Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 27, 2010, Page 5, Image 5

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    January 27, 2010
1,1 | J o r i l a n ì > ( O h s e n i r fr
F a B living
H e re a r e a few sm a ll, low cost c h a n g e s you c a n m a k e
to k ic k s t a r t y o u r m o st F A B u lo u s y e a r e v e r:
Try a new hair­
style or haircut
Add 15 minutes o f exercise
to your daily routine
Add a new accessory
to your wardrobe
polish your nails once
per week...FREE
Smile all day
Have your eyebrows
shaped...$ 15-$25
The boost to your confidence is PRICELESS
J t s i F or F un
• 33 percent ofwomen choose to color their
own hair over going to a salon.
rhe average woman pays S42 for a
• l 7 percent of women choose to wax
eyebrows, lip, and/or bikini line.
• 3 percent ofw om en have tried Brazilian
Waxing. Ouch!
• 4 percent of women have never worn
• The average woman eats 4-9 pounds o f
lipstick lipgloss in her lifetime.
As a beauty expert for over 10 years. I’ve
learned that everyone has a different idea o f
what great beauty and style consists of.
What does a more beautiful self look like for
you? Halle Berry or Jennifer Lopez? Jennifer
Aniston or Angela Bassett? Whomever you
consider, all of these w omen have a beautiful
style that they make their ow n. I hope to bring
you an interesting fashion and beauty col-
umn that can inspire you to connect with
yourselfand with the women in your commu-
nity. Please contact me with any information
or questions you may have on our Facebook
page: FaB Living w/RebekahStar.
Welcome to the year 2010 — Your most
beautiful year yet! Although it's almost Feb-
ruary, we still have time to set some realistic
and great goals. As 1 brought in the New Year,
I reminisced on the last decade o f resolutions,
Well, how did I do? Financially? I could
always do better. Spiritually? I’ve grown.
Health & Beauty? I’d rather not say! I’m sure
you can figure that one out! With so many o f
us goals to better ourselves have a way o f
getting pushed behind everything else. The
truth is: If we make it a priority to meet those
goals, everything else will take a turn for the
better. Our mood, relationships, our social life
and even the amount o f money we make.
According to a University o f Texas Econom-
ics Study, men and women who take care o f
themselves by maintaining a health and beauty
regimen, make 10 percent to 15 percent more
those who don’t.Couldn’t you use a bit more
dough? I know I can! There are so many small,
easy additions and changes in our routine
from food and exercise to Fashion And Beauty
which can add loads o f value to our life,
This year I personally invite you to enjoy
FaB Living!
Page 5
New Therapy for Heart Attacks
Using stem cells to
repair heart tissue
Cardiac patients are now being enrolled
in a new study designed to evaluate whether
adult stem cells are an effective means o f
restoring damaged heart muscle
Oregon Health & Science University is
enrolling research participants in a new
clinical trial that evaluates whether intrave­
nous infusions o f adult stem cells can re­
store damaged heart tissue in patients after
a heart attack.
OHSU is the only health center in the
Northwest, and one o f only approximately
40 in the world, to offer the experimental
Prelim inary tests indicate stem cell
therapy administered within a week o f a
heart attack may reduce inflammation and
rebuild damaged heart muscle. The therapy,
called Prochymal, is a formulation o f adult
stem cells derived from the bone marrow o f
healthy adult donors.
If proven effective, this would be the first
time doctors are able to reverse the cardiac
injury inflicted by a heart attack. The therapy
also may reduce the chances o f developing
heart failure.
People who receive the treatment will be
followed for two years after receiving the
stem cell therapy .Participation in the study
includes a thorough health evaluation, study
related medications and tests at no cost to
the participants. For additional information
about the research study and eligibility, call
Lead Poisoning Prevention -- Learn how to
protect your family from lead poisoning. Ideal
for folks in live in older homes with children
or pregnant women. Qualified participants
receive a free kit o f safety and testing sup­
plies. Call 503-284-6827.
M anaging C hronic Hepatitis C - Third
Wednesday o f each month at 5 p.m. The
informative session is led by a registered
nurse to help you manage side effects o f
medications and dosage preparations and P aren tin g Classes - Newborns don’t come
administration; doctor referral required. To with instruction manuals but parents and
register, call 503-251 -6313.
parents-to-bc can learn about a variety o f
to p ic s from pain and c h ild b irth to
C ancer Resource C e n te r— Providence St.
breastfeeding to infant ('PR and much more.
V incent Medical Center and the American
Forascheduleofevents.call 503-574-6595 or
Red Cross have joined forces to create the
visit: providence.org/classes.
first in-hospital resource center providing
books, printed material, computer access C ardiac-R ehab Exercises — A medically su­
and more for individuals and families deal­ pervised exercise program for people dealing
ing w ith cancer. The center is open Monday with heart conditions. For information, call
through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The m assive 7.0 eartheuake that struck Haiti has left m illions of people on the brink of survival.
Give a g if t to Mercy Corps. Your q u ick
a c tio n tod ay w ill h elp save lives!
More th a n 3 m illion people have been
affected by the d ev astatin g q uake th a t struck the
im poverished country of Haiti. The d eath toll is
expected to be catastrophic. W ithout im m ediate
help, m an y m ore could die.
You can help prevent the further needless
loss of life. Mercy Corps has lau n ch ed a relief
effort th a t will provide lifesaving em ergency
supplies like food, clean water, a n d hygiene kits
for e arth q u ak e survivors.
Join us, a n d help save lives today.
P y x l
Call toll-free 1-800-766-4040.
EmergencyQuake-Relief Gift
' I will provide lifesaving emergency relief for the survivors of the
devastating earthquake in Haiti. Use my gift to bring food, clean
water, and other humanitarian assistance to people in need:
Fill out this form and drop it In
the mail along with your check.
V ity
Phone (
Give online at
Haiti Earthquake
Emergency Fund. Dept PO _
PO Bo« 2669
Portland. OR 97208 2669 *
tin n ii
ríeme mail your (beck pavohir to Mercy Corpi with this (orm tack
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