Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 03, 2010, Page 12, Image 12

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îl?'Ç ortlanb (Dhsrrurr
March 3, 2010
Hip, H o tand Healthy
Local fashion designers promote healthy youth
Local fashion designers are set to
launch their latest line o f spring fash-
ions with m ore than fabric and flair,
Betty Jean Couture, Bon Lou Cou-
ture and C hrista T aylor are collabo-
rating w ith the M IK E (M ulticultural
Americana Music Brunch
1501 NE Fremont
Every Sunday
Steve Ulrich
& Friends
10% Off Table with this ad
Hodge Comprehensive
Counseling Service
Dr. H. L. Hodge, Ph.D.
Life Change Specialist,
Licensed Pastoral
Counselor, Professional
Trainer. Dr. Hodge has
20 years addressing
Life Stressors
Healing from past hurts,
adapting to new circum­
stances or recovering
from a crisis; a Faith-
Based counselor will be
life changing Hodge
Comprehensive Counsel­
ing provides. Life
change HCCS provides
cognitive behavioral
services from a Biblical
perspective with sound
psychological principles.
P ortland C ongress C enter
1 0 0 1 S W Fifth A venue,
S u ite 1100
P ortlan d , O R 97204
P hone: 503-220-1790
Fax: 1+503-220-1815
hud gehspks @ m sn.com
Integrated Kidney Education) pro­
gram to create a fashionable m essage
o f a healthy lifestyle for youth w ith a
fashion show.
T he Saturday, M arch 13 event
from 6 p.m . to 8 p.m. at C alifornia
Closets Show room , 1225 S.E. G rand
A ve., is designed to raise aw are­
ness and funding for youth-based
activities in the P ortland area.
Local celebrities Byron B eck and
A yanna B erkshire o f T w ilight and
E xtraordinary M easure, will co -em ­
cee the 6 p.m . to 8 p.m. event, featur­
ing Fox 12’s Sophie Soong as a
celebrity model.
K enneth D osw ell o f B etty Jean
C outure looks to ram p up the show
w ith sounds and sights in high style.
T he A frican A m erican founder
o f his ow n design studio and m an u ­
facturing business on N orth W ill­
iam s A venue, D osw ell created Betty
Jean C outure to continue the legacy
o f his m other.
H er death from breast can cer
brought D osw ell and his fam ily into
the destructive nature o f m ajor d is­
eases. D o sw ell’s w ork for M IK E
Program is to reach out to youth in
a fun w ay in hopes o f offsetting
kidney disease. Preventing d iab e­
tes is one o f the best w ays to e lim i­
nate kidney disease, but it all begins
w ith healthy eating habits.
Fashions by Betty Jean Couturewill be featured in a benefit
fashion show for MIKE, a kidney education program promoting
healthy lifestyles for youth. The Portland company focuses on
women looking their best, independent of their size and shape.
Local students w ho are involved
w ith the M IK E program w ill be p ar­
ticipating in m any o f the aspects o f
the fashion show . Som e are busy
designing t-shirts w ith healthy m es­
sages, w hile others are looking to
m odel the couture fashions o f the
Friends of
Chamber Music
The vibrant Miami String
Quartet will perform during
7:30 p.m. shows on Monday,
March 8 at the First Baptist
Church, 909 S. W. 11th Ave.,
and Tuesday, March 9 at Kaul
Auditorium at Reed College,
3202 S.E. Woodstock. The
Friends of Chamber Music
concerts will also feature the
piano trio Kalichstein, Laredo
and Robinson.
HCCS Speciaties Are:
• Education Training - Work­
shops & seminars to facilitate
personal enrichment.
• Counseling - Helping clients
find solutions to life problems.
• Substance Abuse Education
Providing tools for overcoming
& recovering using Meditation
& Relaxation Techniques for
Stress Reduction/Pain Manage­
• Grief Counseling—dealing
with lose & separation, anxiety,
depression, & phobias as well as
(PTSD) Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder the 5th most common
mental health disorder.
-By Appointment Only-
d esig n ers.
T he show w ill also feature the
w orks o f O ’Pearl je w elry and the
Real M cC oy purses.
A dm ission to the show is $30,
w hich includes script for beverages,
w ine and hearty appetizers.
Shakespeare Meets Hip Hop
Play explores
gender roles
W hen W illiam Shakespeare wrote
T am ing o f the Shrew, there w ere no
hip-hop artists around. But Portland’s
Fuse Theatre Ensem ble likes to think
if he'd encountered som e hip hop in
the streets o f London, it m ight have
changed the style o f this classic.
Slap that Bitch! A hip hop telling
o f Tam ing o f the Shrew is an original
w ork w ritten by Francesca Sanders.
The aw ard w inning playw right
fuses form s; using the lens o f hip hop
to observe the roles o f m en and women
play, m odem day morality, and maybe
finding a new w ay to look at an age-
old play. W hen C olette show s up at
his house the next day as part o f an
acting troupe, he tries to banish her.
W ill he have the last w ord on this
m atter...or w ill she?
Perform ances continue through
M arch 20 at Theater! Theatre! 3430
S.E. Belmont.