February 3, 2010 The Portland Observer Black History Month Page 9 Vancouver’s First Families Remembered Black community reaches back generations African Am erican families who settled in Vancouver during World W ar II will tell - a n d hear -th e ir life stories in the voices o f today’s young people at 7 p.m. on Thursday,. Feb. 4 at the Clark County Historical Museum, 1511 Main St in Vancouver. Four local high school stu­ dents will read a script created from original family interviews by Jane Elder Wulff, who helped organize a historical project called “First Families o f V ancouver’s African American Community: From World War II to the 21st Century.” The event is free and open to the public. W ulff and project director Cometta Smith will introduce the program, and family members will be available to answer ques­ tions after the reading. Project volunteers have been busy identifying and contacting black families who sought jobs in V ancouver’s war-related indus­ tries and stayed to make their î homes here. W ulff is writing a book based on her interviews with family members. The project’s main sponsor, N A A C P V ancouver B ranch #1139, expects to release the book for sale early in 2011. Digi­ tal recordings o f family inter­ views will be archived at the museum after the book’s publi­ cation. “What w e’re finding is that after the war, in spite o f efforts to make them leave, these young area, rather than all in one place.” Because o f that decision, she said, “Most people today don’t realize we have this strong black community here that goes back decades. The courage and per­ sistence o f these families helped Vancouver to be ahead o f its tim e.” H u m a n itie s W a sh in g to n , Black United Fund o f Oregon, Cometta Smith Clark C ounty’s historical pro­ families stayed in Vancouversim- motion grant program, and nu­ ply because they liked it here,” merous individual donors have W ulff said. “What’s more, they c o n trib u te d fun d s to w ard deliberately settled throughout the completion o f this work. • We stand together, richer for our differences We celebrate the wisdom of collaboration and the strength in diversity. 0 PORT OF PORTLAND Possibility. In every direction.