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March 3, 2010
C lassjfieds / B ids
Housing Authority of Vancouver
Notice of Waiting List Opening for
Four-Bedroom Cougar Homes Units
Accepting all CLASSIFIEDS,
To Place Your Classified Advertisement
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
e-mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.com
Join the City Council at a
Community Budget Forum
3 Options!
RFP 1 0 -1 6 0 2 -P E S
Monday, March 1st, 6:00-8:30 PM
Montgomery Park
2701 NW Vaughn St.
Bus lines: 15,17 & 77
Wednesday, March 3rd, 6:00-8:30 PM
Mt. Scott Community Center
SE 72nd Ave & Harold St.
Bus line: 10 & 14
Metro Parks and Environmental Services, a Department of Metro
a metropolitan service district organized under the laws of the State
of Oregon and the Metro Charter, is requesting proposals from
qualified firms for the Metro Regional Center Third Floor Conference
Room Electrical and Audio Visual improvements located at 600
NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 97232-2736.
A mandatory walk through is scheduled for February 17, 2010 at
2:00 p.m. Please report to the lobby desk at Metro Regional Center,
600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 97232.
Saturday, March 6th, 1:00-3:30 PM
IRCO Community Space
10301 NEGIisan St.
Bus lines: 19, 25 & 27
Metro requires a sustainable conference room at the Metro Regional
Center for all Metro employees, constituents and the public. This
pro je ct phase w ill esta b lish a co n feren ce room with the
infrastructure to accommodate current electrical and audio visual
needs and will also provide for additional improvements to be
completed at a later date.
Sealed proposals must be delivered to Procurement Services at
Metro, 600 NE Grand, Portland, Oregon 97232-2736, to the
Attention: Karen Slusarenko, RFP 10-1602-PES, no later than
February 26,2010 at3:00 p.m.
For more information
Visit: www.portlandonline.com/communitybudget
Or call: 823-6806
All locations are ADA accessible.
Accommodations: call 823-2559 in advance, TDD: 823-6868
Notice is hereby given that the
waiting list for FOUR (4) bedroom
u n its in the C o u g a r H om es
Program of the Housing Authority
of the City of Vancouver will be
open from Monday, March 29,
2010 through Friday, A p ril 2,
2010, during regular business
hours of 8am-5pm. Applications
may be requested prior to these
dates but will only be accepted
d u rin g the
p e rio d .
Applications are available at the
a d m in is tra tiv e o ffic e of the
V a n c o u v e r H o u sin g A u th o rity
located at 2500 Main Street,
Vancouver, Washington 98660.
Applications are also available on
th e
w e b s ite
ww w .vhausa.com or by calling
(360) 993-9580. Applicants must
qualify for four (4) bedrooms as
established by the VHA occupancy
standards to be placed on the
w a itin g lis t.
In co m e lim it
qualifications for a four-bedroom
unit range from $56,000 for a
fam ily of four to $73,900 for a
family of eight. Available units will
be offered to qualified waiting list
applicants based on the date and
time of application.
Metro may accept or reject any or all bids, in whole or in part, or
waive irregularities not affecting substantial rights if such action is
deemed in the public interest.
Metro extends equal opportunity to all persons and specifically
e n co u ra g e s m inority, w om en-ow ned and e m e rgin g sm all
businesses to access and participate in this and all Metro projects,
programs and services.
Metro and its contractors will not discriminate against any person(s),
employee or applicant for employment based on race, creed, color,
national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, physical
handicap, political affiliation or martial status. Metro fully complies
with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes and
regulations in all programs and activities. For more information, or
to obtain a Title VI Complaint Form, see www.metro-region.org or
call (503) 797-1536.
Possibility. In every direction.™
The Port of Portland is a regional government operating airports,
marine terminals and industrial parks in the greater Portland
metropolitan area, to fulfill its mission of providing competitive
cargo and passenger access to world markets while enhancing
the region’s quality of life.
To view current job openings and to access the application form,
visit the Port’s website at www.portofportland.com or call (503)
The Port of Portland is an AA/EEO employer committed to workforce
diversity and affirmative action.
Approx. Hourly Wage: $20.65 -
$26.37 after two (2) years
D e a d lin e : W hen a s u ffic ie n t
n u m b er of a p p lic a tio n s are
*Position: Construction Equip­
ment Operator’s operate heavy
d u ty m o to rize d c o n s tru c tio n
equipment. To apply, please visit
w e b s ite
h ttp ://
www.ci.portland.or.us/jobs and for
questions contact Jarvez Hall, Sr.
Human Resources Analyst, (503)
823-5738. The City of Portland is
An Equal Opportunity Employer
P o s itio n O p e n in g :
H e a d W o m e n ’s
V a r s ity
B a s k e tb a ll C o a c h
General Manager of Visitor Venues,
$136,148 - $197,428 annually.
Deadline: 3/31/10.
Team !
Job Hotline: 503-988-5035
TTY: 503-988-5170
an equal opportunity em ployer
To a c c e s s the c o m p le te jo b
a n n o u n c e m e n t and re q u ire d
a p p lic a tio n m a te ria ls , v is it
w w w .oregonm etro.gov/jobs, or
pick up a com plete packet at
Metro, 600 NE Grand Avenue,
AA/EEO Employer
Jesuit High School,
Portland, Oregon
Application Deadline -
April 2,2010
Contact: Mike Hughes,
Athletic Director at
(503) 291-5418 or
mhughes@ jesuitportland.org
Applicants should have
varsity high school coaching
experience or equivalent and
be NFHS or ASEP certified.
Applicants must submit 3
letters of recommendations
and a resume with application.
Advertise with diversity in 7116 Portland I Observer
Call 503-288-0033 ads@portlandob server.com