Page 10 'ri,c jJnrtlatih OObseruer January 20. 2010 ENIINAINMENI Portland Dancers Share Program T ere M athern and M inh T ran, tw o o f the Pacific N orthw est's finest choreographers, com bine forces fo r a new W hite Bird U ncaged series. Perform ances are scheduled, W ednesday, through Sunday, Jan. 20-24 at M iller Hall at the W orld Forestry C enter. K now n for precision kinetics and lush choreographic patterns, M athern creates w ork that is distinctive for its elegant m arriage o f razor-sharp, spare abstraction w ith fluid, spatial form . M inh T ran has created a body o f w ork celebrated for its singular fusion o f traditional A sian and contem porary w estern techniques. In the shared program , T ere M athern D ance and M inh T ran & C om pany w ill perform tw o new w orks co m m issio n ed by W hite B ird and perform ed in the round, w ith a live score by T im D uR oche and a set by visual artist D avid Eckard. M inh Tran-will team up w ith co m p o ser H eather P erkins and and visual ¿e & A new duet performed and choreographed by Tere Mathern and Minh Tran, two o f the Pacific Northwest’s finest choreographers. Advertise with diversity ____ ¿Observer Call 88-0033 To Place You ied Advertisement 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-Ì88-0015 Your Care We are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 (Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain* • Workers Compensation injuries Call for an appointment! M TV is jo in in g the m ajor b ro ad ­ cast netw orks and several cable channels for an all-star “H ope for H aiti” telethon for H aitian earth ­ quake re lie f on Friday, Jan. 22. at 8 p.m. N etw orks show ing the telethon are ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, CNN, BET, th eC W ,H B O ,M T V ,V H l andCM T. It will also be available in tern atio n ­ ally. _ Dr. Marcelitte Failla Chiropractic Physician (503)228-6140 sexual identity, based on the personal and em otional history o f T ran's com ing-out experience. Haitian Relief Telethon H aitian-born en tertain er W y clef Jean will helm the show from N ew York, and G eorge C looney will host the Los A ngeles part. C N N 's A nder­ son C ooper will be in Haiti. M TV says there w ill be m usical Our First Priority film d esig n er D avid B ryant to create a new w ork "K ISS" on the subject o f _ _ perfo rm an ces and celebrity a p ­ p earan ces. The show w ill benefit Jean's Yele (YA Y '-lay) H aiti Founda­ tion, as well as U N IC EF, O xfam America, Partners in Health, and the R ed C ross. Wyclef Jean