Page IO JJortlanb (Dbsewer Çy The .African American M m gfc Y J Men s Clufi, Inc ' V ':- Ç? AnnuaC Ç? fa fe n tin e Dinner Dance S a tu rd a y , F e b r u a r y 13, 2010 no P(k 5 Lodge 6 N o r tfi Ti I Cam 00 fe St. PortCaneC, O regon Good Music* » V 9 PM - 1 AM 50/50 Split Raffle * Fun for All After Five Attire Tickets: $ 15.00 - available at: IMfUAINMlNI Opposites Do Attract P It was a cold night where an epie and highly anticipated grind time battle was about to take place, “the Backspace” between world rap champions Illmaculate and his fre­ quent counterpart The Saurus. But beneath the hype o f the Oct. 21 event was the emergence o f a brand new dynamic Northwest Duo by the name o f “T&E,” a title that BY DlEZEL AAMC’ Club Members Elks Lodge 503-284-4853 Cannon’s Rib Express 503-288-3836 One Stop Music, Ine 503-284-8103 Geneva's Shear perfection 503-285-1159 James and Johnnie Mae Mayfield (Vancouver) 360-576-8519 * M u s ic B y D J P apa C h u c k ;k Proceeds to benefit the AAMC Scholarship Program The African American M en’s Club is a non-profit organization *Q Q *G »Q YOURSELF YOUR FAMILY YOUR COMMUNITY HI N1 flu is still in our community. Some folks suffer more from this virus than others. Nationally, Blacks are having serious complications in greater numbers than other groups. Vaccination is the best way to protect yourself and others from the flu. Get vaccinated against H1N1. IT'S EASY. IT'S FAST. GET YOUR H1N1 FLU SHOT. Learn w here to g e t your FREE FLU SHOT at or cal, th e vaccine info line at 503-988-4454 January 27, 2010 Portland rappers Tope and Epp Saheed have formed T&E. simply uses the first letters of the already recognized Portland alias’ Tope & Epp Saheed. T ope is a sm o o th sp o k en wordsmith, whose style thrives off rapid word play, while Epp Saheed demands attention by venturing various lyrical deliveries with highly energetic stage presence. This is a hip hop team that s living proof (no pun intended) that opposites do the recording and writing process difficult, so Tope decided to estab- fish him self as a solo artist in the Rose City while Prem was following his collegiate path. Epp Saheed is also a Portland em cee who has recently gone through a few group departures and sought out new stability within the hip hop scene. The two had been “T n o rth e a s t Portland native, " Tope has been a fan ° fhip h°p since a child, but didn’t decide to person- ally pursue a career in the musical genre until his early high school years. He later established him self within the local hip hop scene along side his friend and future crew mem- ber Prem, forming the unique and talented group “ Living Proof.” The song writing and producing duo would gain popularity through- out the Northwest after releasing their 2007 debut album “Roots to Branches,” but found their second project at a halt when Prem moved to Seattle to attend graduate school, Though Living Proof is still a solidified group, they found the long distance and hectic schedules made mutual admiration o f each other’s music and we had been talking about doing a project for maybe 3 years, so when we linked up with G F o rc e in August we knew the time was right to finally make an album together.” So I’m you still make music as Living Proof? “Living Proof is definitely still making new music, we're actually 14 songs into our follow up album to ‘ Roots To Branches. ’ Prem has been in Seattle pursuing a Master's De­ gree in Education, so in the mean­ time I've had a chance to work on a solo project and now the T&E project.” What do you plan to accomplish as an artist or group? “1 think the goal with my music is to be able to live, eat, and travel from it. As o f right now I'm still working a 40+ hour job, but hopefully some­ day I'll be able to do music as my main occupation and tour to bring my music to new audiences.” As you m ay kn ow , ¡staking a sustainable and environmental approach towards the urban cul- ture ofthe Rose City. How do you feel about eco hip-hop - music that is beneficial to the environment and addresses issues within it? definitely a fan o f music and musicians that can deliver a positive message to their audience. I —------------------------------------------- ——___ ___ _______________ familiar with each other through past “I'm definitely a fan o f music and concerts at the Hawthorne Theater musicians that can deliver a posi- and discussed a possible collabora- five message to their audience. The tion for years, but wouldn’t trans- ability to open eyes and minds to form talk into reality until last when issues that aren't always addressed they linked up with the multi-tal- in mainstream media.” ented DJ and producer “G-Force.” You can preview or download I got a chance to further elabo- T& E’s new song “Get It Back” for rate with Tope on his crew ’s devel- opment, future plans and percep- W h a t’s H appening tion ofthe rapidly evolving hip hop serves as a social media and net- scene: working site fo r P ortland’s urban First off, why did you guys decide lifestyle with information on fash- toformT&E? ion, ' e n te rta in m e n t a n d g reen “I think Epp and I always had a awareness.