% 2010 M Page 48 a r t in L u t h e r K in g J r . January 13. 2010 s p e c i a l e o i lio n SAFEWAY O Ingredients for life., Healthy Snack Recipes Recipes by: BetferRecipes.com Tahoe Trail Mix Ingredients • 1 cup bran flakes • 1 1/2 cups com flakes • 1/2 c u p q u ic k c o o k in g oatm eal • 1/2 cup dark raisins or dried cranberries • 1/2 cup sliced alm onds • 1/4 cup flaked coconut, optional • 1 teaspoon ground cinnam on • 1/3 cup frozen apple ju ic e concentrate, thaw ed • 1/2 cup peanut or plain chocolate candies Method • Peheat oven to 300 degrees. In a large bow l, mix together all ingredients except candy. Spread m ixture on a large bilking sheet o r roasting pan. B ake 20 m inutes, stirring halfw ay through, or until m ixture is crispy and golden. Cool and add candy. Store mix in an airtight container ** If you d o n ’t like raisins or cranberries, use your favorite dried fruit Simple Spinach Pizza Ingredients • • • • • • W hole w heat flatbread Tom ato sauce Fresh cloves garlic, crushed Fresh baby spinach Shredded m ozzarella cheese Turkey pepperoni slices Method T ake flatbread and pour tom ato sauce on and spread it out. T ake crushed garlic and spread out over sauce, as m uch or as little to your taste. C over w ith fresh spinach then w ith m ozzarella cheese. Place turkey pepperoni on top o f cheese. B ake in a preheated oven at 375 degrees for about 10 m inutes, o r until cheese is m elted. Healthy Banana Split Fruit Salad Ingredients • • • • • • • • 2 large bananas 4 cups low fat cottage cheese 1/2 cup w alnuts or pecans 1/3 cup raisins 1 m ango 1 cup fresh pineapple, sliced 1 cup fresh straw berries 2/3 cup w heat germ o r ground flax seed Method M akes tw o large salads or four sm aller ones. Slice bananas in h a lf lengthw ise. Place on plates form ing an oval. In cen ter o f bananas, place cottage cheese, l/4 c u p a ta tim e . Place pineapple slices around bananas. Peel m ango and cut into pieces. A rrange around bananas. T o peel m ango, take a fork and insert it into m ango next to seed, then slice m ango into quarters through the skin. Peel m ango and cut into fruit for serving. A dd nuts to top and sides of plate. Sprinkle flax seed o r w heat germ over top o f cottage cheese. W ash straw berries and add to plate then top everything o ff with a sprinkle o f raisins Selected varieties on all your favorite Iuice drinks’ P»:,. WAn-j Dftmb ukamc Ocean So,«, Merit N Had. W t a n . lanoon UM. Mmutt Meal, Jwcy Alice. Wrtrt V Aden and *opei Pnadcajd ;wr> Mil - M b tv nannai; Ml iMWMMt w • '•**.**■ MB W-Ctotto wtwn you buy any S Single ta n dub prin ’195 WOtetVbOl-itoCid TAcnsgfl^oiEVEimMyunvpRKEs... tt s rtght on the tag! AND ORKAT CLUB CARO SPECIALS! 3” Easy to understand value 2*» JANUARY QDQKSKSQGQ !»■ .a, w u» w. * A*-» s*****.’ a** *» * «» «w n CM t a r r a a t w c « fe d ir a ». PO 06 ’i TOC !•»« ad 900a tt»o«|h JenueeylMhAUuMirSARt OlR MOUSf MCM.0 «R OAT *w # ta ta 0» ta ,'KSr. «ta. owr« jo'iaw j» ta v> » « i*. s w i a » W-O w uiwm.ta» un * ï,?*' * ” * * w ,** * » " » 3 ’* » V tata« te km , 4 O m m « t o t o t o ; « » « « « t o p » » « « * * O J T îte to r « «¡W ta t o *e v ta s « m ' Í3M 5W I