Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 03, 2010, Page 20, Image 20

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    n" Portland Observer Black
Page 20
History Month
February 3. 2010
Church of God in
Christ United
4800 NE 30th Ave. Port­
land OR 97211
You are cordially invited
to worship with us in
these services:
P astor & Wife -
Bishop & Mrs. A.L. Wright
Sunday Service
Sunday School 10:00 A.M
Y.P.C.E. 6:30 P.M
W orship Service 12:00 N oon
Evangelistic Service 7:00 P.M.
W e e k day S ervice
T uesday N ight: Bible Study 7:30 P.M.
Friday Night: Regular Service 7:30 P.M.
Prayer M eeting & Sem inar: M onday - Friday 12:00
Z State Farm*
I nterstate
D ental C linic
Providing insurance anti Financial Services
Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710
5835 N Interstate Ave,
Portland, O R 97217
Ernest J. Hill, Jr.
4946 N Vancouver Avenue, Portland, OR 97217
503 286 1103 Fax 503 2861146
ernie hill h5mb@statefarn) com
watch video at h ttp ://
24 Hour Good Neighbor Service®
edw arw ard?
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Horace S. Simpson
TexturedHair Specialist/Designer
Beautyfirst & Salon
Clackam as Promenade
8946 SE Sunnyside Road
Clackamas, OR 97015-7778
o r 503.654.5357
Relaxer • Cut-Style • Color
For an appointm ent, call:
Thurs. 9-3 (after 3 b y A p p t.)
Saturday 9-3
Stop by or call for Appointment
222 N. K illingsw orth A ve.
Portland, O r 97211
u p scaleb arb ersp a@ y ah o o .co m
üble J Tires
New & Used Tires
Overstock & Used Tires
All tires mounted & blanched on
the car, out the door - no additives.
Free stock wheels w / purchase of
any new or used tire-
limited to stock on hand 30
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M izani P rofessional
H air care products used
a n d s o ld a t this salon
4510 SE 5 2 nd & Holgate
Platinum Fade
Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710
iFe have the Best Barber & hair Stylist in Portland and
we do Razor Line Cuts, Weaves, Relaxers and Cuts
A gent
Barbers & Hairstylist Wanted - 1 month free
5010 NE 9th U nit A, Portland, O regon 97221
2 locations to Serve You
Ferraris told the audience that the ies in the area dropped by 76 p er­
num ber o f officers for the area once cent, he said. C rim e has also spiked
C rim e across O regon has been covered by N orth Precinct was about in a few neighborhoods, like U ni­
dropping for years, and north Port­ the sam e, and the police w ere largely versity Park and O verlook.
land w as no exception, she said m eeting their goal o f responding to
B o th S a ltz m a n a n d S h ru n k
w hile bringing up statistics on the calls w ithin five minutes.
pointed out that crim e has been
overhead projector to m ake her case.
H ow ever, there have been a few g o in g d o w n d e s p ite th e b a d
She also pointed out that m ore blips in w hat have been otherw ise econom y, w hich they, in part, attrib­
people are eyeing the police bureau relatively positive trends.
uted to citizen involvem ent.
fo r e m p lo y m e n t w ith the do w n
F erraris said that the area had
But this d id n ’t satisfy the resi­
econom y.
seen an uptick in burglaries and car dents in attendance.
“A bad econom y is a good sign theft, but that these w ere largely
D uring the question and answ er
for police hiring,” said Sizer, w ho due to tw o prolific crim inals w ho session, a num ber o f residents, w rit­
added that the bureau w as at alm ost had been taken o ff the street. A fter ing in their questions on pieces o f
full staffing.
one suspect w as arrested burglar- p ap er that w ere read by D uffy, said
that th e y ’ve seen less and less o f a
police presence in their neig hbor­
hoods and have had a h ard er tim e
getting service.
O ne business ow ner on Lom bard
said that they used to see a police
cru iser roll by several tim es a day.
N ow they only see one once a w eek.
A n o th er business o w n er had a
break in, and had a frustrating tim e
getting an officer to com e by.
O n e re s id e n t in th e K e n to n
N e ig h b o rh o o d called in a fte r th e ir
h o m e w as b ro k en in to an d w as
fla tly to ld th a t th e re w as no o f ­
fic e r a v ailab le .
co n tin u ed ¿ ^ J r o n i F ron t
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
Michael E Harper
W e m oved to
o ur new location:
9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR
Fax 503-227-8757
T homas /T he P ortland O bserver
Precinct Loss Still Hurts
State Farm*
years in business
6841 NE MLK, Portland
photo by J ake
District Attorney Mike Shrunk tells local residents that their involvement in police issues is crucial.
Hours o f operation:
9 am - 6 pm
8 am - 9 pm
11 am - 6 pm
“ W here are o ur north Portland
o fficers?” questioned one resident.
Several o th er q u estio n s noted
that they are m ore likely to hear
police sirens or see buildings v an ­
dalized than officers on patrol.
“ Ify o u d o n ’t feel like y o u ’re get­
ting good serv ice, th e re ’s a couple
o f avenues available to y o u ,” said
Saltzm an, w ho pointed out that citi­
zens can directly call precinct co m ­
m anders.
T h e b u re a u is lo o k in g at a 2
p e rc e n t c u t fo r th e n ex t b u d g e t
th a t w ill b e c o n sid e re d by C ity
C o u n cil th is sp rin g . E ach o ffic ia l
s a id th a t it w as im p o rta n t for
p e o p le to c o m e o u t an d m ak e sure
th a t the c o u n c il u n d e rsta n d s th at
th e y w a n t to m ak e su re th a t th is
se rv ic e is fu n d ed .