Page 2 "• Portland Observer Black Histoiy Month Stimulus: 1-2 Million Jobs The econom ic stim ulus law added between I million to2.1 million w ork­ ers to em ploym ent rolls by the end o f last year, according to a new report released Tuesday by the nonparti­ san C ongressional Budget Office. No Total Fix for Toyota The president o f T oyota's U.S. o p ­ erations acknow ledged to skeptical law m ak ers on T uesday that the com pany's recalls o f m illions o f its cars m ay "not totally" solve the problem o f sudden and dangerous acceleration. Tearful Sentencing Former NBA star Jayson W illiams w as s e n te n c e d to five years in prison Tuesday for fatally shooting a hired limo driver in 2002, ending an eight-year legal odyssey by tearfully apologizing to the victim's family. He will be eligible forparole in 18 months. Tl Week in The Review Women on Subs Okay February 24, 2010 Officer Dies in Accident A Portland police officer has died in a traffic accident in Vancouver. Crim i­ nalist A dam C ushm an, 35, was killed Sunday night w hen the car he was driving hit a dum p truck. The Clark C ounty sh eriffs office says the truck had stalled on a street and the driver had turned o ff its lights to restart it. The P entagon has m oved to lift a decades-old policy that prohibits w om en from serving aboard N avy subm arines, part o f a gradual reco n ­ Fire Evacuates School sideration o f w om en's roles in a m ili­ A southeast P ortland elem en tary tary fighting tw o w ars w hose front school was safely evacuated T ues­ lines can be anyw here. day after a custodian noticed a small fire in the boiler room. The fire at W oodstock Elem entary School was quickly extinguished but everyone w as still evacuated from the building as s precaution, school officials said. Man Bulldozes his Home A n O hio m an says he bulldozed his $ 350,000 hom e to keep a bank from foreclosing on it. Terry H oskins says he has struggled w ith his bank over his hom e for years and had p ro b ­ lem s w ith the In tern al R evenue Service. GiAtO/tU (A ÍÁ& G ì^t THAT KEEPS ON GIVING. 6/acfc f+ktorij Monfh all about celebrating a rich hc-rifaz^. As we refle c t on our past and nnarv'c, at how fa r w e'\/e cotY\e, it's !important to Share with the, next generation. And when if comes to Sp&ndin^. quality tim e w ith family, Awfrafc is d efin itely th e way to gp. Wifh Service to over "500 destinations nationwide, it's a g rea t way to Share history and make history. KIDS AGES 2 -t5 4 H D rH A L F OFF!*- R A K 'Children ages ?-15 receive a 50% discount oft the regular full adult tart tare Up to two children per pard adult Offer not valid on alt trains or at all times Other reductions may apply Amtra* is a registered service mar* ot the National Railroad Passenger Corporation PM010 BY GARV PANCAVAGf » ♦