M Page 44 a r t in L u t h e r K in g J r . January 13. 2010 2010 s p e c ia l Our legacy is yours Promoting Local Cultural Diversity Islamic Society hosts events E M A N U E L Medical Center TH E C H IL D R E N ’S H O S P IT A L Legacy Em anuel G O O D S A M A R IT A N icaf t e n te r M E R ID IA N PARK M O U N T H O O D Medical Center S A L M O N CREEK Medical C .enter LEGACY M E D IC A L G R O U P LEG ACY LA B O R A T O R Y LEGACY RESEARCH LEGACY H O S P IC E LEGACY H EALTH As a way to celebrate diversity - and to kick off the New Year with good health - Portland’s Muslim community will host an art exhibit and health screening over the Mar­ tin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend at the Islamic Society of Greater Portland, 16100 S.W. Blanton in Beaverton. “The Graceful Names of Allah” marks the latest work from locally- based artist Kanaan Kanaan — known for his artistic celebration of culture and faith between East and West - a “crossing of the divide.” This exhibit showcases a sample of the 99 names of Allah (God) in the form of tiles, large and small, each intricately detailed with rich, color­ ful designs. The exhibit kicks off with a recep­ tion and “artist talk” at 6 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 15; the exhibit contin­ ues throughout the weekend. All art will be for sale, with a portion of the proceeds being donated to the Cres­ cent Islamic Montessori School. Each year, in Portland, only 54% of African-American students graduate from high school. Yet in 2008 and 2009, every single one of SEI students graduated. As in 100%. Plus, on average, more than 85% continue on to pursue higher education or occupational training, many being the first in their families to do so. Shagufta Hasan, M.D., will lead the health screening, to include both blood pressure and sugar tests, and she will offer sign-ups and details about a free dental clinic to take place Sunday, Jan. 31. Both the counselor/ psychologist and acupuncturist with Dr. Hasan’s Beaverton-based medi­ cal clinic will be on-site at the health screening to answer questions and schedule appointments for their ser­ vices, available for a small donation or free as needed. Founded in 2004, the Crescent Islam ic M ontessori offers p re­ school and lower elementary grade school for chi ldren ages3-6 and 6-9. Its mission is to provide a develop- mentally appropriate program based on the principles and philosophy of Dr. Maria Montessori and the rec­ ommendations of latest research in early childhood education within an Islamic atmosphere. For more information, contact Kate Chester at 503-706-1294 or at katechester2003@yahoo.com. SELF Amazing results when you realize that every nine seconds an American student becomes a dropout, according to CNN. Amazing results, despite the fact that 90% of the students in our program are also faced with significant social, academic and economic obstacles. When you make a donation to SEI, you make difference. To learn more, visit www.SelfEnhancement.org. SELF ENHANCEMENT, INC. D evelopm ent D e p artm en t 3920 N Kerby Ave P o rtlan d , OR 97227-1255 UIITH (503) 249-1721 m-mSH YOUTH