creating a progressive third force by D r . R on D aniels With Tea Party ac­ tivists getting wall to wall coverage by the mainstream media it is clear that the right con­ tinues to outmaneuver the left in terms of cap­ turing the limelight to promote the conservative cause. The cold fact is there has been no equivalent concept or response from a liberal, left, progressive "move­ ment" that is disgruntled, disjointed, disoriented and ineffective. If a re­ turn to power of the conservatives is to be blocked, there must be far more innovative thinking, meaning­ ful messaging and creative organiz­ ing on the left. I would not begin to claim to be an innovative thinker, but I could envision rallying "Rainbow W ar­ riors" to vigorously defend the his­ torical legacy of the left in fighting to improve the quality of life for the majority of working people, the middle class, women, people of color and the poor. Unlike the virtually all white "Tea Party Movement," the "Rainbow" symbolizes the promise of a 21st century "patriotism" rooted in the commitment to a multi-racial and ethnic, multi-religious, multi-cul- tural, inclusive and expansive democracy with a "socially re­ sponsible" economy. The Tea Party crowd repre­ sents a dying order. Rainbow Warriors could represent the birth of a new future. It occurs to me that somehow, minds that are more gifted than mine could take this concept and shape it into a vehicle that could capture the imaginations of millions of Ameri­ cans who have been wounded by eight years of Bush-Cheney; mil­ lions who are focusing their anger and frustration on President Obama and the Democrats rather than the villains whose misguided policies and misdeeds are responsible for the pain and suffering vast numbers of Americans are experiencing. Redirecting this anger and frus­ tration must be the first order of business for Rainbow Warriors. No matter how distasteful to some, it is imperative that we circle the wag­ ons around the Obama administra­ tion and accentuate the positive contributions made despite the grave economic crisis the President inherited. We cannot allow the American people to have a lapse of memory about who created the mess that is ruining their lives. To expect any administration to end joblessness nities across the country; immigra­ in ayear is simply unrealistic and we tion reform that creates a gateway to must fashion a message which re­ citizenship for millions of undocu­ spectfully conveys this reality while mented persons in our society; pas­ charting a path to recovery that sage of the Employee Free Choice offers hope for the future. Act; and, re-emphasis on a people- What if the progressive move­ oriented health care system. ment were able to rise above its What if a million Rainbow war­ splintered state to develop a popu­ riors, armed with a Common Ground lar, populist, progressive agenda Agenda, mobilized a march on centered around "economic com­ Washington to call attention to a mon ground" policies, calculated to movement dedicated to advancing ameliorate the pain and suffering of policies to win the allegiance of or­ millions of Americans and generate dinary people who are currently jobs and economic opportunities? alienated and turning to the right for Green jobs in a modem 21 st cen­ answers? tury economy with a living wage What if a million Rainbow w ar­ and benefits should be at the top of riors com m itted to engaging and the list. Such an agenda might also registering m illions o f unregis­ incorporate proposals to rigorously tered and unorganized voters, rein-in and regulate Wall Street; Congressional District by C on­ provide meaningful assistance to gressional D istrict, to counter the homeowners victimized by the sub­ attack on wobbly Dem ocrats, op­ prime lending scam; and, increase pose conservatives and support Pell Grants and low interest loans to liberal and progressive candidates students Some of these proposals to stem the tide o f the Tea Party are already before the Congress but reactionaries and other right wing require robust support from out­ forces? raged but organized constituencies. If the progressive movement In addition, there is a need to could gather itself to meet that chal­ press for enactment of proposals of lenge, it would be a game changer in critical importance to key constitu­ American politics. encies within the liberal-progres­ Dr. Ron Daniels is president of sive umbrella, the base, like a mas­ the Institute o f the Black World sive jobs program targeted to end 21st Century and Distinguished depression level unemployment and Lecturer at York College City Uni­ underemployment in black commu- versity o f New York.