Page 14 11,1 |Jo rtla n h (Observer F a B living V those w ho are a little less ad v en tu r­ o u s. Try New Things W/ REBEKAH STAR OL C heese is one o f those perfect high-low foods- your favorite m ight be a nutty Piave you had on a E u ro ­ pean vacation or the Sw iss in your m o th er’s grilled cheese sandw ich. The traditional E uropean w ay to serve cheese is follow ing a m eal, but a variety o f a few cheeses on a w ooden serv er plate w ork great for acocktail party. A ccording tocheese expert, R ob K aufelt, h e re ’s how to put to g eth er a great cheese plate for your party: A Delicious Indulgence O ne o f the big luxuries o f li ving a fabulous life is eating great food. H ere in the Pacific N orthw est we have so m any different places to eat a w ide range o f delicious dishes. C heese and wine tasting are beco m ­ ing the big thing now . A nd there are so m any different cheeses avail­ able, so how do you choose a good cheese to pair w ith your food or w ine? As I w as looking through one o f m y favorites m agazines, I ran across an article and I ’d like to share a portion o f it w ith you. It’s an interview w ith the author o f T he M u rra y ’s C heese H andbook. Get Help “ I’ve never m et a cheese seller w ho w a sn 't happy to offer a reco m ­ m endation and a taste. Tell him what you like; m ention w hat other food a n d w in e y o u ’re s e r v in g a n d w hether you w ant to be b old.” I’m sure y o u r friends’ taste buds will tru ly a p p re cia te th at, e sp e c ially March 3, 2010 o r hard like P arm ig ian o -R eg g ian o , d e p e n d in g on h o w i t ’s ag ed . T he fin al c a te g o ry is b lu e. It g ets its c o lo r from m o ld and is full o f c o m ­ p lex fla v o rs- th in k G o rg o n z o la o r S tilto n . A g re a t p la te w o u ld be a b lo o m y tr ip le - c r è m e , s u c h as F ro m a g e d ’A ffin o is, a b lu e like R o q u e f o r t , a n d a c r u m b ly P e c o rin o .” “ If y o u r grocery store d o e sn ’t have som eone know ledgeable, go to a cheese shop, o r use your favor­ ite cheese as a starting point for experim entation. If you like Ched­ dar, try both E nglish and A m erican varieties, and w ork y o u rself up to a clo th -b o u n d C abot o r a raw -m ilk Serve It Right E nglish cheddar. As your palate “ Put out a knife for each cheese develops, you w ill be able to taste so you d o n ’t m ix the flavors. I al­ m ore flav o rs.” Sounds a bit like w ays rem ove the label neatly and w ine tasting to me. Fun. put it dow n next to the cheese on the Assemble Your Plate platter, but you can hand-label each “ I p u t o u t an o d d n u m b e r o f one. G ood cheese sparks co n v ersa­ c h e e se s-th re e o r five; it ju s t w o rk s tion, and people appreciate the in ­ b e tte r v isu ally . C h o o se a sam p lin g form ation” o f th e fiv e d iffe re n t ty p e s: F resh Pair It Well c h e e se s, such as c h e v re , te n d to “I think a sim ple sliced baguette b e m ild a n d m o is t. B lo o m y is the perfect vehicle. U nsalted nuts c h e e s e s , s u c h a s B r ie a n d and fruits, both fresh and dried, C a m e m b e rt, are n a m ed fo r th e ir m ake delicious accom panim ents; the w h ite, ‘b lo o m in g ’ rin d an d are idea is to provide a co n trast to the u s u a lly c r e a m y . W a s h e d - r in d richness and brininess o f the cheese. c h e e se s are the stin k y o n e s, like C h ed d a r tra d itio n a lly g o es w ith T a le g g io . P re sse d c h e e se c an be apples; Stilton w ith pears. Q uince sem i-so ft, like G reu y ere o r G ouda, past is w onderful w ith a sheep cheese su ch as M a n c h e g o , an d h o n e y drizzled o v er blue cheese balances its flavor and texture” Select the Wine ‘T r y to pick one that w ill m atch the flav o r and intensity o f your cheese. Light, crisp w ines go w ith fresh cheeses; heavy reds g o better with full flavored ones. Overall, m ore w hite w ines go w ith cheese than do reds. T h eir flavor is not as o v erp o w ­ ering.” O ne o f the m ost en tertain in g things I ’ve done is to host a w in e­ tasting party. Just as this expert says, people love to learn about w hat they are consum ing. So I ’m looking forw ard to m y next get to ­ g eth er to try a little cheese tasting. I think it’s tim e to broaden the h o ri­ zons a bit- try som ething new ! A re you up fo r it? Let me know your thoughts by visiting our Facebook page “FaB Living with Rebekah S ta r” or email RebekahLiv @ Yahoo, com. I 'm look­ ing forw ard to your thoughts. Have a great, prosperous week and until next time- Live Fabulously! WWW M aternity W ater W orkout - Help­ ing new m om s regain muscle tone, strength, and flexibility, all in the sup­ port and freedom o f the water. Call 503-256-4000for more information. S en ior A erob ics — A low -im pact w orkout geared specifically tow ard seniors. C all 5 03-449-0783 for cu r­ rent schedule. O steop orosis S creen in g - An ul­ trasound bone density screening with personalized education; fee $30. To schedule an appointm ent, call 503-261-6611. M ind B ody H ealth C lass - Learn and practice techniques to help you im prove y o u r m ood, health and w ellbeing, including effective w ays to m anage difficult em otions and chronic stress or illness. R eg istra­ tion is $70 for K aiser Perm anente m em bers and $95 for nonm em bers. C all503-286-6816. R ed C ross C ertification - T he O r­ egon Trail C hapter R ed C ross now offers credits to helps p ro fessio n ­ als m aintain licensing o r certifica­ tion. For a cum ulative list, visit Tenderfoot C are — Treat your feet with a soak, nail trim, buffing and m assage from a licensed nurse at one Your Care Our First Priority Dr. Marcelitte Fail la Chiropractic Physician We are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 (Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries Call for an appointment! (503)228-6140 H ealth W atch o f six clinics or at your home. Call 503- 251 -6303 for more information. F ree B ody B asics — T his physician recom m ended class is appropriate for all ages and health conditions. Plan to attend this one-session class and learn the sim ple guidelines for safe exercises, including stretching. Call 503-256-4000 to register. F am ilies w ith M en tal Illness - A free, 12-w eek course for people w hose fam ily m em bers live w ith m ental illness is o ffered at E m anuel H ospital, M t. H ood M edical C enter and Providence M edical Center. The course has been described as “life­ ch an g in g ” by fo rm er participants. R egistration is req u ired by calling 503-203-3326. M an agin g C hronic H epatitis C - T hird W ednesday o f each m onth at 5 p.m. The inform ative session is led by a registered nurse to help you m anage side effects o f m edications and dosage preparations and a d ­ m in istra tio n ; d o c to r referral re ­ quired. To register, call503-251-6313. B etter B reathers - An asthm a ed u ­ cational support group m eets on the 1st T u esd ay o f the m onth from 1:15 p.m . to 2:45 p.m . at A dventist M edical Center. For inform ation, call 503-251-6830. C ancer R esource C en ter - P ro v i­ dence St. V incent M edical C enter and the A m erican R ed C ross have jo in e d forces to create the first in- hospital resource cen ter providing books, printed m aterial, co m p u ter access and m ore fo r individuals and fam ilies dealing w ith cancer. The c e n te r is open M o n d ay th ro u g h T h u rsd ay , 9 a.m . to 4 p.m . Lead Poisoning Prevention - Learn how to protect your fam ily from lead poisoning. Ideal fo r folks in live in old er hom es w ith children o r p reg ­ nant w om en. Q ualified participants receive a free kit o f safety and test­ ing supplies. C all 503-284-6827. P a ren tin g C la sses - N ew b o rn s d o n ’t com e w ith instruction m an u ­ als but parents and parents-to-be can learn about a variety o f topics fro m p a in a n d c h il d b i r t h to breastfeeding to infant C PR and m uch m ore. For a schedule o f events, c a ll 5 0 3 - 5 7 4 - 6 5 9 5 o r v is it: p ro v id e n c e .o rg /c la sse s. Cardiac-Rehab Exercises - A medi­ cally supervised exercise program for people dealing with heart conditions. For information, call 503-251 -6260. Strok e A lert S creen in g - C heck y o u r carotid arteries w ith a painless ultrasound to assess y o u r risk. Fee $40. T o schedule a screening, call 503-251-6137. Em pow erm ent through Relaxation - Free inform al m editation classes that address breathing techniques, som e gentle ancient A frican yoga poses and m ental balancing tech ­ n iq u e s— P eo p le h av e left th ese classes jo y fu l and w ith a peaceful view o f their lives. W e have these s e s s io n s b i- m o n th ly — C a ll D r. M arcelitte Failla at 503-228-6140. Heart Talk Support G roup - Meets on the seco n d M o n d ay o f each month; from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. For more inform ation, call 503-251 -6260. Fam ily Caregiver Support G roup - This topic-oriented group offers a safe place to discuss the stresses, challenges and rew ards o f providing care to an older relative or friend. M eets the first Thursday o f each m onth at 3 p.m. at Legacy G ood Sa­ m aritan Hospital. C h ronic P ain S u p p ort G rou p — M eets the first W ednesday at 4 p.m . to 5:30 p.m . and the third W ed nes­ day o f each m onth, from 7 p.m . to 8:3 0 p .m . For m ore inform ation, call 503-2564000. C holesterol P rofiles -- G et the re ­ sources to help you keep an eye on y o u r cholesterol and o th er in d ica­ tors o f heart health. E ducational m aterial provided. For m ore in for­ m ation, call 503-261-6611. BereavementSupportGroups-Free, safe confidential group m eetings for those w ho have experienced the death o f a loved one offered on various nights and locations. For inform ation and registration, call 503-215-4622. Powerful Tools For C aregivers—6- w eek educational series designed to help fam ily caregivers take care o f them selves w hile caring fo r rela­ tives o r friends w ith chronic illness. C lass size is lim ited, and registration is required. Call 503-413-8018. L eg A lert S creen in g - C h eck for peripheral arterial disease w ith this safe, sim ple screening using ankle and arm blood pressure. T he fee is $40. T o schedule an appointm ent, call 503-251-6137. S m o k e-F ree S u p p o rt G ro u p - M eets M ondays, 7 p.m . to 8 p.m . For inform ation, call 503-256-4000.