Page 4 rlK Portland Observer Black History M onth February 3, 2010 Help hotline can benefit Women Addicted to Gambling b \ R ebekah B elle M y sister and I w ere playing video poker last night. 1 left w ith a triend, but she d id n ’t eom e hom e again. Not that I really need to w atch her because sh e 's an adult, but lately she d o e sn 't seem to be herself. She said she c o u ld n ’t pay her portion o f the rent for a couple o f w eeks due to som e sort o f bi 11 i ng issue and I really d id n ’t pay too m uch attention to it. But then her cell phone w as cut o ff and her jo b w as calling to see w hy she d id n ’t com e to w ork. W hat was going on? risk. Som eone w ho is in recovery from an o th er addiction is especially vulnerable. in state-funded program s w orked full tim e, w ith an av erage incom e o f $35,317. A bout 40 percent o f those receiving treatm ent were m arried and ow ned their ow n hom e. M ore than 6 p ercen t o f the clients treated in 2 003-04 say they had attem pted suicide. I f you are (o r so m eone you know is) g am bling too m uch, you can call th e O re g o n P ro b le m G a m b lin g H elpline o r chat live online w ith a certified gam bling counselor. All in­ form ation shared is confidential and this service is free to O regon re si­ d e n ts. The O regon Problem G am bling H elpline has been in operation since 2001. T rain ed p ro fessio n al s ta ff m em bers are av ailab le 24 hours a day, 7 days a w eek to listen, ed u ­ Experts in gam bling addictions list the follow ing characteristics o fw o m e n gamblers: • M o st fe m a le g a m b le rs are "closet gam blers" and seldom brag about their w ins, • M ost w om en stay w ith legal gam bling. • 75% o f fem ale gam blers d e­ scribe their gam bling as escape gam - bling". Som e o f the reasons: Stress, such as m arital problem s, financial problem s, and m em ories o f traum atic situations in childhood. • M ost fem ale com pulsive g am ­ blers have a fam ily history o f a d d ic­ tion o r oth er com pulsive disorders. • M ost fem ale com pulsive g am ­ blers are dependent on som ething other than gam bling (alcohol, drugs, overeating, overspending, and sex) at som e point. Sound fam iliar? A uthorities say the num ber ofw om en com pared with m en seeking treatm ent for gam bling addiction has increased from 37 percent o f the total in 1996 to 52 percent last year. But the total n u m ­ ber o fw o m e n in G am blers A n o n y ­ m ous does not represent the n u m ­ ber o f w om en w ith this illness. G a m b lin g a d d ic tio n s a f f e c t spouses, children, and oth er fam ily • M ost w om en begin gam b lin g m em bers, as w ell as friends, c o ­ at a later age. w orkers and em ployers. People with A n estim ated 60,000 people in a fam ily history o f alcohol, drug, or O re g o n a re p ro b le m g a m b le rs, gam bling problem s are at greatest A bout one percent o f the state’s F a B liv in g W /REBEKAH STAR What are you willing to do? The last time I was discussing this needed it, but that 1 understood the topic with a client she was consider­ draw. A nother client, a public figure ing trying Botox. She had gone for her ju st barely into her 30s sw ears by it- c o n s u lta tio n a n d d i d n ’t k n o w and 1 have to admit; her face is tight! w hether or not she was com pletely B eautiful and firm . A nd P eople com fortable with the idea. I let her M agazine’s recent cover stories fea­ know that I d idn’t think that she tures an article about the 22 year old photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bseerver More women are seeking treatment for gambling addictions. adult population is believed to suf- fer from pathological gam bling, an im pulse control d iso rd er listed by reality star, Heidi M ontag, reporting that she is addicted to different forms o f plastic surgery and has had 10 procedures in ju st one day! This is clearly a topic on our m inds and while I know it’s very im portant to show your best self, ju st how far are you w illing to go for plum p lips, less fine lines, and to d ep u ff those eyes? As we get older the signs o f age creep in so let’s take a look at three o f the m ost popular injectables and som e great alternatives. SPINACOLUMN An ongoing series of questions and answers about Amenca’s natural healing profession Part 22. Chiropractic and Health A way of Life...not just a passing diagnosis. F o llo w in g a th o ro u g h c h ec k -u p m y d o c to r says that I ’m “ fit as fiddle.” If this is true, w hy do I often suffer pain? : It is indeed in te re stin g V th a t a d octor can give a : “ thorough ch eck u p ” and yet fail to fail to evaluate the spine and nervous system . I ’m su re th at w h ile in s c h o o l y o u r d o c to r le arn ed th a t the n e rv o u s sy ste m c o n tro ls e v e ry o th e r o rg a n and fu n c tio n in th e b ody. D o e s n ’t it m ak e sen se then that a tru ly th o r­ o u g h c h e c k u p sh o u ld in c lu d e not o n ly b lo o d p re ssu re , w eig h t, c h est and e y e e x am , etc but sh o u ld a lso and p rim a rily in c lu d e a d e ta ile d e v a lu a tio n o f the n e rv o u s s y s ­ te m ? In C h iro p ra c tic We stu d y the n e rv o u s sy ste m and the spine com pletely to assure you that w e find the cause o f your Note: A ll o f thefollow ing should W hether w e agree w ith these pro­ be perform ed by a doctor that spe­ cedures or not, the truth is; som e o f cializes in cosmetic procedures. us at least w onder about them , w hile Botox What it does: Prevents muscle contractions that lead to fine lines and furrows. Average Cost: $459 Lasts: 3-4 months Pros: Stops wrinkles. Can give the appearance of a brow lift. Cons: No longterm studies have been conducted. Restylane THE Dr. Billy R. Flowers the A m erican P sychiatric A ssocia- tion since 1980. A b o u t h a lf o f the people treated p roblem . I f you have persisten t aches, pains o r fatigue, there is a reason for it. If you h a v e n ’t had a C hiropractic evaluation, you have N O T been exam ined com pletely. For the sake o f y o u r health now and in the future, call today. Isn ’t it tim e y ou stepped up to C h iro ­ p ractic? Flowers' Chiropractic Office 2124 N.E. Hancock Street, PortlandOregon97212 P h one: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 * 5 5 0 4 cate, an sw er questions, and refer people to free confidential treatm ent serv ices. T h eir s ta ff is available through L ive C hat, by Instant M essaging, E m ail o r y ou can reach them by phone at 1-877-M Y -L1M IT. (note: live chat is av ailab le M onday - F ri­ day from 9 a.m . to 9 p.m .) What it does: Uses Hyaluronic Acid to plump up fine lines and wrinkles. Average Cost: $741 Lasts: 6-12 months Pros: Instant Results Cons: Can leave bruisingand/or swelling Collagen What it does: Defines the lip borders, plumpslips, and fill In lines. Average Cost: $382 Lasts: 2-3 months Pros: Instant Results Cons: Short-term effects, pain, redness, lumps, infection. 59 percent a lot have already had the experience. W hatever your persona, truth is, it’s alw ays great to be informed. There also are a multitude o f non-invasive options to consider: 1. A regular skincare regim en- R egu­ lar facials o r use o f specific p ro d ­ u c ts 2. Exercise 3. E atin g foods c o n tain in g high am ount o f fiber and antioxidants 4. M icroderm abrasion and Peels- Pow erful ex fo liatio n s process that reduces the appearance o f fine lines. 5. L ym phatic D rainage- A m assage like m an ip u latio n that helps relieve body o f excess w aste and toxins. 6. D rink lots o f w ater! All o f these alternatives are great options and w ill be discussed in detail in the future. U ntil then, stay inform ed and know that beauty is in the eye o f the beholder! Ju st For F un-B eauty rituals around the world..... T u rk ey : Fish eat dead skin o ff the feet leaving feet sm ooth and soft. B r a z il: W h ile la y in g on the People who have used Botox or Restylane who are satisfied. beach, w om en rub sand on there legs to stim ulate circu lation and banish cellulite. 125 percent W om en use green tea and ro sem ary to rinse their hair and The increase o f women ages 19- 34 getting Botox in the last year. 17 Percent people who have tried Collagen injections who are satisfied. C h in a : create ultim ate shine. Please contact me with your ques­ tio n s a n d co m m e n ts on o u r Facebook page "FaB Living w / Rebekah Star ”. Live FaBulouslv!