Page 20 TIk Portland Observer Black History Month EMMANUEL Church of God in Christ United 111 Equipped 4800 NE 30th Ave. Port­ land OR 97211 503-335-8772 You are cordially invited to worship with us in these services: P astor & Wife — B ishop Mrs. A.L. Wright Sunday Service Sunday School 10:00 A.M Y.P.C.E. 6:30P.M W orship Service 12:00 N oon Evangelistic Serv ice 7:00 PM . Weekday Service T uesday N ight: B ible Study 7:30 P M . Friday Night: R egular Service 7:30 PM . Prayer M eeting & Sem inar: M onday - Friday 12:00 BUSINESS State Farm- Provft t - c irsw diitfi and Fman: S e rie s H im ; Office. Blooms gton, Illinois 61 /ID I nterstate D ental C linic 5835 N Interstate Ave, P ortland, O R 97217 Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent 4946 N Vancouver A vert Portland, OR 97217 503 286 1103 Fax 503 28b 1146 etme bill fenfrC statefara com watch video at http:// 2668891/lnterstate-Dental-Clinic 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® (503)946-6273 edw arw ard? @ IT A rt »AIM website: Default.htm Horace S. Simpson Barber ABEL Textured Hair Specialist/Designer Beautyfirst & Salon C lackam as Prom enade 8946 SE Sunnyside Road Clackamas, O R 97015-7778 503.654.4656 or 503.654.5357 Relaxer • Cut-Style • C olor For an appointm ent, call: (503)734-5312 222 N. K illingsw orth Ave. Portland, O r 97211 u p scaleb arb ersp a@ y ah o o .co m Double J Tires w New & Used Tires Overstock & Used Tires $ 1 5 & u p PRICED TO SELL All tires mounted & blanched on the car, out the door - no additives. Free stock wheels w / purchase of any new or used tire- limited to stock on hand 30 years in business Availability: Thurs. 9-3 (a fter 3 b y A ppt.) Saturday 9-3 Stop by or call for Appointment M izani P rofessional H a ir care pro d u cts u sed a n d so ld a t this salon State Farm® Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office, Bloomington. Illinois 61710 Michael E Harper UAH » A IM m aintain its program s reasonably well. "A re w e bad off? A bsolutely not," he quipped. T he county funds a M obile Cri- m ade a difference. It's ju s t a m atter sis O utreach T eam that helps de­ co n tin u ed ¿ L f r o m F ront o f better integrating agencies better fuse people experiencing a m ental a schizophrenic m an w ho died w hile equipped to deal w ith people in cri­ health episode and services 2,600 in police custody, the Portland Po­ sis, according to Bouneff. annually. The police have a direct lice B ureau has had all patrol o ffic­ "W e can't put this all on the backs line to it, and can use it for situations ers go through 40 hours o f crisis o f law enforcem ent," he said. w here som eone is having a break­ intervention training, w hich p re­ Jason R enaud, the founder o f the dow n. pares officers to b etter respond to M ental Health A ssociation o f Port­ The com puter assisted dispatch situations w here som eone is ex p eri­ land and form er candidate for C ity the police released after the incident encing a m ental health episode. C ouncil, said that the police bureau re v e a ls that o ffic e rs kn ew that Police have steadily becom e the began training officers prim arily so C am pbell's brother had died that first responders to people ex p eri­ they'd have cover from legal liability day, w as extrem ely distraught, and encing m ental health episodes as in cases like the C hasse incident. suicidal. W ith it being clear that the social and m ental health services He also argued that m ost police m an w as so psychically rattled why have struggled to keep up w ith in­ didn't they draw on the resources o f creased dem and for them . o th er services? C a m p b e ll's b ro th e r T im o th y Sgt. G reg Stew art, Police Bureau D ouglass, 23, died that day after spokesperson, said that C am pbell fighting a long struggle w ith a heart had a history o f violent and crim inal condition. A lthough the details o f behavior. W hile there w as a report surrounding C am p b ell’s situation about a gun in his possession, po­ a re n ’t entirely clear, he w as, by all lice found no w eapon on or near his accounts, extrem ely distraught by body. T hey later found a handgun his b ro th er’s passing, and w as re­ - Jason Renaud, Mental stashed in a closet near the front portedly suicidal and acting errati­ d o o r o f the apartm ent he had been Health Association of cally. in earlier. Portland It’s a crap shoot if you're going "I d o n ’t buy that," said B o u n eff to have an o fficer w ho understands officers sign on to the force to go o f the bureau's rationale for not call­ m ental illness," said C hris B ouneff, "get the bad guys," w hen often real ing in help. executive directo r o f O regon ch ap ­ life situations are far m ore com pli­ A fter the incident television sta­ ter o f the N ational A lliance on M en­ cated. tions w ere able to interview people tal Illness. "There is alm ost no engagem ent w ho w itnessed the entire event. I f B o u n eff said that it's hard to speak w ith the m ental health com m unity," police w ere so w orried about the to this p articu lar incident because he said. security o f an o th er agency, they there is so m uch unknow n about D ave A ustin, the spokesperson w ould have cleared out the entire C am pbell's exact circum stances. But for M ultnom ah C ounty's D epart­ block leaving no one to w itness it, he said law enforcem ent officers are m ent o f H um an Services, said that argued Bouneff. not the ideal first resp o n d ers to co u n ty offers serv ices m eant to T he incident is currently under people in crisis because they o p er­ defuse situations w here som eone is investigation, and grand ju ry pro­ ate on a "com m and and control" experiencing a crisis. ceedings have been opened. Calls approach that often escalates these He said that the county's ser­ for m aking the proceedings public situ atio n s. vices have been strained from the have gotten louder, and are being Still, B o u n eff believes that the soggy econom y, bu t he asserted jo in ed by Police C om m issioner Dan m ental health crisis training has that his departm ent has been able to Saltzman. There is almost no engagement with the mental health community. T erry F amily F u n era l H om e 503-283-9437 4510 SE 5 2 nd & Holgate 503-771-1834 2337 N. Williams Ave. Portland, Or 97227 503-249-1788 We make the service personal, You make the tribute personal. Every time we arrange a personalized funeral service, we take special pride going the extra mile. With our online Memorial Obituary, now we can do even more. Friends and family can find out service information, view photos, read obituary. order flowers and leave personal messages of condolences from anywhere, anytime Sim ply go to o u r w ebsite. Agent IM tV IA M C I V -........ " D e d ic a te d to p r o v id in g e x c e lle n t s e r v ic e a n d s u p e r io r c a r e o f y o u r lo v e d o n e " 2 locations to Serve You 6841 NE MLK, Portland February 10, 2010 W e m oved to o u r new location 9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 Dwight A. Terry Oregon License CO-3644 Amy S. Terry Oregon License FS-0395