Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 24, 2010, Page 3, Image 3

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    February 24. 2010____________________ TheP o rtla n d
Observer B lack H isto ry M o n th
B lack H istory M onth
photo by
M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver
Mayor Sam Adams honors survivors from the 1948 Memorial Day Flood that destroyed the
multicultural city of Vanport during a Black History month celebration at City Hall. Pictured (from left)
are Sharon Malone, Bud Fleury, Geneva Jones, Mayor Adams, Roland Jones, Dale Tweed and Jim
Flood Survivors Honored
‘The Vanport
pays tribute to
auuits at the time of the flood. One
survivor shared with the more than
70 attendees, his original 8th grade
student card that "excused him for
not having a report card" because
the Vanport school records were all
destroyed by water.
Survivors and guests saw poster
images o f Vanport C ity and a special
slide presentation o f community life
in Vanport and how people fled the
flood waters and huddled in shel­
ters. Weeks after the water receded,
photos showed how many African-
Americans grew tired o f make-shift
but not for eveiy Portlander.
The Mayor added that he was
inspired by the fellowship o f the
evening's remembrance. He con­
cluded the ceremony by presenting
each survivor with a certificate of
On behalf o f Portland Observer
Publisher Charles Washington, who
was out o f town for a black publish­
ers business meeting, his associate
Rebekah Belle, read remarks from
him about how the Washington fam­
ily was among the 15,000 to 20,000
African-Americans who came to
In the dim lights o f the Portland
City Hall atrium, 10 survivors o f the
1948 Vanport City Memorial Day
Flood stood alongside Mayor Sam
Adam to recall the tragedy that de­
stroyed Oregon's second largest
city in less than one day.
Last Friday’s “The Vanport Ex­
perience” Black History Month
celebration, was the first time in
nearly 62 years that the flood di­
Portland State University’s Black Studies Department is turning 40
saster was recognized by a Port­
years old this year. To celebrate, the department is sponsoring a
land City official.
celebration with food and a DJ at the historic Billy Webb Elks Lodge,
The survivors were appreciative
6 N. Tillmook St. on Friday, Feb. 26 at 5:45 p.m.
that Mayor Adams finally acknowl­
Speakers will include founding members o f the department, as well
edged their struggle that day and
as representatives from the Associations o f African Students, the
the rebuilding o f their families lives.
NAACP, and Black cultural Affairs Board.
Adams spoke o f how the flood
There is a suggested $ 10 donation, but free for students. RSVP to
brought blacks and whites from both
jennae@ pdx.edu.
Vanport and Portland together to res­
cue and care for the flood victims. He dwellings and demanded Portland Portland to work in the Kaiser Ship­
remarked how the flood also later no longer deny them permanent yards during World War II.
brought integration to Portland's housing.
Washington told o f how his fam­
schools, and an appreciation o f the
With the exception o f the Port­ ily traveled by train with their be­
contributions African-Americans land Observer, the local news media longings and a sack filled with sand­
made to the community.
was absent from this milestone wiches.
"W e c o m m e m o ra te the event. Adams took the opportunity
The Vanport City Experience re­
Vanport flood, an event in our to reflect on the tensions that last ception was organized by staff from
c ity ’s history that the Portland m onth's Aaron Campbell police the Mayor's Office and the City o f
O b s e rv e r
r e c e n tly
c a lle d shooting had caused Portlanders. Portland Black History Planning
'P ortland’s K atrina,'" said M ayor
"Tonight’s event comes in the Committee.
Adams. "My hope and my vision midst o f a painful, emotional and
Committee members included
for Portland is that we never for­ justifiably tense time for Portland as D onny A dair, A rt A lex an d er,
get w hat happened that sum m er a whole, and for our African-Ameri­ Pollyanne Birge, Tim Hall, Donna
o f 1948, and that we build a city can community in particular," said Hammond, Karyn Hansen, Delphine
where equity and prosperity re­ Adams. "The events o f the past few
Kennedy-W alker, Lynda Lewis,
place discrim ination and disillu­ weeks, and certainly o f the past
Janice McMillian-Friday, Barbara
sionm ent."
week, only highlight what has been Rice, Marvin Riddick, and Felicia
The senior citizen survivors were endemic to our city for too long: the Williams. Food was served by
in middle and high school, or young fact that Portland is a great place, Cannon's Rib Express.
PSU Black Studies Turns 40
page 11-15
C lassifieds
F o o d
page 16-17
page 18