Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 27, 2010, Image 1

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    Volume XXXX, Number 4
Established in 1970
Wednesday • January 27, 2010
Jazz, F unkand Fusion
Versatile Mike Phillips makes
Portland debut
years #
Arts & Entertainment, page 11
‘City of Roses’
community service
Committed to Cultural Diversity
■ • -
Portland s 82nd Avenue
J ake T homas
The Portland Observer
The unm arked Ford C row n
V ictoria police cruiser takes a
sharp turn from Stark Street onto
b the windshield of a Portland police officer on patrol for illegal drugs and prostitution.
Vice Patrol
Fighting drugs, prostitution on 82nd Avenue
82nd Avenue in southeast Port­
It’s a damp, frigid Friday night.
land. A pattern o f cheap hotels, But the police are still present in a
strip clubs, and Asian food res­ part o f the city that has grown
taurants that mark the landscape notorio u s for p ro stitu tio n and
blur by as the car speeds up.
meth use.
The officer I’m with, who asked
not to have his name in the paper
for safety reasons, has been on
this beat for about a year and half.
He has a friendly and chipper de­
m ean o r, not u n lik e a sch o o l
teacher who w ants to be on good
term s with his students, but isn ’t
on page 18
Families Tackle
Weighty Issues
Obesity takes a toll on young and old '
J ake T homas
T he P ortland O bserver
Biagioli, who has been practic­
ing since 1998, tries to encourage
Frances Biagio 1 i, a family doctor her patients to take better care o f
at Oregon Health Science Univer­ themselves, but often finds herself
sity, has seen people come to her achievirig limited success.
with joint aches, leg pain, high blood
She has also become so accus­
pressure, insomnia, and shortness tomed to treating overweight pa­
photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserve
o f breath.
tients that she almost considers it University Park recreation leader Amourie Downing and mentor Christopher Bradley supervise local
All the ailments o f her patients normal.
kids. Curtis Hooks IV (from left), Makalia Brooks, Taviana Tolbert, Jaya Stone, Kayla Pierce, and
have something in common: they’re
Jericho Sly-Davis, as they participate in Portland Play, a new program that aims to keep young
continued y f on page 15
all either overweight or obese.
people active and prevent them from putting on pounds.