% 2010 sp e c ia l eoition County Hoste AALK Event M t. Hood Kicks Out Tobacco January 13. 2010 The Managers of Color Or­ g an izatio n o f M ultnom ah County is proud to present its annual Martin Luther King pro­ gram on Wednesday, Jan. 13 from 11:30a.m. to 1 p.m. inthe board conference room of the Multnomah Building, 501 S.E. Hawthorne. Guest speaker will be Renee Mitchell, the award-winning M artin L uther K ing J r . former journalist for The Or­ egonian. Local talent Alexis Jackson will be singing. This event is free and open to the public. Page 5 To ensure a safe and healthy educational environment, all Mt. Hood Community College locations became to­ bacco free with the New Year. MHCC joins Portland Community College and Clark College in Vancouver as local college campuses which have kicked the cigarette habit. Renee Mitchell For information on quitting smoking, call the Oregon Tobacco Quit Line, 800-QUIT-NOW (784-8669). For Tickets Call Star Tickets Plus at 8 0 0 .5 8 5 .3 7 3 7 or visit SPIRITMOUNTAIN.COM SPIPJT M O U N TA IN C A S IN O The Northwest'» Premier Entertainment Destination HWY 18 • GRAND RONDE, OR • SPIRITMOUNTAIN.COM