Page 24 The Portland Observer Black HistOiy Month February 24, 2010 SAFEWAY O Recipes by Ingredients for life Speedy Lasagna Supper RANCHERS Ingredients I JAN PIM W |S *2 lb lean (at least 80% ) ground b e e f * 1 cup sm all curd cottage cheese 1 /2 cup grated Parm esan cheese 3 cups shredded m ozzarella cheese (12 oz) *1 tablespoon Italian seasoning * 1 can (12 oz) tom ato paste *11/3 cups O riginal B isquick® m ix *2 cups m ilk *1 teaspoon salt *1/2 teaspoon pepper *4 eggs _ T f .N D E ff B E E F _ _ SATURDAY & SUNDAY ONLY! CUISlNt Lean Cuisine Meals or Hot or Lean Pockets I Rancher’s Reserve® Boneless Beef Chuck Pot or Cross Rib Roast Directions 1. H eat oven to 400°F. S p ray 1 3 x 9 -in ch (3 - j q u a rt) glass baking dish with cooking spray. In | 10-inch skillet, cook b eef over m edium -high heat 5 to 7 m inutes, stirring occasionally, until brow n; drain. 2. Layer cottage cheese and Parm esan cheese in baking dish. Stir 2 cups o f the m ozzarella cheese, the Italian seasoning and tom ato paste into beef; spoon b e e f m ixture evenly over cheeses in baking dish. In m edium bow l, stir rem aining ingredients until blended. Pour over b e e f m ixture. 3. B ake 40 to 45 m inutes or until knife inserted in cen ter com es out clean. Sprinkle w ith rem aining 1 cup m ozzarella cheese. Bake 1 to 2 m inutes longer or until cheese is m elted. Let stand 5 m inutes before cutting. N ote: Can S ubsitute turkey for ham burger. lb Club Price 131 5 to 12 oz Selettwl vaoet«s SAVE up to $2 01 Club Price 00 lb. •osier a r a te Pork Lorn Half Sliced Rib Bone In. Fresh. Club Or Sirloin Halt Sliced. $ t 69 Ih SAVE up to $1 20 It Price g* Club Prie» KB Foster Farms Fresh Whole Chicken Post Honey Bunches of Oats Lor.,Illy promt’ 0 ' Split 99c It! Limit 3 SAVE up to 50c 10 14.5-02 Or KetkxjQ s Frosted Hakes 14-or Cereal. Club Pnce $2 00 sa SAVE up to $5.37 on 3 Club Price Cheese Garlic Biscuits Ingredients *2 cups O riginal B isquick® m ix *2/3 cup m ilk *1/2 cup shredded C heddar cheese (2 ounces) *2 tablespoons butter or m argarine *1/8 teaspoon garlic pow der K WbP t W ■ V Cooked or Raw Shrimp ~ Cooked 91 to 113 ct CuRa?, 5' Ip 60 ct 2 It) sap Ranoom wf.ptit $4 9 9 is. Frozen/Thawed. Club Price Q SAW up to $5 80 cm a 2-lb Pap Jumbo Cantaloupe Melons SAVE up to 5()< III Club Price ¡tug M 2» I Q I Directions 1. H eat oven to 450°F. 2. Stir Bisquick mix. milk and cheese until soft d o u g h fo rm s . D ro p Q 12-Pack Saleway Soda I I 12 02 cans Sekv.led wanelies Plus deposit in Oregon. ■ Club Price W l * save up to S i 5 i . ft flflr IT O ' I Fresh Express Salad Blends OvenJoy Breads dough by 9 spoonfuIs onto ungreased cookie H M l M b Ï 22 02 White oi Whea' SAVE opto 31« ^*7 Club Price Ml sh eet. r ~ 3. B ake 8 to 10 m inutes o r until golden brow n. Stir together butter and garlic pow der; brush o v er w arm biscuits 4 5 to 12 02. package. Selected »»neties Club Price $2 50 ea SAVE u p to $ l 5 6 o n 2 H Rrpperoí» Chocolate Heart Peanut Butter Cookies. Nabisco Oreo or Ritz Crackers Ingredients Ciub Price f t * * 1 pouch (1 lb 1.5 oz) B etty C rocker® peanut b u tter cookie m ix *3 tablespoons vegetable oil * 1 tablespoon w ater 1 * 1Cgg ' Tropicana Pure Premium 5 to 18 or Selected watches Club Price $2 50 ea SAVE up Io S1 98 on 2 Club Price f t * BuyAny3$ A ■ B 59 In 64 or Chilled Selected varieties Club Price S2 50 ea. SAVE up to $2 98 on 2 W Club Price n Chateau Ste Michelle Folu Hills or Yellow Tail 750 ml Chateau Ste M ithtlle. Eula Hills,« 15-nter Yellow I ail Selected varietals SAVE up to $5 00 SATURDAY » S IM 0 A Y 0 M Y - Look tor Buy 3 Save $6 tags on participating items. Sateway SELECT* P iu a SAVE< 1125to37"-9i. Sobifcdöprtte’. MIX A MATCH SALE *36 heart-shaped m ilk chocolate candies ■ ( lf l ■ M M LCi . » . Selected varieties on all your favorite coffees, teas & MORE! Participating brands also include Donkin Donuts 12-oz Millstone ,0 to I < 0 /. Taro Tea 20-ct and Taster's Choice 14 to 1.55-02. m edium bowl, stircookie m ix, oil, w ater and egg until dough form s. 2. Shape dough into 36(1 -inch) balls; roll in sugar. Place 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheets. 3. B ake 8 to 10 m inutes o r until light g olden brow n. Im m ediately press chocolate candy into top o f each cookie. R em ove from cookie sheets to cooling racks. C ool com pletely, ab o u t 20 m in ­ utes, before storing in tightly covered container. j®*5* M JESH «MMi «SSt « ‘ T' ** I ....... Doritos Look lor Buy 3 Save S6 tags on participating items. M3iwt«»»is«e> re in W texw W rti»«< iiw #i«ip e h «ickn »b y iu lM I^ IW cp *ii«B im iiw iW le»ab lfc»< aB w .«b W i(B X »O lw lfl()2i!O ia WE'VE GOT GREAT CLUB CAfíD SPECIALS S „ iW " * '» w í í/ ? Pnc« n thn «d good through Mwxh 2nd A U LIMITS ARE rtk HOUSÍHOLD. Pf k DAY CltìB PRICE w í S *"# * Osgm yacapf M k s t a w i ad s.w «Wwgwi v a md Mcwat únete isrss jhered «or sae m not a t e » « w feafc- o a - ky »,- p4^ m r * * * * * 5 * » V « '«CYSd. SMí ASCT8NG iriís MAr «T « MiJ& f O j M*r r m 5O’ S * ®f 0 * Se? fr* ??# f ROGO*) sites, custo na; a r t e e f r ? tan m reo» e» Pto ste- * otya sngte -ten puchases. -terecJar¡riceappfcs, Mrutacax«' &on m»te usedon arenaaíd w >3» k g , se * pj iJW ene «supon o» xMoes « r Otaos» «N » •aonisrí fer a» ano -aposte x reguwi ny tev pp *« ¡xríjusn' « r •ó* * * « * " * * « * 5 2 ^ « t e r t e X o r tte . »■