Page 16 jdortlanb (Observer January 20, 2010 Haiti’s Aftershock co n tin u ed ¿ ^ f r o m F ron t and the lim itations o f the w orld's g o v e rn m e n ts. E x p e c ta tio n s e x ­ ceeded w hat m oney, will and m ili­ tary m ight have been able to achieve so far in the face o f unim aginable calam ity. R escue groups continue to work, even though tim e is running out for those buried by the quake. A M ex i­ can team created after that nation's 1985 earthquake rescued Ena Zizi, 69. She had survived a w eek buried in the ru in so f the residence of Haiti's R om an C atholic archbishop, w ho died. O ther team s pul led tw o w om en from a collapsed university bu ild ­ ing. But m ost efforts are focused on getting aid to survivors. "We n e e d so m u c h . F o o d , clothes, we need everything. I don't know w hose responsibility it is, but they need to give us som ething soon," said Sophia Eltime, a 29-year- old m other o f tw o w ho has been living under a bedsheet with seven m em bers o f herextended family. She said she had not eaten since Jan. 12. It is not ju st H aitians questioning why aid has been so slow for victim s ' ™ " y ^uu ia u w u inio d c-± f uiooemaster at trie Port-Au-Prmce airport in Haiti for a flight to Orlando, Fla. i / / c c v a u u c c i of one o f the w orst earthquakes in were Americans, visa holders and Haitians with children or parents in the U.S. history — an estim ated 200,000 dead, 250,000 injured and 1.5 million by Dr. Paul Farm er, the deputy U.N. ing D om inican Republic, o r left h o v ­ daily capacity from 30 Hights before U.S. aid efforts, although his boss. hom eless. O fficials in France and envoy to Haiti. "O ur m edical d irec­ ering in the air. T he nonfunctioning the quake to 180 on T uesday. P re sid e n t N ic o las S a rk o z y , d e ­ Brazil and aid groups such as D o c­ tor has estim ated that 20,000 people seaport and im passable roads c o m ­ "W ere doing ev erything in o u r fended the U.S. on T uesday, as did tors W ithout B orders have co m ­ are dying each day w ho could be p licate e ffo rts to g et aid to the p o w er to speed aid to Haiti as fast as the U nited N ations. U.N. spokes­ plained o f bottlenecks, skew ed p ri­ saved by surgery." people. hum anly possible," said G en. D o u ­ w om an Elisabeth Byrs credited the orities and acrippling lack o f leader­ G o v e r n m e n ts h a v e p le d g e d A id is being turned back from the glas Fraser, head o f U .S. S outhern U.S. w ith bringing in great am ounts ship and coordination. nearly $1 billion in aid, and th o u ­ single-runw ay airport, w here the Command. o f aid and expertise, and said the "Tens o f th o u san d s o f e a rth ­ sands o f tons o f food and m edical U.S. m ilitary has com e under c riti­ T he W orld Food Program said airport w ouldn't be w orking w ithout quake v ictim s need em ergency su r­ supplies have been shipped. But cism for poorly p rioritizing flights, m ore than 250,000 ready-to-eat food U.S. m ilitary help. gical care n o w !" said a press release m uch rem ain s trap p ed in w are- although the U.S. A ir Force said rations had been distributed in Haiti U.S. defense officials acknow l­ from Partners in H ealth, co-founded houses, diverted to the neighbor- T uesday it had raised the facility's by T uesday, only a fraction o f the 3 edged bottlenecks, but said they have m illion people thought to be in d es­ been w orking aggressively to elim i­ perate need. T here have been a n ec ­ nate them. They note that many m ili­ dotal stories o f starvation am ong tary flights also carry aid, and W hite the old and infirm , but apparently no House spokesman Tom my V ietor said w idespread starvation — yet. that by M onday, few er than a third o f The W FP said it needs to deliver flights into Haiti were U.S. military. 100 million ready-to-eat rations in the A bout 2,200 M arines established next 30 days. Based on pledges from a beachhead w est o f Port-au-Prince the U nited States, Italy and D enm ark, on T uesday to help speed aid d eliv­ it has 16 million in the pipeline. ery, in addition to 9,000 already on Truly making a difference in the lives of So far, international re lie f efforts th e g ro u n d . L t. C m d r. W a lte r Auto Accident victims and Injured Workers for 16 years. have been unorganized, d isjointed M atthew s, a U.S. m ilitary spokes­ If you or someone you know has been in an accident, and insufficient to help a people in m an, said helicopters w ere ferrying call us so we can help you with your needs. (503) 284-7838 need o f such basics as food, w ater aid from the airport into Port-au- and m edical care. D octors W ithout Prince and the nearby town o f Jacm el B orders says urgently needed su r­ as fast as they can. We are located on the gical eq u ip m en t and drugs have T he U .N. w as sending in rein ­ corner ofM LK and Russell been tu rn ed aw ay five tim es, even forcem ents as w ell: T he Security Street, on the second floor though the agency received advance C ouncil voted T uesday to add 2,000 au thorization to land. peacekeepers to the 7,000 already in above the coffee shop. "It's frustrating to see planes land­ H aiti, and 1,500 m ore police to the ing, officials com ing in and m ilitary 2,100-strong international force. planes co m in g in, carry in g m ilitary "The floodgates for aid are start­ p e rs o n n e l a n d th e ir s u p p lie s ," ing to open," M atthew s said at the M arie-N oelle R odrigue, the g ro u p ’s airport. "In the first few days, you're W Parking Ai ea deputy o p eratio n s m anager, said lim ited by m anpow er, but w e’re start­ 333 NE from Paris. "W e see there are p rio ri­ ing to bring people in." Riixsell «00 ties being given but don't u n d er­ T he W FP's A lain Jaffre said the stand on w hat grounds." U .N. organization was starting to F ren c h C o o p e ra tio n M in iste r Russell St find its stride after distribution prob­ A lain Jo y an d et w ent as far as d e ­ lem s, and hoped to help 100,000 s m anding a U .N. investigation into people by W ednesday. Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC Zchon R. Jones, DC 333 NE Russell St., #200, Portland, OR. 97212 (503) 284-7838