Tile February 24, 2010 Portland Observer Black History Month Page 13 ENEERTAINMENE for Local Artist Governor Hosts Mary Josephson works An exhibition of oil paintings and charcoal ‘Where I live, ’ one o f the vivid color oils by Portland’s Mary Josephson, a master artist whose works are currently exhibited in a public display in the Governor’s office at the State Capitol. She has been a teacher at O reg o n C o lleg e o f A rt and C raft and taught art to T A G and at-risk youth in Portland Public Schools. H er w ork is in m ajor regional collections including the P ortland A rt M useum , Jordan S ch n itzer M useum o f A rt, Eugene; the T acom a A rt M useum , Portland C o m m u n ity C ollege, and O H S U , am ong others. She is rep resen ted by the L aura R usso G allery, Portland. In 1994 she receiv ed an O reg o n A rts C om m ission A rtist F ellow ship and in 2003, w as aw ard ed the E dw in A ustin A b b ey F el­ low ship for M ural Painting from the N ational A cad em y o f D esign in N ew Y ork. M ary Josephson's w ork m ay be seen in the O ffice o f the G overnor, 2nd floor, O regon State C apitol, 900 C ourt S treet in Salem , M ondays through Fridays from 8 a.m . - 5 p.m . draw ings by P ortland artist M ary Josephson is on d isp lay in the o ffice o f G ov. T ed K ulongoski through M arch 5. Josep h so n 's paintings m ake m asterful use o f a vivid co lo r p alette coupled w ith a strong d esign sense. H er w orks address the hum an ch aracter or spirit. T hey retain a sense o f h u m or w hile conveying goodness; and reco g ­ nize an individual's ability to rise above ad v er­ sity w ith a m y thological-like strength. T he show ing is part o f the A rt in the G overnor's O ffice P rogram honoring selected O regon artists w ith exhibitions in the rec ep ­ tion area o f the G overnor's O ffice in the State C apitol. A n exhibit in the G o v ern o r's o ffice is co n sid ered a lifetim e honor. B om in 1953 in B iloxi, M iss., Jo sep h so n grew up in a m ilitary fam ily that m oved frequently. Each year, in Portland, only 54% of African-American A s a result, she saw co n stan t students graduate from high school. Yet in 2008 ch an ge in both the landscape and 2009, every single one of SEI students and friends. graduated. As in 100%. Plus, on average She received a B ach elo r o f more than 85% continue on to pursue F ine A rts from P acific N o rth ­ higher education or occupational w est C o llege o f A rt, and certifi­ cates from P arsons S chool o f training, many being the first in D esign and E cole N ational S u­ their families to do so. p e rio r D es B eaux A rtes in Paris. Advertise with diversity Observer Call 503-288-0033 ads(a^x)rtlandobser\ er.com SEIF Amazing results when you realize that every nine seconds an American student becomes a dropout, according to CNN. Amazing results, despite the fact that 90% of the students in our program are also faced with significant social, academic and economic obstacles. wi «m»«» «Hui» When you make a donation to SEI, you make difference. To learn more, visit www.SelfEnhancement.org. SELF ENHANCÜEMENT. INC. Development Department 3920 N Kerby Ave Portland, OR 97227-1255 (5031 249-1721 To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Kathy Linder Phone; 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015