Page 2 sportiani» (Observer 11 Percent Unemployed Oregonians who will exhaust their benefits at the end of March. The legislation will provide for up to six more weeks of jobless benefits. March 3, 2010 tions. The idea has unified opposi­ The latest figures from the Oregon tion with people carrying signs such Employment Department show the as “One Race: Human,” “No to state had a jobless rate for January Aryan Nations!” at 11 percent, stuck at pretty much PCC Student Sues Police the same place it has been since last Quake Death Toll at 800 Facing angry earthquake sur­ A Portland Community College fall. But revised figures show the vivors who had little warning student, saying her constitutional peak was a little lower than first of the coming tsunami, and who reported. rights were violated, is suing the still are waiting for aid three Portland Police Bureau. Delease Jobless Benefits Extended days after the devastating 8.8 Carter was originally stopped for G ov. Ted magnitude earthquake, Chile's walking in the middle of the street K u lo n g o s k i government used helicopters just a few blocks from the PCC signed an ex­ and boats to step up food de­ Cascade Campus. Police then took tension of un- liveries on Tuesday as the her to the ground when she didn't e m p lo y m en t death toll rose to nearly 800. follow their orders. John Day, an eastern Oregon town b e n e fits where the leader of a white suprema­ Gun Rights May Grow Thursday for Town Rejects Racism Hundreds of residents packed meet­ cist group is seeking to make the The Supreme Court suggested Tues­ nearly 19,000 ings Friday to keep racism out of location a national base of opera- day it will strike down the outright ,, Week in The Review bans on handguns in some cities, a ruling that could establish a nation­ wide ow nership right fervently sought by gun advocates. But the justices indicated less severe limits could survive, continuing disputes over the "right to keep and bear arms." Saturday Mail Delivery on Chopping Block The post office is renewing its drive to drop Saturday delivery — and plans a rate increase — in an effort to fend off a projected $7 billion loss this year. Without drastic action the agency could face a cumulative loss of $238 billion over 10 years, Post­ master General John Potter said. Student is NASA Scholar Damani Proctor is pursuing a high tech career with NASA. ■■ M ’ Portland Community College stu- dent Damani Proctor has been se- lected one of 105 students nation- wide for the NASA Student Ambas- sador Program. . Ambassadors will interact with the agency while sharing informa- tion, making professional connec- tions and collaborating with peers, They also will represent NASA in a variety o f venues and help the agency inspire and engage future intems and fellows. Proctor is work- ing on his associate’s degree in ■■ ■ - Microelectronics Technology Pro­ gram at the Rock Creek Campus, After college he aspires to use his two degrees to find work in the solar electronics industry. Last spring Proctor, 36, found out h e ’d been accepted to the Oregon Space Grants Program and was an intern at the G oddard Space Flight Center in M aryland, He spent three m onths testing, program m ing, and troubleshoot- ing a system to convert pow er from 120 to 28 volts. Tee It Up For Fun! O J . h- G». UN t Leisure Hour Jr, Golf Program Open Enrollment 2010 Ages 7-College Sunday, February 28,2010 2pm - 6pm your outlets to open up and sayAAHHHH. W e have programs, tips and ideas to help you identify fhe best ways to save energy, plus For New and Returning Members & Mentors 3800 NE Mallory Portland, Oregon • Applications will be available to download at our website on cash incentives to help make the savings happen. Your home will be in to p energy shape in no time. You II find all sorts o f energy-saving answers at p a c ific p o w e r .n e t/w a t ts m a r t ^P A C IF IC POWER Let’s turn the answers on. .100, YEÂRf- J / Fee for Jr. Golfers: $15.00 for 1 Child per Family $25.00 for 2 Children per Family $40.00 for 3 Children per Family $55.00 for 4 Children per Family Fee for Mentors: $20.00 © 2010 Pacific Additional Fee for Uniform Per Person: $25.00 (which includes Hat and Shirt) I f you have any questions, please call Debbie Moaning at (503) 936-8568 or Angie Harris at (503) 320-0123