February 24, 2010 The Portland Observer Black HiStOiy Month Page 7 Hot Seat at City Hall continued front Front week with Mayor Sam Adams and Police Commissioner Dan Saltzman. He also spoke at Maranatha Church in northeast Portland telling over 1,000 people that if the officer in­ volved in the shooting returned to work the next day as scheduled, they should march on City Hall at high noon. And they did just that, marching from the Justice Center al 1 the way to the mayor's office. Over the last several years, Port­ land has fallen intoa familiar pattern after someone dies during a police encounter: Marches are held and forceful denunciations are made; the Police Bureau promises to re­ view the incident and make changes; the outrage boils off, but leaves a stinging residue o f resentment on the public. The officer involved in the Jan. 29 shooting o f Campbell was found to Da„ n photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver have acted within the law by a grand p J , J Jackso" (right) with Portland pastor, Rev. LeRoy Haynes Jr.. holds a news conference at Maranatha Church in northeast ju ry earlier this m onth, which ? support a ca" t0 actlon by the Albina Ministerial Alliance and other civil rights activists to protest the shooting death Aaron prompted the AMA to hold a rally Campbel1, an unarmed black man killed by police during a mental health disturbance. f 'ePfS ° f ,he r T CT r ‘nC,ident' the aPP°in,menl o f a sP0- dead|y force, more oversight o f the So far, the eall fora special pros- add teeth to the current IPR fune- Th8 A M A '' T d f C dtehmandS. C,t prosecutor for P °hce violence, bureau, and a revision o f state law ecutor hasn’t been acted upon- al- tion," said Ty Kovatch Leonard’s AMA called tor the estab- athoroughrevtew ofbureau'strain- governing the use o f deadly force though city officials have asked for chiefofstaffoftheordinance which lishm entofa public inquiry into the ing and policy on excessive and by police officers. the U.5. Justice Department to in- he expects to be brought before City vestigate- and with the Legislature Council in coming weeks, wrapping up its current session the Portland Copwatch spokesper- chances o f it reviewing the state’s son Dan Handelman, who’s never use o f force laws seem nil. seen the bureau under so much scru- But other two ofthe other priori- tiny, applauds this move. He also ties by local activists seem to be hopes that the city will use the up- gaining traction. coming negotiations with the police At a press conference on Friday, union to revisit how officers are Police Commissioner Dan Saltzman protected after using force. The city said he was going to initiate a “top- wants the negotiations to be public. to-bottom” review o f the police In December, the union flexed its Includes hands-on experience bureau, which is currently review- muscles after Saltzman suspended ing the incident. a controversial officer who shot a Safety, apprenticeship, and Commissioner Randy Leonard, 12-year-old girl with a beanbag gun who has had a contentious relation- on a MAX platform. The union held more! ship with the bureau, is drafting an a massive rally and threatened to ordinance for more independent release results o f a no confidence Intro to Green Building oversight o f the police that could vote on him and Police C hief Rosie take flight given the current climate. Sizer, until he backed down. Trades Math I Measurement In 2001, the city formed the Inde- The city will begin negotiations pendent Police Review Division to this spring with representatives o f Visits to Job Sites & receive citizen complaints o f officer the union over its contract, which misconduct. expires in June. Apprentice Training The director o f the IPR has only "For me, it's about the contract," Centers an advisory role on key boards in said Ann Bowman, who sees the the Police Bureau that reviews of- negotiations as an opportunity to fleer misconduct. The IPR can't pro- reassert control over the union, Strength Training pose or enforce discipline on offic- which some worry is undermining ers, and has few ways to compel the civilian control o fth e police. Police Bureau to cooperate in its The current contract mandates investigations. that the city not discipline officers Leonard s ordinance would pe- publicly, a provision Bowman wants nalize the bureau for not cooperating out, so the public can determine in an investigation. It would also "who's good and who's bad." allow the IPR to propose and chal­ But Bowman stresses that public lenge discipline for officers, broaden pressure on the city needs to be its ability to initiate investigations, sustained if real change will happen. and make its director an integral part "So we got a window to make that o f key review boards in the police change happen now, and if we don't bureau- do it now we'll be stuck with it," she "As a general matter, it's meant to said. 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