Page 16 ít!‘‘ j l o rt k m b GDbseruer A s k cD ö lum p on a log. If things d o n ’t get done, we argue. H ow can I get him to m eet m e in the m iddle? - Happy hut Tired; Toledo, Ohio Dear Tired: Real People, Real An advice column known for its fearless approach to reality based subjects! Dear Deanna! M y h usband is very selfish and i n c o n s id e r a t e . W e h a v e a healthy relationship, our finances are good and w e are g o o d par­ ents to our children. T he biggest issue in the relatio n sh ip is the fact he w o n ’t help w ith an y ­ thing. I have to do all the sh o p ­ ping, cleaning, planning for ac­ tivities a n d e v e ry th in g to run the hou seh old and o u r lives. If I d o n ’t do things h e ’ll sit like a Y our husband is a lost cause if you d o n 't have him trained or house broken by now. You should look on the bright side and be glad he has a job, h e ’s not abusive and h e’s involved with the children instead o f being on a milk carton like a dead beat dad. Take an analysis o f the pros and cons in your m arriage and if the negatives are m ore than the positives seek counseling, hang in there and do the best you can to m otivate your husband and get him moving. Dear Deanna! I bought a car from a friend and it was a huge m istake. A fter I got the car it broke dow n, started leaking oil and the transm ission went bad. Because w e ’re friends, I thought we could w ork it out and I would get som e o f my money back. 1 approached him about March 3. 2010 these issues and he told me it ever, I d id n ’t expect to spend w asn’t his problem . I d o n ’t know m oney on these kids and have what to do because a m echanic them curse m e out and d isre ­ told me he had the car fixed just spect m e nor did I ex p ect m y enough to sell it. I feel betrayed girlfrien d to sleep w ith th eir fa ­ and want to know if I can sue him ? ther behind m y back. T he situ a­ —Melinda; Boston tion is w orse now because sh e ’s pregnant w ith m y baby and I Dear Melinda: know I should leave this m ess Y our friend ripped you o ff by but I feel guilty. W hat do I do? selling you a lem on and left you —Brian; Los Angeles w ith a silly look on y o u r face. T h e re ’s not m uch you can do Dear Brian: unless you have docum ents, the It would be a good idea if you decide term s o f the sale and sim ilar not to be stuck on stupid. You need paperw ork you w ould norm ally to get out of this relationship be­ cause you’re being used and disre­ receive from a dealership. Y our spected. As for the pregnancy, you car is on the road dead, your can ride the wave until the baby gets friendship is ruined and your here because you don’t know if the m oney is gone. It’s w orth going baby is yours until you’ve had a to sm all claim s court because he blood test. This clown show will d id n ’t think about you so you only get worse as time goes on and should handle y o u r business and you need to hold onto your money and your mind, give them your rear get ready to see the ju d g e. end to kiss and keep it moving. Dear Deanna! I’m dating a w om an w ho has children by an o th er m an. I knew this going into the relationship and I know the problem s that w ould even tu ally com e. H o w ­ Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! at the email askdeannal @ or 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverly H ills, CA 90211. W ebsite: nuav. askdeanna. com Advertise with diversity in ^ P o rtla n d Observer Call 5034288-0033 ads (pportlanck To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Phone: 503-288-0033 f B: 503-288-0015 PDC Salutes Black History Month with A FATHER’S it > '* ^ IKS' Ì * > 4 ’. ’ S. 3 fe V î - r < — « - * ■ ' June 2008, the Baker family lost their husband and father Z ito colon cancer. Steve Baker was only 56 years old and had complained about intestinal pain for years, but no doc- tor had ordered a colonoscopy at the recommended age f of 50. Steve Baker's illness and death highlights issues around health care and disparities. Studies show doctors are 'ess hkely to give additional tests to black patients and that black males are the most likely of all groups to die fljHL from cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute. hn 1.. • _ _ 1 1 ^serving ened to him. They have formed the non-profit iance to advocate the lorec- tai cancer through proper screening For more information, go to Ihe Steve Baker fam ily - Marsha, far left, works for PDC. ~ ~ COLORECTAL CANCER: PREVENTABLE. TREATABLE BEATABLE GET SCREENED! PDC PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Dress in Blue Day: Friday, March 5, 20101 Remember Io wear blue Io promole awareness aboul colorectal cancer and encourage people Io gel screened! Coming in August Portland's Inaugural "Gel Your Rear in Gear" 5k Run/Walk. 222 N W Fifth Avenue Portland, OR 97209 503.823.3200 | Steve Baker Colorectal Cancer Alliance £