The Page 8 k Deanna] Real People, Real Advice . in advice column known fo r reality bused subjects! Dear Deanna! My daughter ended a relationship that was abusive, degrading and disrespectful. We went through the hassle o f moving her to another location, helping get her a new job and a new school for the children. As soon as she gets some money MONDAY Portland Observer Black History Month saved, a few new friends and things look promising, she lets her boy­ friend come back. W e’re losing our minds because he’s put her in the hospital, took her money and every­ thing else. What can 1 say to get through to her? -M adM other; On- Line Reader and only counseling and strong family intervention can help. As a mother you need to stand by your daughter, love her and try not to be judgmental as she gets it together and hopefully she’ll see the reality o f the monster she’s with before it’s too late. Dear Mad Mother: Dear Deanna! Have a talk with your daughter and I’m a senior citizen female and I’m let her know that she can’t smell the very active in all areas o f my life roses if she’s dead. Relationships with no plans to slow down. I’ve can make people do crazy things worked hard enough in my life­ including hurting the ones they love. time and now I want to enjoy Your daughter has low self esteem m yself and do as I please. My TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 24 February 24, 2010 adult children have an issue with than babysitting and planting flow­ my lifestyle and feel I should be at ers if your foot isn’t on a banana home watching television or be­ peel. However, you still need to ing a grandm other. I refuse to be practice caution and good judgment som ething I’m not and if I want to in all areas. You may be mature and be intim ate, socialize or spend my wise and financially stable, but m oney i t ’s my b u sin e ss. sexual diseases and HIV doesn’t G eraldine Thomas; Ft. Worth, discriminate. Texas Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Dear Geraldine: Write Ask Deanna! at the email If you have pep in your step and can or 264 S. get moving then your children can LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverly eat your dust and let you continue H ills, CA 90211. W ebsite: living your life. You’ve paid your w w . askdeanna. com dues and you’re entitled to more FRIDAY 25 SATURDAY 26 SUNDAY 28 7 Portland Observer Black History Special Edition MONDAY TUESDAY I "1 I WEDNESDAY THURSDAY is Women s History M on 1 h 2 3 In His Image: Addressing Racism University o f Portland 4 p.m. Portland Observer Weeklv Publication 8 1 0 16 17 Portland Observer Women in History Special Edition 22 23 24 1 1 30 18 Women's Film Festival Hollywood Theatre 6:30 p.m. Free Homebuyer Workshop Lents Baptist Church 6p.m. 25 M l SUNDAY 6 Teen Science Night OMSI 7p.m. to 10p.m. 1 9 19 Women 's Film Festival Hollywood Theatre 7 p.m. 26 13 14 Eco R o o f Portland Leftbank Annex 101 N. Weidler St. 10 a m . to 6 p.m. 20 Women ’s Film Festival Hollywood Theatre 1 p.m. 2 *7 Women Empowering Women Summit Expo Center 31 Portland Observer Weeklv Publication h r Eco R o o f Portland Leftbank Annex 101 N We idi er St. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Portland Observer Weekly Publication 29 SATURDAY TriMet Service Cuts Public Hearing Gresham City Hall 4 p.m. Portland Observer Weeklv Publication I 3 e FRIDAY 21 Women ’s Film F estival Hollywood Theatre 1 p.m. 28