Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 10, 2010, Page 15, Image 15

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    February IO. 2010
Portland Observer Black History Month
Page 15
Hodge Comprehensive
Counseling Service
Dr. H. L. Hodge, Ph.D.
Zoo Teen Applications Open
Teens looking for something wild
and exciting to do this summer
sh o u ld c o n sid e r b eco m in g a
ZooTeen. Students entering 9th
through 12th grade this fall may
apply now through Feb. 22 for this
award-winning volunteer program.
ZooTeens present animals to visi­
tors, help keepers with the care and
feeding o f pettable animals, go on a
behind-the-scenes tour with keep­
ers, and manage the pygmy goat
kraal and family farm, both run solely
by teens.
"We are the only zoo in the na­
tion that has teenagers supervising
te e n a g e rs,"
A m anda
Greenvoss, zoo youth volunteer
coordinator. "This allows the teens
to create a unique environm ent
where they feel they belong. It's a
kindoffam ily."
ZooTeens gain an insider's view
o f the zoo and its animals, make new
friends, and develop leadership and
public-speaking skills in a fun envi­
ronment, handle zoo education ani­
mals, and explore career possibili­
ties. ZooTeens must apply and go
through an interview process, which
teaches valuable career skills and
prepares them for future job inter­
For more information, call 503- 4 volunteer ZooTeen holds a rabbit used for education at the
220-2449 or visit oregonzoo.org.
Oregon Zoo's Trillium Creek Family Farm.
Illum ination Project
Tackles Racism
Theater students engage audiences
Twenty-one local college students are using their personal
experiences to engage and educate audiences all over Portland
about racism’s effect on people.
Portland Community College’s Illumination Project feature
plays that address issues of oppression. The focus is on the
challenges faced by people of color, immigrants as well as
sexual and religious minorities within the community.
By presenting an interactive forum theater in classroom and
community environments, the audience plays along with the
actors in the productions, making it a hands-on experience that
has helped better communicate their message.
Performances start on Monday, Feb. 15 in the Performing
Arts Center on the Sylvania Campus, 12000 S.W. 49th Ave.,
and run until March 7. All performances are free and wheel­
chair accessible.
On Monday, Feb. 22 at 6 p.m., a performance is scheduled
in Moriarty Auditorium on the PCC Cascade Campus, 705 N.
Killingsworth St.
Additional performances may be arranged for other col­
leges, high schools and community groups. For more informa-
tion, contact Jeannie LaFrance at 503-977-8149 or
on African
Felicia Capuia's talent was ini­
tially revealed in a college art class.
The ability she displayed while
sketching a still life in charcoal
was evident to her teacher and
provided the inspiration to pur­
sue her art.
Now this busy college student
has big dream s for where an art
career might lead. But her per­
sonal journey began far from the
Northwest. Felicia's family em i­
grated from Zam bia to escape the
c iv il w ar. A nd alth o u g h she
doesn't rem em ber her native land,
her paintings reflect her African
As a teacher at S elf Enhance­
ment, Inc., she's helping other
youngsters on their own journey
o f discovery.
C apuia’s story will be profiled
on Oregon Art Beat on Thursday,
Feb. 1 1 at 8 p.m. on Oregon Public
Life Change Specialist,
Licensed Pastoral
Counselor, Professional
Trainer. Dr. Hodge has
20 years addressing
Life Stressors
Healing front past hurts,
adapting to new circum­
stances or recovering
from a crisis; a Faith-
Based counselor will be
life changing Hodge
Comprehensive Counsel­
ing provides. Life
change HCCS provides
cognitive behavioral
services from a Biblical
perspective with sound
psychological principles.
Portland Congress Center
1001 SW Fifth Avenue,
Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Phone: 503-220-1790
Fax: 1+503-220-1815
HCCS Speciaties Are:
• Education Training - Work­
shops & seminars to facilitate
persona! enrichment.
• Counseling - Helping clients
fin d solutions to life problems.
• Substance Abuse Education
Providing tools fo r overcoming
& recovering using Meditation
& Relaxation Techniques fo r
Stress Reduction/Pain Manage­
• G rief Counseling— dealing
with lose & separation, anxiety,
depression, & phobias as well as
(PTSD) Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder the 5th most common
mental health disorder.
-B y Appointment O n ly-
Advertise with diversity in
Portland I Observer
Call 503-288-0033 ads@portlandobserver.com
Platinum Fade
We have the Best Barber & hair Stylist in Portland and
we do Razor Line Cuts, Weaves, Relaxers and Cuts
Barbers & Hairstylist Wanted - 1 month free
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