January 27, 2010 ®'!* sportiani» (fìbseruer Arts ' V Trinity Hosts Open House Trinity Lutheran School, 5520 N.E. Killingsworth St., will host an open house on Tuesday, February 2nd, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Wednesday, February 3rd, from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Trinity has been educating preschool to 8th grade children since 1891. IM im u III iaimum Oprah Winfrey Tell-all Due Gossipy author writes unauthorized bio (AP) - An Oprah tell-all is com­ ing in April, but Winfrey isn't the teller. Crown Publishers announced Thursday that Kitty Kelley's 544- page, unauthorized "Oprah: A Bi­ ography" will be released April 13. The first printing will be at least 500,000 copies. Kelley is known for gossipy, unflattering, but best-selling celeb­ rity books. She has also written about Frank Sinatra, Nancy Reagan and the Bush family. Among her more notorious allegations: that Sinatra and Reagan may have had an af­ fair while she was first lady, and that George W. Bush snorted co­ caine at Camp David when his father was president. Kitty Kelley Page 13 Kelley says she has high regard for W infrey, but also felt committed to writing the truth. Kelley says she devoted the past three years to ex­ amining Winfrey's life. She says she came away "full o f admiration for her accomplishm ents and fasci­ nated by her complexity." Crown says Kelley conducted 850 interviews for the book. "Oprah W infrey has fascinated me for many years — as a woman, she has wielded an unprecedented am ount o f influence over the Am erican culture and psyche," K elley said in a statem ent issued in D ecem ber 2006 by the Crown Publishing Group. "Oprah's story is one o f hope, prom ise and real­ ization o f the A m erican dream ." Platinum Fade S A L O N (Fi have the Best Barber & hair Stylist in Portland and we do Razor Line Cuts, Weaves, Relaxers and Cuts mm ‘Dangerous Fruit’ S B Starting in February, Portland’s Stephanie Schneiderman will kick off a residency at Jimmy Maks, downtown, playing each first and third Thursday, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Maks Barbers & Hairstylist Wanted - 1 month free 5010 NE 9th Unit A, Portland, Oregon 97221 background vocals, will join her. The duo will experiment on new songs as well with beats, loops, keys, electric guitar and harmonies. Schneiderman has been featured on programs like OPB's In House and “Oxygen.” Her first single has been added to radio stations around the country. 503-284-2989 Hours o f operation: • M -F 9 am - 6 pm Sat 8 am — 9 pm Sun 11 am - 6 pm T erry F amily F u n era l H ome Beginning in February, every first and third Thursdays, Portland's own Stephanie Schneiderman o f Dirty Martini will perform material from her landmark CD Dangerous Fruit at Jimmy Maks, downtown. S c h n e id e rm a n 's p a rtn e rsh ip with prolific Northwest electronic producer/D J Keith Schreiner re­ veals songs that artfully com bine am bient-indie-pop, trip hop, folk and soul. A bright young new-to-Portland talent, Jade Vanacore, on keys and Protest and Patriotism In 1942, more than 120,000 men, wom en, and children - the vast majority U.S. citizens - were forced to give up their hom es and m ost o f their possessions and be relocated to arm ed camps. Most went peace- fu lly , b e lie v in g c o o p e ra tio n show ed them to be good citizens eager to help in the war effort. A few had other ideas o f w hat en­ tails good citizenship. One o f them was a young Portland attorney and n atu ra l-b o rn U.S. c itizen nam ed M inoru Yasui. The story is recaptured in the play “Good Citizen” by George Tay­ lor, the winner ofCoHo Productions new play competition. Taylor uses a variety o f storytelling approaches to dramatize Yasui's story as part o f the greater political and personal upheaval that marked the intern­ ment o f Japanese Americans during World War II. P erform ances are Saturday, Jan.30at2p.m . and Tuesday, Feb. 2 at 7:30 p.m. at CoHo Theatre, 2257 N.W. Raleigh St. 2337 N. Williams Ave. Portland, Or 97227 503-249-1788 We make the service personal. You make the tribute personal. Every time we arrange a personalized funeral service, we take special pride going the extra mile. With our online Memorial Obituary, now we can do even more. Friends and family can find out service information, view photos, read obituary. order flowers and leave personal messages of condolences from anywhere, anytime Simply go to our website. www.terryfamilyfuneralhome.com "Dedicated to providing excellent service and superior care o f your loved one ” Dwight A. Terry Oregon License CO-3644 Amy S. Terry Oregon License FS-0395