J'1'1 ~ __________ __________ ir,f* "Portlanb ODhserber January 27, 2010 SAFEWAY O Recipes by cooksrecipes.com WE DELIVER 6RO . n u o « H o m « Of Ingredients for life.. Italian Pork Melts on your 1 * ord< so tosafewayxom Ingredients • 1 pou n d b o neless pork roast sliced into stir-fry strips* • 2 teaspoons olive oil • 1/2 cup reduced-fat m ayonnaise Ar j • 4 (6-ineh) subm arine sandw ich rolls, split • 2/3 cup prepared pesto sauce • 2 w hole roasted red pep p ers, drained and halved • 4 ( 1 -ounce) slices part-skim m ozzarella cheese EXTREM E VALUE A w ONLY n a tu ra l p o rk SATURDAY & SUNDAY ONLY! Pork Shoulder Country Style Ribs Bone-in. Extreme Value Pack. Or Boneless Ribs S1.49 lb. SAVE up to $1.50 lb. Preperation 1 lea t oi I in large nonstick skillet o v er m edium -high strips to pan and brow n nicely, stir-frying, remt Club Price KB EATING R an cher's R ese rv e* Boneless B eef London Broil Eating Right" Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts or Thighs Extreme Value Pack Or Top Hard Roast SAVE w to $2 50 » Or Tender or Thin Sliced. $2 49 ID SAVE up to $1.00 lb. orcasi naives, cut into I l/Z -inch pieces • 1 large red bell pepper, seeded and cut into 1 1/2-inch pieces • 1 large green bell pepper, seeded and cut into 1 1 /2-inch pieces • 16 m ushroom s, stem s rem oved • 1 red onion, cut into 1 1/2-inch pieces • 8 (10-inch) skew ers • Salt/ground pepper to taste 5 to 9-te. packages Selected ranetes Out) Price $2.00 ea SAVE up to $2,98 on 2 SAVE up to 42c ib Club Price sm ooth. Pour into sm all bowl. 2. AL TER N A TELY thread chicken, bell peppers, m ushroom s and onion onto skew ers. Season w ith salt and pepper. Club Price 0 O rg a n ic s * S alad s Jum bo C antaloupe Preperation 1. PL A C E chutney and vinegar in blender; cover. B lend until Ju m b o R aw S hrim p 21 to 25 ct Sold in a 21b. teg Random weight $6 59 fc 'tosn.thawK. SAVE op to $4.00 lb Ju icy O' A njou Pears y\i woTiuu *»i SAVE up to $142» Club Price medium Cheddar 3. G R IL L o r broil kabobs, turning and basting w ith chutney barbecue sauce, lor 10 to 15 m inutes or until chicken is no longer pink. S A T U R D A Y » S U N D A Y O N LY! JBQG Z I X /U i # .. Primo Taoikf Pan Roasted Turkey Breast Sassy Buffalo Strips SAVEuotoStPCto Ingredients ; r » Post Honey Bunches of Oats 59 to 64- m Chilled Selected varieties Ctub Pnce $2 50 ea SAVEupto$Z98on2 32-w Medium Only SAVE up to 50t • 2 teaspoons paprika • 1 teaspoon garlic pow der 1/2 teaspoon 1 • 3 large egg w hites • 1 teaspoon hot p epper sauce • 3 chicken breasts, split, boned, skinned, (about 1 pound), cut into 3 x 1/2-inch thick strips • V egetable oil for frying • 1 cup prepared blue cheese dressing • A ssorted raw vegetable dippers: celery chunk#, baby carrots, bell pepper strips and sugar snap peas c T T ro p ic a n a P u re P re m iu m L u c e rn e * S h re d d e d o r C h u n k C h e ese 14 5-w « General Milts Lucky Charms 11.5-«. Cereal Ctub Price: $2.00 ea. J L BlHHHr MWU»»V 1 SAW - o \ ON « X B » n o ME OR lAAGfR £’ I 16 to 26-ar Selected varieties Club Pnce: $1.25 ea SAVE up to $2 96 on 4 1.5 to 1.75-qt Selected w rite s shallow dish. iiw a R agú Pasta S auce L u c e rn e * C ream ery Fresh or S afe w ay SELECT* Ic e C re a m Preperation 1. M ix together the flour, paprika, garlic pow der and salt in « m Yetlow Tan, M e rid ian or C o lu m b ia-C res t ?50-ml Selected rarefate SAVE up to $3 00 I | SATURDAYSSUNDAYONLY' Detergm! \ sTiinMib-«. «3U », MOO A b « *» **«« 2 Days Only! Buy 3 participating Pepsi’ 2. In another dish, beat egg w hites and hot pep p er sauce until frothy. (U-ph.. 13-az. can*, or «-ph., 24-©». bottloa. 3. Lightly coat chicken strips w ith flour m ixture; shake o f f excess. and 1 bag of Tostitos Tortilla Chips Salactad varlatioa.) (»to 13-0». D ip into egg m ixture; then again w ith flour m ixture. Selected varkahea.) Doritos 4. Fry a few strip sat a tim e in hot oil until golden o r done; rem ove and drain on paper tow els. K eep chicken w a rm u n til r p a d v WEVEGOT tn O M A T CLUB CARO SPECIALS AMO l A M / K R r C D * r< IWz EB □ E3 Q S3 K “ w m M k M M ii » - I '- w w M n » » - M t f r2n'5 *1 *"* SUPVW coupfiN' Ä o u p , 115 to 13-« go. Î '? 6 WMnesdw. January 27 thru Tuesday, F a trw y Washington ü iw s senang Wahtoakon. CowM7 Clark S kaum « and hbckitai Count#» Seiet l wJ v«uwties w , tw caso amo oma Limrt S per itapsMTop IW í& á f U w w 1 ul-eu«M»'wfe«» or onenyipropaimlanieit limilou ty Un* A U SIOMES Someawwt-se« pices nu» De m w lower to some sterns On 8uv One te weore itwn free BOl/J obera .ire out 1/2 price sues, it am» a »noie item purchased the only iw tontrueiw nis .Im a one coupon poi pwttrased Tern Customer wifi Uuiesoon w io r sales to excess nt h? unitors N f!inunf!.!i<« tor m cnii i tween ba prasam«« um» p ,« -^ » QHr valxJ wrh i»«c «xl Cot-ptn tawt trm$ cer rwÿ«i M msms J'O pw vM r wxt ’* Bi iftMPCm COWOH f A.MH0Î Bi OOvfcfo fswpwtwM ♦nHr'JiHC.