Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 03, 2010, Page 2, Image 2

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Portland Observer Black History Month
Jackson Doctor
Prosecutors plan to
ch arg e
M ichael
J a c k s o n ’s d o c to r
with m anslaughter
rather than take the
case to a grand jury,
a law enforcement official said Tues-
day. The complaint against Dr.
Conrad Murray would be the pre­
lude to a public hearing in which a
judge would weigh
testim o n y from
witnesses to de­
cide if there is
probable cause to
try him for involun­
tary manslaughter.
.Week in
The Review
kidney failure; and her 25-year-old
son Aaron Campbell was shot by
police less than 12 hours later. Po­
lice said Campbell was threatening
them when they responded to a call
about a suicidal
man with a gun.
Super Bowl
and father guilty o f criminally neg­
ligent homicide Tuesday for failing
to seek medical care for their 16-
year-old son who died o f an un­
treated urinary tract blockage. The
couple relied on faith healing.
Oscar Nominations Out
The science-fiction sen­
sation “Avatar” and the
w ar-o n -terro r th riller
“The Hurt Locker” led
the Academ y Awards
with nine nominations
each Tuesday, including
best picture and director
for former spouses James
Cameron and Kathryn Bigelow.
The New Orleans
Saints and Indianapolis Colts
faced the media in Miami Monday,
preparing for Sunday’s Super Bowl
Black Fathers Honored
Mom Loses Two Sons
XLIV matchup. The game will be
A Portland mother is mourning the televised on CBS (KOIN-Channel The Portland Trail Blazers have an­
nounced that in recognition o f Black
loss o f two sons in one day. Marva 6). Kick off is 3:25 p.m.
History Month that they will honor
Davis’s 23-year-oId son Timothy
a local black father at each o f their
Douglass died Friday o f heart and Mother, Father Guilty
An Oregon City jury found a mother games this month.
February 3, 2010
Military Brass: Repeal
‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’
(AP) -- It’s time to repeal the
military's "don't ask, don't tell"
policy and allow gay troops to
serve openly for the first time in
history, the nation's top defense
officials declared Tuesday, with
the chairman o f the Joint Chiefs o f
Staff proclaiming that service mem­
bers should not be forced to "lie
about who they are."
Reversing the Pentagon's 17-
y ear-o ld p o licy tow ard gays
"comes down to integrity," for the
military as an institution as well as
the service members themselves,
Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike
Mullen told a Senate hearing.
Jnpersuaded, several Republican
senators said they would oppose
any congressional effort to repeal
the policy.
The Pentagon announced an
11-m onth review o f how the ban
co u ld be lifted , as P re sid e n t
Barack Obam a has said he will
work to do.
In the meantime. Defense Secre­
tary Robert Gates announced plans
to loosen enforcement rules for the
policy, which says, in essence, that
gays may serve so long as they keep
their sexuality private.
Obama has called for repeal but
has done little in his first year in
office to advance that goal. If he
succeeds, it would mark the big­
gest shake-up to m ilitary person­
nel policies since President Harry
S. Trum an's 1948 executive order
integrating the services.
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