Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 24, 2010, Page 22, Image 22

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^ Portland Observer Black History Month
. J S lfc fe
^¿Community C h u r
February 24, 2010
Creating a Plan for College
High School Seniors: Time fo r a check list
F a S hun N. S tyles
is now. Before things get to la vida accom plishm ents.
F or the P ortland O bserver
loca with the hundreds o f students Follow Through with Financial Aid
Congratulations high school se- that will needing the same thing you
If you are planning to use some
mors! Whether you’ve already re- need, why not get what you need sort o f financial aid such as loans,
ceived your college acceptance let- now. One way to be academically grants, or even scholarships, you
ter, waiting on a letters to arrive or prepared is to recognize how col- should complete a lot o f financial
still observing your options, the lege studies will differ from high aid paperwork. This starts with the
Portland Observer wants to be the school studies. But another, among FAFSA, which is a federal-level form
st to cheer you on.
the many milestones that you will which establishes a file foryou within
We know Spring break will soon create over the next few years, is the federal government system, but
shine. But before high school se- that if s important to learn time man- it doesn't end there! Each college
Pastor <& Elect Lady
niors sprint to the nearest sunny agement. Over the next few w eeks- has its own paperwork that estab-
Bishop II. L. <& Earkan P. Ilodge
destination are you set? Do you - before the final grades, graduation lishes a file within that particular
Worship Service: Sundays—8:00 A.M.
have a check-,ist to make the next night and getting your diploma - college.
Seminars: Bible Themes—Wednesdays—7:00 I’.M.
level ot your academic or college life you need to create a cheek list with Before you take the leap, look local
“God The Father”; “God The Son”; and “God The Holy Spirit”
a success? Though the life o f a high your parents or guardian. Set a time
Even if you’ve already selected
Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite you to
school senior is packed with pass- to go over it weekly and stick to it your top list o f schools, don’t limit
join us at our appointment with Jesus
mg exams, prom nights and placing (contact your college or the aca- staying local. Local can also mean a
We Beach, Teach, & Preach in Jesus’ name!!!
that diploma in hand, i f s never too demic institution’s acceptance of- differentcounty.cityorevenaneigh-
| P le a s e j o i n u s a s w e c e le b r a t e “ B la c k H is t o r y M o n t h ” o n
“ irly to prepare for the promise that fer or other information to add to boring state, that’s within your
S u n d a y F e b ru a ry 2 1 , 2 0 1 0 a t 3 : 0 0 PM
i academic degree will bring.
your eheck-list)
Them e: “Rellections O f Greatness In Black” (Psalm 90 1 -2)
\ es, teachers, parents and family
Here are a few tips from alumni,
S peaker: Dr Barbara Tell is of Portland Christian Center.
members know, senior year does professionals and more,
Bishop Lamont Tellis, Pastor
require a lot of multi-tasking. W e’ve
Eager is never too early
Location: 4800 NE 30th Ave.
all been through it. We know it’s a
There’s nothing wrong with be-
Portland, OR. 97211
time to celebrate and commemorate ing eager, but just make sure you’re
To inquire about our Church please calf (S03) 863 6545 or
memories. But at the same time, the also early with all o f the deadlines
email hodgehspks@msn com
www nwvoiccforchrist com
time to create your college prep-list and requirements. Ifyou’re looking
at enrolling in a prestigious college,
make sure your can financially af­
ford it. Educate yourself on how to family’s means; a car ride away,
obtain the money you need and Once in awhile, some colleges may
more. Search tor scholarships, mail academic offers directly to you.
grants, internships, work-study pro- Do miss out. Take the time to go
grams, etc.
over your options with your family
T hink before you trash
before you take the leap into some-
Do you have a habit o f throwing thing that might not be affordable
money away? Well don’t start now. next year. Many o f these options
1 f you want to be able to afford the fun are just as competitive, some cultur-
side o f college life, you first must be ally diverse, and may be a way to
able to afford the financial side of save on airfare; while applying your
staying enrolled. Don’t be surprised money to your own car or apart-
it after you ve received your college ments. And because many o f these
acceptance letter, that they contact colleges promote the positive spin
you via postal or email regarding o f staying local, don’t be afraid to
college finances that you hadn't ap- contact that college or school for a
plied for or even expected. Take the financial incentive package. You
time to go overyour financial options may just be the asset they need for
with your family before you take the their school,
leap to something that might not be
Keep copies of everything
affordable next year. Ask your parent
Each year, some students face a
or guardian to set aside some time big surprise on move-in day, when
Richard Probasco is well known as a speaker, musician,
with you to translate any official cor- they realize that their financial aid
and singer whose speaking and music ministry c o v e r s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
respondence that could turn into cash application is not complete. Stu-
for your college career.
dents may complete some o f the
more than four decades. As the founder and president of New Song International, he still remains
Talk to your academic counselor, steps and believe they have done
faithful to his 33 year calling to pastor New Song Community Church located in NE. Portland. He
teachers and staff, community
everything necessary— when, in
has appeared as the featured soloist at countless numbers of concerts, civic and church events.
fact, they have not.
Why? To get a com petitive
Track your tracking
Pastor Richard has an anointed delivery of the word of God with passion and humor.
edge, get a head start. Make ap-
Keep track o f dates, who you
pointm ents with your adult peers spoke to, their departm ent, and
to get advice, letters o f recom - th eir telep h o n e and extension
m endations, and reference letters n u m b e r. C o n tin u e to fo llo w
about outstanding class projects. through on everything your mailed
Professional and community lead­ (certi Tied mail, overnight delivery,
ers are also exceptional opportu­ rec eip ts.o f mail). Once you and
nities to get referral letters be­ your parents or guardian believes
cause they also know what volun­ you have done everything neces­
teer activities y o u ’ve participated sary when it comes to applying
in outside o f the classroom . Make for financial aid, follow through
a list o f these contacts and ask with a phone call to a counselor.
Infant and Toddler care will be provided. Doors open at 6pm for every service
them to go over your accom plish­ Ask them exactly where you stand
ments. A variety o f professional and w hether there will be a bal­
letters gives scholarship com m it­ ance due on m ove-in day.
tees and college professors an
Next column: Creating your se­
opportunity to get to know your nior year college planning calendar.
Join us for a special night with
New Song Community Church
Senior Pastor Richard Probasco.
You w ill be blessed as
Pastor Probasco
shares from his heart.
Friday, February 26th at 7pm
New Song Community Center
2511 NE MLK Blvd.
Corner of NE MIK Blvd and Russell Street
For directions or inore ¡nlormation. call 503-488-5481
or log on to www.nifhmportland.coin