The Page 6 Portland Observer Black HistOiy Month February 10, 2010 Facets of Africa Matinee Series Interstate Firehouse celebrates black history I I Concordia University welcomes inspirational religious leaders for Black History Month events this February. All events are free and open to the public. Visit u’lVH’.cu-portland.cdu for more information. Rev. D r. John N u nes, p r e s id e n t a n d C EO o f L u t h e r a n W o r ld R e lie f, w i l l d is c u s s e f f o r t s to e r a d ic a t e m a l a r ia in A f r ic a . I February 5, 1:00 p.m. luther hall room 121 Rev. D r. W il l H a rd y , pastor of Highland Christian Center in northeast Portland, wilt join Concordia's Chapel Service. I February 11, 10:30 a.m. st michafis LUTHERAN CHURCH, 6700 NE 29TH AVE (NEXT TO CAMPUS! Rev. A lv in Bibbs, executive director of multi-church relations for Willow Creek Church in Chicago, w ill discuss The Emerging Church and Race Relations." I February 18, 7:00 p.m. luther hall room 121 Saeeda W r ig h t, worship leader at the Rehoboth World Healing Center in southeast Portland, w ill share her gift of song during Concordia's Chapel Service. I February 24,10:30 a.m. st M ichaels L utheran church , 6700 NE 29TH AVE (NEXT TO CAMPUS! Portland's most vibrant per­ forming artists share legends and personal tales representing they man facets o f A frican-based culture in Facets o f Africa dur­ ing Black History Month at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N. Interstate. Events include a Facets Fam­ ily Day on Saturday, Feb. 20 at 1 p.m.; a Facets Matinee Series, T u esd a y s and T h u rsd a y s The Intestate Firehouse Cultural Theatre, 5340 N. through Feb. 18 at 10 a.m.; and Interstate Ave., hosts the Base Roots Theatre produc­ a galley exhibit through Satur­ tion of Rocket Man, now playing through Feb. 27. day, Feb. 20. production called Rocket Man, Featured performing artists in­ shows through Feb. 27. The play, clude 1 labiba, a native ofGhana, produced by Base Roots The­ W est A frican who has per­ atre Company, is about the inti­ formed in the United Sates and mate romance o f true love and internationally for 15 years; the heroic romance o f the spirit. Caton Lyles, who has been ac­ ThelFC C is a community arts tive on the local music scene for center that aw akens cultural 30 years; and Graceila Teofield, awareness by creating an envi­ a keeper o f family tales that ronment for artists and audiences brings the richness o f Caribbean, to explore, honor and celebrate Central American and Ameri­ diversity. can cultures through the spoken word. Caton Lyles A world premiere o f a stage Rev. Jackson to Speak at UO Rev. Jesse Jackson, president and founder o f the Rainbow/ PUSH Coalition, will visit the University of Oregon to talk about leadership and social justice. The Tuesday, Feb. 16 talk, “With Justice for All: Human Rights and Civil Rights At Home and A broad,” is open to the public and will be held at 1 p.m. at Erb M emorial Union ballroom , 1222E. 13th Ave. in Eugene. Doors open at 11:30 a m- Rev. Jesse Jackson Jackson has been called the "conscience of the nation" and humane priorities. Over the past the great unifier," challenging 30 years he has played a pivotal America to establish just and role in virtually every movement C o n c o r d ia U N IV E R S IT Y 2811 NE HOLMAN. PORTLAND, OR 9721 1 for empowerment, peace, civil rights, gender equality, and eco­ nomic and social justice. He is known for bringing people to­ gether on common ground across lines o f race, class, gender and belief. Jackson began his activism as a student leader in the sit-in movement and continued as a young organizer for the South­ ern Christian Leadership Con­ ference as an assistant to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He went on to direct Operation Bread­ basket and subsequently founded People United to Save Human­ ity (PUSH) in Chicago in 1971. To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: