Page 16 n ‘Portland Observer Black History Month February 24, 2010 O p in io n a r tic le s d o n o t n e c e s s a r ily r e p r e s e n t th e v ie w s o f th e P o r tla n d O b s e r v e r We w e lc o m e r e a d e r e s s a y s , p h o to s a n d s to r y id e a s. S u b m it to n e w s @ p o r tla n d o b s e r v e r .c o m . A GOP Leader’s Economic Plan: Taking food from the poor risk o fcreatin g an entire class, a subset o f people, ju s t co m fo rtab le getting by living o ff the governm ent." Com fortable? W hen was the last time this p am pered law m ak er experienced the "com forts" o fth e food stam p life? L inder's been "living o f f the g o v ern ­ Perhaps this multi-millionaire has for­ gotten that W ashington tried that plan throughout the last decade-a decade in w hich there w as no net-job creation, by J im H ightower w ages p lum m eted, m iddle-class in­ T hose w ho say that Republ ican C on­ com es d eclined, health care costs gress critters are ju s t a gag g le o f soared, housing prices tum bled, and naysaying boneheads with no econom ic m ent" for 18 years, but at the high end­ m illionsoffam ilies fell into poverty. plan o fth eir ow n haven't been listening d raw in g $ 174,000 a y ear in pay, plus So that "subset o f people" on food to Rep. John Linder. su b sid ized health care and a fat p en ­ stam ps w ho L inder d enigrates is actu ­ T his G eorgia rig h t-w in g er is irked sion. ally his ow n spaw n. T he food stam p that America's food-stamp program will So w hat's his eco n o m ic plan: "Y ou program has had to grow b ecause the grow to m ore than $60 billion this year. im p ro v e the eco n o m y by low ering tinkle-dow n econom y that he pushed "T his is craziness," L inder barked to a tax es," he explains. T hat's his w hole w recked A m erica's m iddle class. N ew Y ork T im es reporter. "W e're at plan. In d eed , talk a b o u t a su b se t, th e re N o r To WcRGY, PÈCPL& O F HAÍTÍ, HELP "THE UNVfec STATES \S ON are n o w so m e six m illio n A m eric an s w ho are living entirely on food stam ps- th e y 'v e lo st th e ir jo b s an d h a v e no o th e r in co m e. T h a t's o n e in e v e ry 50 o f us, an d th e ir n u m b e r c o n tin u e s to grow rapidly. L inder and his ilk have not hesitated to throw hundreds o fb i 11 ions o f our tax dollars at failed W all S treet bankers. But he w ould literally take the food out o f the m ouths o f people in real need. T hat's not a plan, it's a scandal. Jim Hightower is a national radio commentator, writer and public speaker. ï v s sent so,w£ O f OUR. BEST PÊOVLè: BÍU. EVÌNTO N o BuSH — X. 'Tèe SAIAE 6W BUsH V(NO WAS tN CHAR ö E t W hen r m I ¡K rubrìcane katwna W T NEW ORLEANS’— WITH fftwaKvs t»Ke T u e s e , 1 ■ ■ ■ l™ B USPS 959-680 47 47 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 Charles H. Washington E ditor : M ichael L eig h to n D istribution M anager : M ark W ashington C reative D irector : P a u l N e u feld t W eb E ditor : Jake Thomas E ditor - in -C hief , P ublisher : P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer, PO Box 3 1 3 7, Portland, OR9 7 2 0 8 news(a)portlandobserver. com adsCdportlandobserver. com CALL 503-288-0033 The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submis­ sions. M anuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and will be returned if accompa­ nied by a self addressed envelope. All created de­ sign display ads become the sole property o f the - newspaper and cannot be used in other publica­ tions or personal usage without the written con­ sent o f the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition o f such ad. © 2008 THE PORTLAND OBSERVER ALL RIGHTS RE­ SERVED, REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION IS PROHIB­ ITED. The Portland Observer—Oregon’s Oldest Multicultural Publication-is a member o fth e Na- - tional Newspaper Association-Founded in 1885, and The National A dvertising R epresentative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc, New York, NY, and The West Coast Black Publishers Association subscription(a), FAX 503-288-0015 ■■■ ■■■ B B B i B B BBI ■ Subscribe’ I Fill O u t& Send To: ^Jortlanh (f)hsm»er Attn\ Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 I 503-288-0033 I ju s t $60 p er y e a r I (please include check with this subscription form) I I I N ame : ___________________________ I T elephone : ______________________ I A ddress : _______ I I — -------------------------------- ---------------------- I o r e m a i l s u b s c r ip t io n s @ p o r t la n d o b s e r v e r .c o m