Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 10, 2010, Page 16, Image 16

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Portland Observer Black History Month
February 10, 2010
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These Times Call for Action
Take the empowerment pledge
M arc H. M o rial
This year, Black History Month
coincides with a historic milestone
of the National Urban League: Our
100th anniversary. Fittingly, this
year's theme, "The History of Black
Economic Empowerment," tracks
the organization's century-long mis­
The National Urban League was
founded in 1910 to address the needs
o f African Americans migrating
north from the Jim Crow South in
search o f jobs and a better life.
Unfortunately, 100 years later,
the doors of opportunity are not yet
fully opened to people ofcolor. And
history remains one o f our greatest
teachers. As President Obama said
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in his historic 2008 speech
on race, "So many o f the
disparities that exist in the
African American commu-
nity today can be directly
Join with us in tackling some o f the
most pressing and persistent problems
facing our nation.
traced to inequalities passed on from
an earlier generation that suffered
under the brutal legacy o f slavery
and Jim Crow ...That legacy helps
explain the wealth and income gap
between black and white and the
contributions to America and con-
tinue to embrace Dr. King's dream,
Highlighting those largely unher-
aided contributions has always been
the purpose o f Black History Month,
While our centennial year is also
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legacy o f the National Urban League,
these times call for action. We want
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\ju st $60 per
(please include check)
concentrated pockets o f
poverty that persist in so
many o f today's urban and
rural communities."
But in spite o f tremen­
dous odds, African Ameri­
cans have made remarkable
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tio n s , The
Portland Observer, PO Box I t0 lisethii>moment to rally the Amen-
3137, Portland OR 97208. ■ can people tojoin with us in tackling
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l„ — — —
goals for America in the areas o f
education, employment, housing
and healthcare, I Am Empowered
will galvanize millions o f people to
take a pledge to help achieve the
Education - Every American child
is ready for college, work and life.
Jobs - Every American has ac­
cess to jobs w ith a living wage and
good benefits.
Housing - Every American lives
in safe, decent, affordable and en­
ergy efficient housing on fair terms.
Healthcare - Every American has
access to quality and affordable
health care solutions.
Black History Month 2010 also
marks one year that America's first
African American president has
been in office. President Obama's
election and the I Am Empowered
initiative remind us o f the power o f
individual and collective citizen ac­
tion to bring about change.
As we celebrate Black History
Month and the 100th anniversary o f
the National Urban League, I urge
every American to claim your em­
powerment and become a part o f
this exciting movement for change.
some o f the most pressing and per­
sistent problems facing our nation.
To that end, we have chosen Black
History Month to announce the
launch of our national public service
initiative, I Am Empowered, which
Marc H. Morial is president and
will officially kick-off on March 1.
chief executive officer o f the Na­
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focused on four aspirational
tional Urban League.