February 10. 20,0 ^ Portland Observer Black History Month Page ,3 Worst Day Bike Ride Annual event falls on Valentine’s Day tN lfM M M tfN I On Sunday, Feb. 14, around 3,500 bundled-up cyclists w ill depart from the Lucky Lab, 915 S.E. Hawthorne, on the Worst Day o f the Year Ride, an 18-mile odyssey around Port­ land that benefits the non-profit Community Cycling Center. The 9th annual bicycle ride, rain or shine, features belly-warming drinks along the course, and a finish line feast o f fresh soups and bread from Laughing Planet Cafe. Highlights for this year’s event will include a Valentine's Day theme, prizes for costumes and an optional 4 0 -m iIe c h a lle n g e c o u rse to Hillsboro. It has never rained on the Worst Day o f the Y ear Ride, except for the last mile o f the ride in 2007. In fact, the weather has always been warm, sunny and pleasant! U n -V a le n t in e ’s N ig h t O ut Stumptown Stages presents a cabaret show o f great Port­ land singers and perform­ ers who promise to take a bite out o f cupid’s ar­ row with an evening - o f Down with Love S ongs. T h u rsd ay , Feb. 11,7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Wilfs Res- taurant and Piano Bar, Union Sta- tion, 800 N.W. Sixth Ave. Weekend Concerts for Haiti Cyclists gather to promote Portland’s annual Worst Day o f the Year Ride, an 18-mile odyssey around Portland that falls this yeai on Valentine’s Day, Sunday, Feb. 14. But the day is scheduled annu­ ally to fall around the time o f Oregon's worst weather ever re­ corded. Visit WorstDayRide.com or sign up on the day o f the event. The cost varies from $ 10-50. See the website for details. Medical Teams International’s work in Haiti will feature Michael Allen Harrison, one o f Portland’s most admired and compassion­ ate performers; soulful singer Julianne Johnson; and violinist Tanner Johnson. The “Share the Love” for Haiti perfor­ mances will take place at the Old Church, 1422 S.W. 11th Ave., on Friday, Feb. 12 at 8 p.m.; Saturday, Feb. 13 at 5 p.m. and 8 p.m.; Michael Allen Harrison and Sunday, Feb. 14 at 3 p.m. For ticket information, please visit the website, michaelallenharrison.com or call 503-255-0747. To make an immediate gift to Medical T eam s In te rn a tio n a l, go to mediealteams.org, call 1 -800-959-HE AL, or send your contribution to: P.O. Box 10, Portland, OR 97207-0010. People can also text “HOPE” to 253-83 to give an automatic $10. JulianneJohnson T allT alean d Ja p a ­ nese C u ltu re — Tears o f Joy T heatre presents "Little One Inch,” a very tall tale about a very small boy who sets out to save Japan from an evil Ogre. Performances c o n tin u e through Sunday, Feb. 14 at Dolores Winningstad Theatre, 1111 S.W. Broadway, M el B row n Live - Portland jazz gi- ant Mel Brown performs at Salty’s Twenty-two feature and documen- on the Columbia every Friday and tary films from every region o f the Saturday night. Known as the African continent are now playing “Gentleman o f Jazz,” Brown has a as part o f the Cascade Festival o f career spanning over 40 years. African Films. The series runs The Normal through March 6 at the Portland N orm al S ylvester Community College Cascade Cam- Sy*vester ^ and plays Friday, Feb , , 19 at Halihnt’c PriHo,, Cr,k TC pus and other locations. For a de- 19 at Halibut’s; Friday, Feb. 26 at Clyde’s; and Saturday, Feb. 27 at ta ile d sc h e d u le , v isit the Tillicum in Beaverton. africanfilmfestival.org. F ilm s H on or B lack H istory -- Bleeding H earts Dance — A pre Valentine’s Day Bleeding Hearts Dance to benefit Haiti earthquake victims, will take place Saturday night, Feb. 13 at Holocene, 1001 S.E. Morrison, with DJs E3 and the In­ credible Kid. A percentage o f the proceeds will go to Mercy Corps. Live J azz - Every F riday and Satur­ day from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the Third Degrees Lounge at the River Place Hotel, 1510 S.W. Harbor Way. No cover or minimum purchase. For more information, visit pdxjazz.com. Giggle, Giggle, Q uack! - Bubble- bathing pigs, pizza-eating chickens and cows at the movies highlight O h W h at a T angled W eb -- this barn-raising Oregon Children’s Agatha Christie’s “Spider’s Theatre “m oosical.” Saturday W eb ,” is now showing through 1 show s c o n tin u e ■< J * Feb.21 attheLake- throuShFeb-21 • Fortick- ets, call 503-228-9571. w ood T h eatre A 1ÉP* W *4 ' * * Company in Lake Oswego. Food Bank M ardi Gras B enefit — Enjoy food, music and a fun time designing a Mardi mask day, Feb. 12 through Sunday, Feb. during a Fat Tuesday Good Samari­ 14 at the Oregon Convention Cen­ tan Food Bank benefit pancake din­ ter. Show brings seven grand gar­ ner at Peace Lutheran Church, 2201 den displays, m any garden vi­ N. Rosa Parks Way. Tuesday, Feb. gnettes and hundred o f exhibitors. 16, from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Yard, G arden & Patio Show — Fri­ Black United Fund Grantees Have Talent! Black United Fund of Oregon’s / r* /// a n ft imi! cen t/n tu Proceeds go towards scholarships for African-American High School Seniors and non-profit organizations serving Oregon's low-income communities. Wednesday, February 17, 2010 6:00pm Reception & Silent Auction - 7:00pm Dinner The Governor Hotel. Heritage Ballroom 614 SW 11th and Alder, Portland, OR 97205 $85.00 per person / $850.00 per table of ten Attire - Semi-Formal or Professional Come ready to experience performances from Black United Fund Grant Recipients and Partners! RSVP by Friday, February 12,2010. Visit us online to purchase your tickets or sponsor the banquet at www.bufor.org or RSVP to Xochtlth Franklin at xfrankhn^bufor.org, or (503) 282-7973 Thank y o u fo r y o u r s u p p o rt a n d c o n trib u tio n s . 2010 Presenting Sponsor