February 3. 2010 The Portland Observer Black History Month Page 23 boyfriend wants to wait. He says believing he’,1 marry you. With your kids to church but she doesn’t go our finances aren’t in order but I age and the time you’ve been in the with them. This makes me so mad think he’s lying. What do you think? relationship, you should know the Real People, that I’m at the point o f knocking on --Confused; Columbia, S.C. Real Advice status o f your finances. You both her door so I can tell her about need to come together, lay your herself. Would 1 be wrong fordoing Dear Confused: ■ l/i advice You both are lying. H e’s living a lie cards on the table and decide to this? —LaTanya ;Oklahom aCity colum n known for reality because afte r 11 y ears, there commit or split and keep it moving. Dear LaTanya: bused Subjects! should’ve been a marriage o f love Dear Deanna! Don’t be foolish by going to that with or without finances. Married My neighbor really upsets me by wom an’s house and get yourself Dear Deanna! couples build together. H e’s very the way she puts her children on the knocked out. People tend to be I’m 33 years old and have been in a comfortable and has no plans to church bus on Sunday morning. touchy when you come at them the relationship for 11 years. We both marry you and will use excuse after She comes out in her robe with a wrong way concerning religion. Her are ready to get married but my excuse. You’re lying to yourself in cigarette in her mouth and sends her business is her business but as a Ask Deanna\ C hristian, you should invite her and the children to come to church with you instead o f judging her current actions. God wants you to do his work by seeking the unsought, teaching the untaught and bringing the unbrought. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! at the email askdeannal@yahoo.com or 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverly H ills, CA 90211. W ebsite: vnvvv, askdeanna. com IS ALWAYS BETTER SHARED fjlâC'fc, btiçtoKi^ Month iç all about celebratine a rieh heritage. A? iv& K&j/e.oT on our past and marvel aj how far w e v e oomet rf's imporTanT To share with Tb& netf ÆS-ne-raTion A mo / when !T eomes to spending. ^uafiTtj Tiru«, w ith family, Am+rak. ¡5 de-finiTe/ij The. kvatj To