IbcPortland Observer Black History Month Page 24 February 17, 2010 SAFEWAY Recipes by cooksrecipes.com yVE DELIVER Ingredients for life to your Hon groceries , e o r O ff ice «„«Safew ay.com »* n a tu ra l p o rk 12-Pack Peps) or 7-UP Club Price U f 7 Layer Fiesta Dip Pork Shoulder Blade Whole Bone-in. Sold whole in the bag. Or Blade Roast. $129 lb. SAVE up toSI.OO lb. C lu b P ric e KB MUST BUY 4 to get th»» price 12-ez cans. S w c lft: »ar#taa Plus dapost m Oraccr Rt-yusii C ui> P i l i $5 29 01 M irassou SATURDAYS SUNDAY ONLY! E A T IN G Ingredients • 2 (8-ounce) packages low -fat cream cheese, softened • 2 tablespoons taco seasoning m ix (your favorite brand) • 2 cups prepared guacam ole (m ake y o u r ow n or use read y ­ made) • 2 cups tom ato-based salsa • 2 cups finely shredded iceberg lettuce • 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese • 1 cup chopped green onions • 2 (2-ounce) cans sliced black olives Club Price I i Rancher's Reserve * Boneless Beef Top Sirloin or Petite Sirloin Steak Eating Right' Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts or Thighs Or Tenters or T im SI c M, $2 4915 SAVE uptoit.0016 Club Price Charmin Bath Tissue or Bounty Paper Towels Extreme Value Pack Or Tn-T » Roast SAVE up to S3 0 0 IP Club Price 24 Roil Batt’-Tissue or 12-B.5 Roll lowets SAVE up S3 00 Preperation 1. In a sm all bow l, m ix together cream cheese and seasoning m ix. Spread m ixture evenly onto the bottom o f a 13 x 9 x 2-inch g lass dish. 2. Top the seasoned cream cheese w ith the guacam ole, salsa, lettuce, cheese, onions and olives in layers. 3. Serve im m ediately accom pan ied w ith tortilla or co m chips. 4. R efrigerate any rem aining dip. Fresh Atlantic Salmon Fillets Club Price Fare raised Cm» eddetl 2-lbs or re te S ia li piitunjt S’ U l lb SAVE up » 5 4 30 lb Sweet Fuji Apples SAVE up to ?0c lit Club Price 18-Pack Coors or Miller Cheesy Pull-Apart Party Sticks : 12-02 can» Seeded vt-wties P te deposit m Oregon SAVE up to S3 70 Fresh Express Shreds, Spinach, lettuce Trio or Green & Crisp Salads 5-lb Bag Russet Potatoes SAVE up to 6 0 e ea Ingredients I 8 to 12 • « patxjpes I Selected eanehas | SAVE up to S t 0 0 ea Club Price tU • 1 ( 1 1 -ounce) can refrigerated soft breadsticks • 6-ounces (1 1/2 cups) shredded cheese such as M ozzarella, Provolone and Sm oked G ouda • 1/2 teaspoon dried basil o r oregano • A bout 2 cups w a n n ed ready prepared m arinara sa u c e Preperation 1. H eat oven to 375 d e ­ Nature Valley »FJmdbti*-, ¿ SiiWáSatí' »s W C l O 8 M IC I C lu b P r ic e ■ 50-02 ?x t.irjuid (i! n to 71-02 Powder lip to 32 t oads Selected »arielies SAVE up to $ 4 0 0 C lu b P r ic e Campbell’s Condensed Soup lO.TSo? Chicken Noodfe (x Tomato Gut Pnce S0< « SAVf up m C lu b 750-m l Selectee varietals SAVE up to $ 4 50 Price RONI fntiM O ne Alfredo Campbell’s Select Harvest tes m is a i« S H « ted venettrv (Tub P tkp $1 00 ea SAVE up to S t.49 ea Progresso Vegetable Classics 18 5 to 19-02 Selected vanetiev Club Price $ 1 0 0 ra SAVE up to 89c ea Rice or Pasta Roni SBofeMHBfflmr^vFGoroeear You can count on! r ’C tS K U A K Y J S a ri “ Portland Ohsen er Tide laundry Detergent 14-oz Or C nnamon toast Ciunch 17-02 Cereal Club Pure SVOOea SAVE up to $ 2.14 on 2 Robert Mondavi Private Selection, Mirassou or Eola Hills Ultimate grees F. 2. R em ove b read stick s fro m can. A rra n g e breadsticks in a single layer lengthw ise on a parchm ent paper- lined baking sheet. Do not s e p a r a te breadsticks. Y ou should have a rectangle about 13-inches long and 6-inches w ide. 3. Sprinkle cheese and basil or oregano dow n cen ter o f dough leaving a b order o f about 1/2-inch. B ake for 10 to 11 m inutes or until cheese is lightly brow ned. R em ove from oven and transfer to a board o r platter. Let cool 3 to 4 m inutes. To serve, pull apart breadsticks. Serve w ith m arinara sauce. Advertise with diversity />? General Mills Cheerios t o k m P a ro p H to Preereittw «e! ?wreguiarpiice«obes Hruijcuvts Lom-dilSuSidijrotKtasw'tePis ** ~ * r ** n * " CwK* * * * ’ 5ie"a* to * m » 'Wurrdht» or «« k m m « W iWlfc «'«'FXfssof52g**uMcfc»ucrsal«tori«^ tiwsaesMTi^SaAew^ aw«or*v©X!10S^^hc AwtaM^olrierwmay wybyai« Natwscs Premium Saltó» Crackers RICE RONI